All relevant information contained in this web-site, including
financial statements, reports, annual reports and press releases
in connection with this Company is prepared in accordance
with the request of the in charge government agencies, and,
to our best knowledge, is accurate as of the date of preparation.
Nevertheless, all such information may turn out to be inaccurate
due to the passage of time or occurrence of events. This Company
will not be responsible for updating or amending any such
In the mean time, all the financial statements, report data,
annual reports, press releases as well as other information
may contain forecast, anticipation, estimation, evaluation
and forward-looking statements of company operations, market
developments, product trends and the results of future undertakings
and actions. In terms of those statements, there are numerous
factors that may influence or deviate materially the results
from those originally stated or indicated. This Company also
declares no responsibility to update or amend such statements.
The materials and information contained in this website is
prepared and compiled by ABIT Computer Corporation. The posting
and publication of them is for information circulation purposes
only and entertains no connection with the offering or solicitation
of disposal of company securities and other legal activities.