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Secure IDE™ is a device that connects to your IDE hard disk and has a special decoder key; without this key, your hard disk cannot be opened by anyone. Thus hackers and would be information thieves cannot access your hard disk, even if they remove it from your PC.

Protector for Business and personal secret

ABIT SecureIDE™ Leader of digital data protect!
Nowadays, information security has become a major concern with all kinds of end users, as most documents are now stored electronically. Business and personal files must be kept safe from unwanted intruders. ABIT has had a lot of experience in the field of data protection for motherboards: We were the first company to adopt RAID as a standard specification of all motherboards, beginning in 2001. This initiative was welcomed by end-users and media, and it also soon became an industry standard.

ABIT listened to users who were asking for information security. In July 2003, we are the first company to introduce this feature on our motherboards. Secure IDE is an IEEE key that connects to your IDE hard disk and has a special decoder; without this key, your hard disk cannot be opened by anyone. Thus hackers and would be information thieves cannot access your hard disk, even if they remove it from your PC.

How to Use ABIT's SecureIDE™ to Protect your Information/Data?
Secure IDE is a encryption card that uses the eNOVA X-Wall chipset that ensures confidentiality and privacy of your data through disk encryption. When booting up your system, go to DOS and implement the FDISK instruction. This instruction will make a partition to format the Hard Disk to accept the secure IDE key. After this procedure, there are no more extra steps to perform besides using the IEEE key to "open" the hard disk each time you boot up your system.

Nowadays it is necessary to have information security no matter what field your data comes from: business, scientific, government or copywrite protection. Only Secure IDE can protect your data.

Quick Installation Guide

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