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AirPace Family

環茂abit AirPace Music娛樂天堂無線音樂播放器開啟了無線音樂新視野,兼具黑色時尚與輕巧設計的AirPace Music,搭配家裡純數位2.1或5.1的立體環繞音效喇叭,創造個人化、高質感的數位無線音樂環境,享受新時代數位無線生活就是這麼簡單!

abit AirPace Music具備了「無線網路+數位音樂傳遞」功能,透過802.11b/g的無線傳輸協定,任何一台具備無線連網能力的電腦,都能直接存取,並且透過AirPace Music上的類比與光纖音效輸出介面,將音樂從2.1 or 5.1數位喇叭播出,把音樂帶到每一個角落! 透過abit獨家技術,完整傳遞清晰無雜質的純淨高品質的數位音樂!配備可遙控的AirPace Music,使用者可將電腦放在書房,abit純數位的音響喇叭-iDome放在臥室,利用無線傳輸的方式,遠端遙控享有音樂無所不在的全新體驗!

此外,AirPace Music也具備了無線基地台功能的功能,讓您在網路存取與音效輸出的部份,作多元化的使用。使用者可將個人電腦裡的資料,透過無線傳輸的方式,分享給有支援無線傳輸的PC或筆記型電腦。利用abit獨家軟體--無線音樂精靈,簡易友善的安裝介面,幫您既快速又輕鬆地完成設定。創造個人化的純數位音樂環境,abit AirPace Music是您最佳的選擇!

來一趟無線音樂之旅 >>

環茂abit AirPace Wi-Fi娛樂天堂無線網路卡是市面上第一款使用PCI-E介面的無線網路卡,遵守802.11b/g無線傳輸協定的Wi-Fi卡,可適用任何PCI-E插槽。利用abit獨特的軟體技術,無繁複的網路設定,讓您輕鬆上網,和全世界的朋友交談並享受即時遊戲對戰的快感AirPace Wi-Fi還擁有網路分享器的功能,讓您與遠端朋友無線零時差的分享彼此的生活點滴!

環茂abit的所有產品設計皆符合"Future Proof"的理念,由於PCI-E在支援的頻寬與工作的頻率方面大幅優於PCI介面,PCI介面將會逐漸地被取代,而PCI-E勢必成為擴充卡的主流趨勢,因此,abit率先推出使用PCI-E介面的無線網路卡,擁有abit AirPace Wi-Fi的 消費者將不用擔心產品生命周期過短的問題。

AirPace Wi-Fi利用獨家軟體,增加了無線基地台的功能,使用者可以透過AirPace Wi-Fi和親朋好友們分享彼此的資訊,音樂,電影。若將AirPace Wi-Fi結合abit AirPace Musicabit iDome純數位音響喇叭使用,消費者可以輕易地透過個人電腦,創造最個人化的純數位娛樂環境,並且把親朋好友們都連結在一起,共同分享歡樂時光!

µGuru Family

Part of the µGuru™ family, abit's Guru Clock allows you to access and select system performance your system while playing games, listening music, browsing Internet or office applications in full screen without need to stop or close the application you are running.

In addition, Guru Clock displays overclocking levels, hardware monitoring status, room temperature, debug code and warning notice, allows you to power on/off your PC, and even notifies you of new Skype/MSN/e-mail messages - all from its convenient LCD display.

Take the Guru Tour >>

Part of the µGuru™ family, abit's Guru Clock allows you to access and select system performance your system while playing games, listening music, browsing Internet or office applications in full screen without need to stop or close the application you are running.

In addition, Guru Clock displays overclocking levels, hardware monitoring status, room temperature, debug code and warning notice, allows you to power on/off your PC, and even notifies you of new MSN/e-mail messages - all from its convenient LCD display.

Guru Panel Introduction
Part of the µGuru family, ABIT's Guru Panel allows you to access and select system performance while playing games, listening music, browsing Internet or office applications in full screen without need to stop or close the application you are running. In addition, Guru Panel displays overclocking levels, hardware monitoring status, room temperature and warning notice, and even notifies once MSN/e-mail messages - all from its convenient LCD display.
Guru Panel's friendly audio and video interfaces designed for connecting with popular external hard drives, digital audio, digital video, and other high speed consumer electronic devices from the front panel.
Front Panel
陞技 Media XP 前置面板全新的IEEE1394 和USB2.0介面技術使得消費者擁有不同凡響的便利多媒體使用介面。
IDE to Serial ATA
Use Your Current Hard Drive to Connect to Serial ATA Today
Upgrade your hard disk, CDRW or CD/DVD ROM to Serial ATA!
Encryption Device
SecureIDE™ 為一張可以於電腦系統開機時驗證安全金鑰的IDE硬碟即時加解密卡,它可以直接安裝在您現有的IDE硬式磁碟機上,如果您沒有使用安全金鑰來開啟您的硬式磁碟機,則您將無法讀取存放於硬式磁碟機中的任何資料。
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