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Motherboard>LGA775>AA8-3rd Eye

Bios Issue Date:2006/06/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty ATI X1300.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006
BIOS: aa824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. Enhance the IDE RAID card compatibility.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2005
BIOS: aa823.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The EIST function now works on an Intel 630 processor.
  2. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. Add new CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 04/18/2005
BIOS: aa822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/03/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu po wciśnięciu kombinacji ALT-F2 podczas wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo w trakcie trwania procedury POST.
  2. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego po zainstalowaniu CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
  3. Rozszerzenie zakresu dostępnych częstotliwości FSB do 500 MHz.
  4. Dodanie opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) i przydzielenie jej domyślnej wartości "Disable" (wyłącz).
  5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
  6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
  7. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu w przypadku, gdy wykorzystywany jest 4-ty port SATA.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/23
BIOS: aa820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  3. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  4. Zwiększona kompatybilność z modułami pamięci RAM.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2005.
BIOS: aa818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  2. Dodanie opcji "CPU Operating Speed" (prędkość działania CPU) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 1066 MHz.
  3. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  4. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  5. Poprawione wyświetlanie nazwy CPU w przypadku niektórych procesorów z FSB 1066 MHz.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość DRAM) w OC Guru.
  7. Obsługa podkręcania CPU z szyną FSB 1066 MHz w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode" (ustawienia predefiniowane w µGuru).
  8. Zwiększenie stabilności w przypadku korzystania z procesorów z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  9. Kalibracja niektórych napięć zasilających CPU w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode".
  10. Kalibracja górnego limitu napięcia zasilającego mostek północny chipsetu w ABIT EQ.
  11. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: aa817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add support AA8XE.
  2. Fixed an issue where after clear CMOS & into BIOS setting but not Load Optimized Default CPU clock show 0000MHz.
  3. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
  4. Adjust CPU FAN Speed Low Limit to 300RPM.
  5. Add adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPU.
  6. Update CPU micro code.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue if system resume from standby mode before.
  8. Preserve USER Preset Mode in OC Guru, if CPU change.
  9. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004
BIOS: aa815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  2. dodanie funkcji generowania sygnału dźwiękowego w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej nie zainstalowano jeszcze żadnych modułów DIMM pamięci RAM
  3. dodanie pozycji "CPU feature" (typ CPU) w sekcji "Advanced BIOS Features" (zaawansowane opcje BIOS-u)
  4. ustalenie w przypadku FSB=533 MHz domyślnej wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DDR na 2:3
  5. usunięcie usterki nie przechodzenia procedury POST przy wciskanym (wciśniętym) klawiszu TAB
  6. włączenie opcji "SATA Mode" (tryb SATA) jeśli w "Onchip Serial ATA mode" (tryb pracy wbudowanego w chipset kontrolera SATA) ustawiono wartość "Auto"
  7. usunięcie usterki generowania błędu "COMS CHECK COMS" w przypadku, gdy w opcji "PCI-E Compliancy Mode" (tryb zgodności PCI-E) wybrano "v1.0"
  8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
BIOS: aa814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. zwiększenie stabilności CPU podczas pracy z FSB powyżej 250 MHz
  2. dodanie opcji "DDR600"
  3. dodanie funkcji "Game Accelerator"
  4. zwiększenie stabilności pracy dysków twardych z interfejsem Serial ATA
  5. dodanie komunikatów "Interleaved Mode" (tryb z przeplotem) lub "Assymetric Mode" (tryb asymetryczny) dla trybu dwukanałowego oraz "Single Channel" (jeden kanał) dla trybu jednokanałowego
  6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.07.22
BIOS: aa812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. dodanie obsługi procesorów Pentium 4 Extreme Edition
  2. dodanie pozycji "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość pracy pamięci DRAM) i "HOST/DRAM Clock" (zegar bazowy/pamięci) w ekranie stanu wyświetlanym po zakończeniu procedury POST
  3. zmiana maksymalnych limitów temperatur "PWM Temperature 1" i "PWM Temperature 2" (odczyty temperatury obwodów zasilania płyty głównej 1 i 2) na wartość 130 C
  4. zmiana informacji DMI
  5. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.25
BIOS: aa811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.26


Bios Issue Date:2006/06/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty ATI X1300.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006
BIOS: aa824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. Enhance the IDE RAID card compatibility.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2005
BIOS: aa823.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The EIST function now works on an Intel 630 processor.
  2. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. Add new CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 04/18/2005
BIOS: aa822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/03/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu po wciśnięciu kombinacji ALT-F2 podczas wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo w trakcie trwania procedury POST.
  2. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego po zainstalowaniu CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
  3. Rozszerzenie zakresu dostępnych częstotliwości FSB do 500 MHz.
  4. Dodanie opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) i przydzielenie jej domyślnej wartości "Disable" (wyłącz).
  5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
  6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
  7. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu w przypadku, gdy wykorzystywany jest 4-ty port SATA.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/23
BIOS: aa820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  3. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  4. Zwiększona kompatybilność z modułami pamięci RAM.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2005.
BIOS: aa818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  2. Dodanie opcji "CPU Operating Speed" (prędkość działania CPU) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 1066 MHz.
  3. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  4. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  5. Poprawione wyświetlanie nazwy CPU w przypadku niektórych procesorów z FSB 1066 MHz.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość DRAM) w OC Guru.
  7. Obsługa podkręcania CPU z szyną FSB 1066 MHz w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode" (ustawienia predefiniowane w µGuru).
  8. Zwiększenie stabilności w przypadku korzystania z procesorów z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  9. Kalibracja niektórych napięć zasilających CPU w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode".
  10. Kalibracja górnego limitu napięcia zasilającego mostek północny chipsetu w ABIT EQ.
  11. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: aa817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add support AA8XE.
  2. Fixed an issue where after clear CMOS & into BIOS setting but not Load Optimized Default CPU clock show 0000MHz.
  3. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
  4. Adjust CPU FAN Speed Low Limit to 300RPM.
  5. Add adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPU.
  6. Update CPU micro code.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue if system resume from standby mode before.
  8. Preserve USER Preset Mode in OC Guru, if CPU change.
  9. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004
BIOS: aa815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  2. dodanie funkcji generowania sygnału dźwiękowego w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej nie zainstalowano jeszcze żadnych modułów DIMM pamięci RAM
  3. dodanie pozycji "CPU feature" (typ CPU) w sekcji "Advanced BIOS Features" (zaawansowane opcje BIOS-u)
  4. ustalenie w przypadku FSB=533 MHz domyślnej wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DDR na 2:3
  5. usunięcie usterki nie przechodzenia procedury POST przy wciskanym (wciśniętym) klawiszu TAB
  6. włączenie opcji "SATA Mode" (tryb SATA) jeśli w "Onchip Serial ATA mode" (tryb pracy wbudowanego w chipset kontrolera SATA) ustawiono wartość "Auto"
  7. usunięcie usterki generowania błędu "COMS CHECK COMS" w przypadku, gdy w opcji "PCI-E Compliancy Mode" (tryb zgodności PCI-E) wybrano "v1.0"
  8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
BIOS: aa814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. zwiększenie stabilności CPU podczas pracy z FSB powyżej 250 MHz
  2. dodanie opcji "DDR600"
  3. dodanie funkcji "Game Accelerator"
  4. zwiększenie stabilności pracy dysków twardych z interfejsem Serial ATA
  5. dodanie komunikatów "Interleaved Mode" (tryb z przeplotem) lub "Assymetric Mode" (tryb asymetryczny) dla trybu dwukanałowego oraz "Single Channel" (jeden kanał) dla trybu jednokanałowego
  6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.07.22
BIOS: aa812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. dodanie obsługi procesorów Pentium 4 Extreme Edition
  2. dodanie pozycji "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość pracy pamięci DRAM) i "HOST/DRAM Clock" (zegar bazowy/pamięci) w ekranie stanu wyświetlanym po zakończeniu procedury POST
  3. zmiana maksymalnych limitów temperatur "PWM Temperature 1" i "PWM Temperature 2" (odczyty temperatury obwodów zasilania płyty głównej 1 i 2) na wartość 130 C
  4. zmiana informacji DMI
  5. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.25
BIOS: aa811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.26


Bios Issue Date:2006/06/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty ATI X1300.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006
BIOS: aa824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. Enhance the IDE RAID card compatibility.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2005
BIOS: aa823.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The EIST function now works on an Intel 630 processor.
  2. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. Add new CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 04/18/2005
BIOS: aa822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/03/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu po wciśnięciu kombinacji ALT-F2 podczas wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo w trakcie trwania procedury POST.
  2. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego po zainstalowaniu CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
  3. Rozszerzenie zakresu dostępnych częstotliwości FSB do 500 MHz.
  4. Dodanie opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) i przydzielenie jej domyślnej wartości "Disable" (wyłącz).
  5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
  6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
  7. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu w przypadku, gdy wykorzystywany jest 4-ty port SATA.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/23
BIOS: aa820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  3. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  4. Zwiększona kompatybilność z modułami pamięci RAM.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2005.
BIOS: aa818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  2. Dodanie opcji "CPU Operating Speed" (prędkość działania CPU) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 1066 MHz.
  3. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  4. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  5. Poprawione wyświetlanie nazwy CPU w przypadku niektórych procesorów z FSB 1066 MHz.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość DRAM) w OC Guru.
  7. Obsługa podkręcania CPU z szyną FSB 1066 MHz w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode" (ustawienia predefiniowane w µGuru).
  8. Zwiększenie stabilności w przypadku korzystania z procesorów z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  9. Kalibracja niektórych napięć zasilających CPU w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode".
  10. Kalibracja górnego limitu napięcia zasilającego mostek północny chipsetu w ABIT EQ.
  11. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: aa817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add support AA8XE.
  2. Fixed an issue where after clear CMOS & into BIOS setting but not Load Optimized Default CPU clock show 0000MHz.
  3. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
  4. Adjust CPU FAN Speed Low Limit to 300RPM.
  5. Add adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPU.
  6. Update CPU micro code.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue if system resume from standby mode before.
  8. Preserve USER Preset Mode in OC Guru, if CPU change.
  9. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004

Motherboard>LGA775>AA8XE-3rd Eye

Bios Issue Date:2006/06/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty ATI X1300.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006
BIOS: aa824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. Enhance the IDE RAID card compatibility.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2005
BIOS: aa823.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The EIST function now works on an Intel 630 processor.
  2. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. Add new CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 04/18/2005
BIOS: aa822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/03/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu po wciśnięciu kombinacji ALT-F2 podczas wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo w trakcie trwania procedury POST.
  2. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego po zainstalowaniu CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
  3. Rozszerzenie zakresu dostępnych częstotliwości FSB do 500 MHz.
  4. Dodanie opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) i przydzielenie jej domyślnej wartości "Disable" (wyłącz).
  5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
  6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
  7. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu w przypadku, gdy wykorzystywany jest 4-ty port SATA.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/23
BIOS: aa820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  3. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  4. Zwiększona kompatybilność z modułami pamięci RAM.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2005.
BIOS: aa818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  2. Dodanie opcji "CPU Operating Speed" (prędkość działania CPU) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 1066 MHz.
  3. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  4. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  5. Poprawione wyświetlanie nazwy CPU w przypadku niektórych procesorów z FSB 1066 MHz.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM Frequency" (częstotliwość DRAM) w OC Guru.
  7. Obsługa podkręcania CPU z szyną FSB 1066 MHz w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode" (ustawienia predefiniowane w µGuru).
  8. Zwiększenie stabilności w przypadku korzystania z procesorów z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  9. Kalibracja niektórych napięć zasilających CPU w funkcji "µGuru Preset Mode".
  10. Kalibracja górnego limitu napięcia zasilającego mostek północny chipsetu w ABIT EQ.
  11. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: aa817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add support AA8XE.
  2. Fixed an issue where after clear CMOS & into BIOS setting but not Load Optimized Default CPU clock show 0000MHz.
  3. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
  4. Adjust CPU FAN Speed Low Limit to 300RPM.
  5. Add adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPU.
  6. Update CPU micro code.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue if system resume from standby mode before.
  8. Preserve USER Preset Mode in OC Guru, if CPU change.
  9. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004


Bios Issue Date:2006/10/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support multiplier adjusting function for Core 2 Duo CPU.
  2. Update AHCI BIOS ROM.
  3. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  4. Add the item "Thermal control".
  5. Support DRAM tRFC adjusting function.
  6. Support Conroe L CPU.
  7. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3.
  8. The function "wake on LAN" now works as intemded.
  9. BIOS compiled date: 10/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/09/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support the IDE/ RAID mode adjusting function on JMicron363
  2. Enhanced memory compatibility with certain memories.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 09/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/08/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zlikwidowano problem braku możliwości ustawienia parametru CAS Latency na poziomie 5 i 6
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/09/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/07/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  2. Usunięto problem zawieszania się systemu na ekranie POST z kodem 2A po instalacji procesorów 2 Duo.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/20/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/06/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/28/2006

Motherboard>LGA775>AB9 Pro

Bios Issue Date:2006/10/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support multiplier adjusting function for Core 2 Duo CPU.
  2. Update AHCI BIOS ROM.
  3. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
  4. Add the item "Thermal control".
  5. Support DRAM tRFC adjusting function.
  6. Support Conroe L CPU.
  7. Audio now works as intended after resuming from S3.
  8. The function "wake on LAN" now works as intemded.
  9. BIOS compiled date: 10/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/09/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support the IDE/ RAID mode adjusting function on JMicron363
  2. Enhanced memory compatibility with certain memories.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 09/08/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/08/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zlikwidowano problem braku możliwości ustawienia parametru CAS Latency na poziomie 5 i 6
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/09/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/07/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  2. Usunięto problem zawieszania się systemu na ekranie POST z kodem 2A po instalacji procesorów 2 Duo.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/20/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/06/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/28/2006


Bios Issue Date:2006/03/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę płyty z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/17/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/10/2006
BIOS: ag824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/04/2005
BIOS: ag822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the EIST function does not work with Intel 630 processor
  2. BIOS compiled date: 04/14/2005
BIOS: ag821.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that system may hang when pressing ALT-F2 at full screen logo screen.
  2. Fixed minor wording issue when CPU with 2M L2 cache is installed.
  3. Change the adjustable FSB range to 500MHz.
  4. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
  5. Added EIST control item.
  6. Add "C1E Function" control item.7
  7. Fixed the issue that system may hang when SATA port 4 in used.
  8. BIOS compiled date: 03/23/2005
BIOS: ag820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  2. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/02/2005.
BIOS: ag819.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodana obsługa modelu RocketBoy AG8.
  2. Dodana obsługa EIST.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/18/2005
BIOS: ag818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności z procesorami z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  3. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  4. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  5. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM ratio" (podzielnik DRAM) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 533 MHz.
  7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: ag817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Fixed an issue where where the CPU clock would display 0000MHz after clearing the CMOS and BIOS setting but not selecting "Load Optimized Defaults".
  3. Shows DRAM type when full screen logo is disabled.
  4. Adjusted CPU fan speed lower limit to 300RPM.
  5. Removed DDR600 item.
  6. Added adjustable MAX and MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue which affected systems resuming from standby mode.
  8. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004
BIOS: ag816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default stand-by mode from S1 to S3 to meet WHQL requirement. This function should be accompanied by changing USB-PWR Jumper setting from default 1-2 (disabled wake-up) to 2-3 (enabled wake-up). Please refer to user's manual and check correct jumper position.
  2. BIOS compile date: 09/09/2004
BIOS: ag815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  2. dodanie funkcji generowania sygnału dźwiękowego w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej nie zainstalowano jeszcze żadnych modułów DIMM pamięci RAM
  3. dodanie pozycji "CPU feature" (typ CPU) w sekcji "Advanced BIOS Features" (zaawansowane opcje BIOS-u)
  4. ustalenie w przypadku FSB=533 MHz domyślnej wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DDR na 2:3
  5. usunięcie usterki nie przechodzenia procedury POST przy wciskanym (wciśniętym) klawiszu TAB
  6. włączenie opcji "SATA Mode" (tryb SATA) jeśli w "Onchip Serial ATA mode" (tryb pracy wbudowanego w chipset kontrolera SATA) ustawiono wartość "Auto"
  7. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Restore on AC Power Loss" (przywróć/uruchom ponownie po zaniku zasilania)
  8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
BIOS: ag814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Shows CPU Clock value from AC2003.
  2. Added "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" wording after Dual Channel.
  3. Corrected "Restore on AC Power Loss" item.
  4. Added notification when no 80-wire cable is installed.
  5. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
BIOS: ag812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports AG8-V.
  2. Supports P4 Extreme Edition CPUs.
  3. Added DRAM Frequency & HOST/DRAM Clock items to post screen.
  4. Added PWM Temperature 1 & 2 shutdown temperature maximums to 130 degree C.
  5. Revised DMI information.
  6. Updated CPU micro code.
  7. BIOS compile date: 06/25/2004
BIOS: ag811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.26

Motherboard>LGA775>AG8-3rd Eye

Bios Issue Date:2006/03/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę płyty z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/17/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/10/2006
BIOS: ag824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/04/2005
BIOS: ag822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the EIST function does not work with Intel 630 processor
  2. BIOS compiled date: 04/14/2005
BIOS: ag821.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that system may hang when pressing ALT-F2 at full screen logo screen.
  2. Fixed minor wording issue when CPU with 2M L2 cache is installed.
  3. Change the adjustable FSB range to 500MHz.
  4. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
  5. Added EIST control item.
  6. Add "C1E Function" control item.7
  7. Fixed the issue that system may hang when SATA port 4 in used.
  8. BIOS compiled date: 03/23/2005
BIOS: ag820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  2. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/02/2005.
BIOS: ag819.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodana obsługa modelu RocketBoy AG8.
  2. Dodana obsługa EIST.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/18/2005
BIOS: ag818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności z procesorami z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  3. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  4. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  5. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM ratio" (podzielnik DRAM) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 533 MHz.
  7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: ag817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Fixed an issue where where the CPU clock would display 0000MHz after clearing the CMOS and BIOS setting but not selecting "Load Optimized Defaults".
  3. Shows DRAM type when full screen logo is disabled.
  4. Adjusted CPU fan speed lower limit to 300RPM.
  5. Removed DDR600 item.
  6. Added adjustable MAX and MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue which affected systems resuming from standby mode.
  8. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004
BIOS: ag816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default stand-by mode from S1 to S3 to meet WHQL requirement. This function should be accompanied by changing USB-PWR Jumper setting from default 1-2 (disabled wake-up) to 2-3 (enabled wake-up). Please refer to user's manual and check correct jumper position.
  2. BIOS compile date: 09/09/2004
BIOS: ag815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  2. dodanie funkcji generowania sygnału dźwiękowego w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej nie zainstalowano jeszcze żadnych modułów DIMM pamięci RAM
  3. dodanie pozycji "CPU feature" (typ CPU) w sekcji "Advanced BIOS Features" (zaawansowane opcje BIOS-u)
  4. ustalenie w przypadku FSB=533 MHz domyślnej wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DDR na 2:3
  5. usunięcie usterki nie przechodzenia procedury POST przy wciskanym (wciśniętym) klawiszu TAB
  6. włączenie opcji "SATA Mode" (tryb SATA) jeśli w "Onchip Serial ATA mode" (tryb pracy wbudowanego w chipset kontrolera SATA) ustawiono wartość "Auto"
  7. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Restore on AC Power Loss" (przywróć/uruchom ponownie po zaniku zasilania)
  8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
BIOS: ag814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Shows CPU Clock value from AC2003.
  2. Added "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" wording after Dual Channel.
  3. Corrected "Restore on AC Power Loss" item.
  4. Added notification when no 80-wire cable is installed.
  5. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
BIOS: ag812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports AG8-V.
  2. Supports P4 Extreme Edition CPUs.
  3. Added DRAM Frequency & HOST/DRAM Clock items to post screen.
  4. Added PWM Temperature 1 & 2 shutdown temperature maximums to 130 degree C.
  5. Revised DMI information.
  6. Updated CPU micro code.
  7. BIOS compile date: 06/25/2004
BIOS: ag811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.26


Bios Issue Date:2006/03/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę płyty z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/17/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/10/2006
BIOS: ag824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/04/2005
BIOS: ag822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the EIST function does not work with Intel 630 processor
  2. BIOS compiled date: 04/14/2005
BIOS: ag821.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that system may hang when pressing ALT-F2 at full screen logo screen.
  2. Fixed minor wording issue when CPU with 2M L2 cache is installed.
  3. Change the adjustable FSB range to 500MHz.
  4. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
  5. Added EIST control item.
  6. Add "C1E Function" control item.7
  7. Fixed the issue that system may hang when SATA port 4 in used.
  8. BIOS compiled date: 03/23/2005
BIOS: ag820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zwiększenie kompatybilności przy pracy z czterema modułami pamięci 1 GB każdy.
  2. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania programu FlashMenu w przypadku korzystania z procesorów zgodnych z technologią EM64T.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/02/2005.
BIOS: ag819.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodana obsługa modelu RocketBoy AG8.
  2. Dodana obsługa EIST.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/18/2005
BIOS: ag818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  2. Zwiększenie kompatybilności z procesorami z serii Pentium 4 Extreme Edition.
  3. Dodanie wyświetlania na ekranie komunikatu "EM64T".
  4. Zwiększenie wydajności kart graficznych PCI Express.
  5. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku, gdy zawartość pamięci CMOS została wyczyszczona przez program Award Flash, a podsystem SATA został skonfigurowany do pracy w trybie RAID.
  6. Korekta komunikatu "DRAM ratio" (podzielnik DRAM) dla CPU pracujących z częstotliwością FSB 533 MHz.
  7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
BIOS: ag817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Fixed an issue where where the CPU clock would display 0000MHz after clearing the CMOS and BIOS setting but not selecting "Load Optimized Defaults".
  3. Shows DRAM type when full screen logo is disabled.
  4. Adjusted CPU fan speed lower limit to 300RPM.
  5. Removed DDR600 item.
  6. Added adjustable MAX and MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
  7. Fixed an auto wake up issue which affected systems resuming from standby mode.
  8. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004
BIOS: ag816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default stand-by mode from S1 to S3 to meet WHQL requirement. This function should be accompanied by changing USB-PWR Jumper setting from default 1-2 (disabled wake-up) to 2-3 (enabled wake-up). Please refer to user's manual and check correct jumper position.
  2. BIOS compile date: 09/09/2004
BIOS: ag815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU
  2. dodanie funkcji generowania sygnału dźwiękowego w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej nie zainstalowano jeszcze żadnych modułów DIMM pamięci RAM
  3. dodanie pozycji "CPU feature" (typ CPU) w sekcji "Advanced BIOS Features" (zaawansowane opcje BIOS-u)
  4. ustalenie w przypadku FSB=533 MHz domyślnej wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DDR na 2:3
  5. usunięcie usterki nie przechodzenia procedury POST przy wciskanym (wciśniętym) klawiszu TAB
  6. włączenie opcji "SATA Mode" (tryb SATA) jeśli w "Onchip Serial ATA mode" (tryb pracy wbudowanego w chipset kontrolera SATA) ustawiono wartość "Auto"
  7. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Restore on AC Power Loss" (przywróć/uruchom ponownie po zaniku zasilania)
  8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
BIOS: ag814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Shows CPU Clock value from AC2003.
  2. Added "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" wording after Dual Channel.
  3. Corrected "Restore on AC Power Loss" item.
  4. Added notification when no 80-wire cable is installed.
  5. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
BIOS: ag812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports AG8-V.
  2. Supports P4 Extreme Edition CPUs.
  3. Added DRAM Frequency & HOST/DRAM Clock items to post screen.
  4. Added PWM Temperature 1 & 2 shutdown temperature maximums to 130 degree C.
  5. Revised DMI information.
  6. Updated CPU micro code.
  7. BIOS compile date: 06/25/2004
BIOS: ag811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.26

Motherboard>Socket 478>AI7

BIOS: ai719.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/11/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Supports certain SATA CDROMs when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
  4. Changed "CPU Alarm temperature" default to 85°C.
  5. BIOS compile date: 11/03/2004
BIOS: ai718.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. BIOS compile date: 08/17/2004
BIOS: ai717.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/04/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU Micro Code.
  2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
  3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
  4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
  5. Fixed an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
  6. BIOS compile date: 04/09/2004
BIOS: ai716.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/02/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the AI7 BIOS.
  2. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
    1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
    2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
  3. Added "CPU FAN Failed Warning" item.
  4. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
  5. Updated Intel OSB logo.
  6. Changed the default year to 2004.
  7. Added "Full Screen LOGO Show" and replaced "Intel OnScreen Branding" item.
  8. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
  9. BIOS compile date: 02/25/2004.
BIOS: ai714.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/11/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update AI7 BIOS.
  2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
  3. Disabled Winbond W83627HF sensor unit to prevent incorrect CPU voltage information shown in some third party software.
  4. Fixed the problem where the BIOS will show the string "AGP/PCI Frequency is 66/33MHz" twice after warm boot.
  5. Fixed the problem where certain CD/DVD-ROM could not be correctly detected when there is a HDD drive attached on the same IDE cable.
  6. Fixed the problem where system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and the user pressed the power button to shutdown the system during POST.
  7. Fixed the problem where IDE devices cannot be detected correctly if TAB and DEL is pressed at the same time when entering the BIOS setup.
  8. Fixed the problem where HDD size is detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
  9. Enhance system performance.
  10. BIOS compile date: 11/10/2003.
BIOS: ai713.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/10/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update AI7 BIOS.
  2. Fixed the problem "CPU Fan Fail Shutdown" fails to function.
  3. Fixed the problem "Restore On AC Power Loss" fails to function.
  4. Revise the "NB FanEQ Control" temperature range to 25~50℃.
  5. BIOS compile date: 10/15/2003.
BIOS: ai712.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/10/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update AI7 BIOS.
  2. Fixed the system hangs at post code 52h when using Media XP and Iomega USB ZIP 250.
  3. Fixed some string will not be shown on the POST screen when pressed TAB key to enter POST screen.
  4. Synchronize the external clock and voltage with OC Guru.
  5. Synchronize the options related to temperature monitoring and FanEQ with μGuru .
  6. Add CPU throttling function.
  7. BIOS compile date: 10/07/2003.
BIOS: ai711.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/09/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update AI7 BIOS.
  2. First release.
  3. BIOS compile date: 09/23/2003


Bios Issue Date:2006/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z procesorami Pentium 4 EE.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/07/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/12/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 12/14/2005
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Presler CPU.
  2. ABIT EQ now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 11/30/2005
BIOS: al815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Memory frequency will be shown correctly when N/B Strap CPU as is set to "By CPU"
  2. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot up from SiliconImage RAID controller when Intel RAID BIOS is enabled.
  3. The function "S/PDIF in" will be work correctly now.
  4. Update CPU micro code.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 08/23/2005
BIOS: al814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that BIOS will only show one processor when a dual core CPU is installed.
  2. tRAS will be shown correctly now.
  3. EIST now works as intended.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 07/19/2005
BIOS: al813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that with certain VGA card does not work with four 1GB RAM modules.
  2. Intel OSB now shows correctly according to the CPU used.
  3. PS2 mouse now works with USB keyboard.
  4. Pentium D 840 will be detected correctly.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 07/06/2005
BIOS: al812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/05/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. PCI-Express clock now shows correctly in OC Guru.
  2. Synchronize BIOS OC preset table with OC Guru.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 05/24/2005
BIOS: al811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/05/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 05/12/2005


Bios Issue Date:2006/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z procesorami Pentium 4 EE.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/07/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/12/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 12/14/2005
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Presler CPU.
  2. ABIT EQ now works as intended after resuming from S3 mode.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 11/30/2005
BIOS: al815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/08/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Memory frequency will be shown correctly when N/B Strap CPU as is set to "By CPU"
  2. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot up from SiliconImage RAID controller when Intel RAID BIOS is enabled.
  3. The function "S/PDIF in" will be work correctly now.
  4. Update CPU micro code.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 08/23/2005
BIOS: al814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that BIOS will only show one processor when a dual core CPU is installed.
  2. tRAS will be shown correctly now.
  3. EIST now works as intended.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 07/19/2005
BIOS: al813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that with certain VGA card does not work with four 1GB RAM modules.
  2. Intel OSB now shows correctly according to the CPU used.
  3. PS2 mouse now works with USB keyboard.
  4. Pentium D 840 will be detected correctly.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 07/06/2005
BIOS: al812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/05/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First Release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 05/24/2005

Motherboard>Socket A>AN7

BIOS: an719.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/13
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD XP OEM processor 2800+ support.
  2. Enhance CPU compatibility with Sempron 2200+.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 06/13/2005
BIOS: an718.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added new CPU support.
  2. Enhanced memory compatibility.
  3. Calibrated CPU frequency.
  4. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
BIOS: an717.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. AMD Sempron CPU support.
  2. BIOS compile date: 08/06/2004
BIOS: an716.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added "Wake Up By OnChip LAN" item.
  2. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
    1. The OS is installed in the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
    2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
  3. Corrected "Restore on AC Power Loss" item.
  4. Fixed OS shutdown function failure if "USB Mouse Support via BIOS" is enabled.
  5. BIOS compile date: 07/30/2004
BIOS: an715.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/03/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the AN7 BIOS.
  2. Added Auto-Shutdown function when CCMOS jumper is set to pins 2-3. The correct CCMOS jumper should be on pins 1-2; in case it is placed on 2-3, the CPU core voltage will be abnormally high, an the system will shut down automatically to protect the CPU from damage.
  3. Fixed an issue where USB-ZIP will be detected as a harddisk.
  4. Updated SI3112 SATA BIOS to v4.2.47.
  5. Revised the characters in "Wakeup by Alarm".
  6. Enhanced USB 2.0 device compatibility, "Integrated Peripherals / OnChip PCI Device / USB 2.0 Device Compatible / Disabled -> Enabled".
  7. Fixed an issue where SCSI boot ID cannot be selected when certain SCSI cards are installed.
  8. Fixed an issue where SATA HDD boot up will fail if a PS/2 mouse is not installed.
  9. Fixed an issue where the system will show 119 degrees under certain circumstances.
  10. BIOS compile date: 03/04/2004.
BIOS: an714.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/01/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the AN7 BIOS.
  2. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
  3. Updated Silicon Image 3112 controller ROM to version 4.2.43.
  4. Added CPU fan fail warning option.
  5. Added AGP frequency on the fly option.
  6. Saved CPU default ratio to µGuru.
  7. Added SATA ROM control option.
  8. Fixed mouse power on fails to function when using certain mice.
  9. Enhanced compatibility with WD400AB hard disk.
  10. Synchronized FanEQ temperature settings with OC Guru.
  11. Reduced the time it takes to resume from STR state when using Windows 98 and Windows ME.
  12. Added "Full screen logo show" option.
  13. BIOS compile date: 01/06/2004
BIOS: an713.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/11/13
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the AN7 BIOS.
  2. Fixed the problem where after pressing "F8" for OC on the fly and then pressing ESC, the image on screen will become distorted.
  3. Fixed the wake on ring fail problem.
  4. Fixed the problem where a SATA hard disk will not respond after resuming from S3 mode.
  5. Updated DRAM DMI information and revised the wording of memory status from "DDR SDRAM at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in the system configuration table.
  6. Fixed the problem where the DRAM timing is not changed after saving and exiting the BIOS.
  7. Enhanced SATA device stability.
  8. Added resume from S3/S4 mode using USB devices.
  9. Fixed the problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
    1. The OS is installed in the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present
    2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
  10. BIOS compile date: 11/13/2003
BIOS: an712.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/11/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update AN7 BIOS.
  2. First release.
  3. BIOS compile date: 11/11/2003

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. wsparcie dla FX-60
  2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
  3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
BIOS: an818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
  2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
  3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
BIOS: an817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
BIOS: an816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
  2. Change Full screen logo.
  3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
  5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
  6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
  7. Update AMD MCT2
  8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
BIOS: an815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update MCT2
  2. Support dualcore cpu
  3. Modified DMI Pool
  4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
  5. Delete "an emergy star"
BIOS: an813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
  2. Add "Wake-up by Onchip LAN" function.
  3. Add LDT frequency item "x1.5" and "x2.5".
  4. Add some new USB related items.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 04/25/2005
BIOS: an812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Aktualizacja ROM-u wbudowanego kontrolera RAID do wersji 4.81.
  2. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania mnożnika częstotliwości CPU.
  3. Usunięcie usterki zawieszania się BIOS-u w sekcji monitorowania napięć zasilających w ABIT EQ, występującej w przypadku, gdy napięcie DDR ustawiono na 2,80 V.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 17/02/2005.
BIOS: an811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 02/01/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8 32X

Bios Issue Date:2006/07/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono możliwości podkręcania.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/03/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/07/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Zwiększenie możliwości overclocking-u
  2. Wsparcie dla LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/07/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/03/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Rozwiązano problemy związane z ustawieniem częstotliwości zegara powyżej wartości 277MHz.
  2. Częstotliwość pracy CPU jest prawidłowo prezentowana dla częstotliwości zegara powyżej 256MHz.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/22/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/29
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 11/29/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8 SLI

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. wsparcie dla FX-60
  2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
  3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
BIOS: an818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
  2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
  3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
BIOS: an817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
BIOS: an816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
  2. Change Full screen logo.
  3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
  5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
  6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
  7. Update AMD MCT2
  8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
BIOS: an815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update MCT2
  2. Support dualcore cpu
  3. Modified DMI Pool
  4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
  5. Delete "an emergy star"

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8 Ultra

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. wsparcie dla FX-60
  2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
  3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
BIOS: an818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
  2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
  3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
BIOS: an817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
BIOS: an816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
  2. Change Full screen logo.
  3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
  5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
  6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
  7. Update AMD MCT2
  8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
BIOS: an815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update MCT2
  2. Support dualcore cpu
  3. Modified DMI Pool
  4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
  5. Delete "an emergy star"
BIOS: an813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 04/25/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8-3rd Eye

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. wsparcie dla FX-60
  2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
  3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
BIOS: an818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
  2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
  3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
BIOS: an817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
BIOS: an816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
  2. Change Full screen logo.
  3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
  5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
  6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
  7. Update AMD MCT2
  8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AN8-V

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. wsparcie dla FX-60
  2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
  3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
BIOS: an818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
  2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
  3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
BIOS: an817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
BIOS: an816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
  2. Change Full screen logo.
  3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
  5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
  6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
  7. Update AMD MCT2
  8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
BIOS: an815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update MCT2
  2. Support dualcore cpu
  3. Modified DMI Pool
  4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
  5. Delete "an emergy star"
BIOS: an814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/05/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 05/20/2005

Motherboard>Socket AM2>AN9 32X

Bios Issue Date:2006/10/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support DRAM ECC function.
  2. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU A64 X2 3800+ "ADA3800IAA5CU".
  3. CPU multiplier adjusting function now works as intended after resuming from S3.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 10/23/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/06/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 06/22/2006


BIOS: as818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005
BIOS: as817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default RTC year to 2005.
  2. Added EIST support.
  3. Updated CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 01/21/2005
BIOS: as816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail Intel CPUs.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Changed the default setting of "ACPI Suspend Type" to "S3".
  4. Changed the default setting of "Resume by USB from S3" to "Enable".
  5. Enhanced compatibility with certain SATA DVD-ROMs.
  6. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
BIOS: as815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added CPU FEATURE item.
  3. BIOS compile date: 08/18/2004
BIOS: as811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Removed “OC On The Fly” item from ABIT EQ
  2. Fixed an issue where the system temperature would be wrong if ABIT EQ Beep Control was disabled.
  3. Revised help information in Multiplier factor about not supporting “OC On The Fly”.
  4. Added P4 Extreme Edition & Celeron-D logo.
  5. Supports µGuru Clock.
  6. Updated CPU micro code.
  7. Added PWM Temperature maximum to 130 degree C.
  8. Revised DMI information.
  9. BIOS compile date: 06/28/2004
BIOS: as810.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/04/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.32 to update AS8 BIOS
  2. First release.
  3. BIOS compile date: 04/28/2004

Motherboard>LGA775>AS8-3rd Eye

BIOS: as818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005
BIOS: as817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default RTC year to 2005.
  2. Added EIST support.
  3. Updated CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 01/21/2005
BIOS: as816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail Intel CPUs.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Changed the default setting of "ACPI Suspend Type" to "S3".
  4. Changed the default setting of "Resume by USB from S3" to "Enable".
  5. Enhanced compatibility with certain SATA DVD-ROMs.
  6. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
BIOS: as815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added CPU FEATURE item.
  3. BIOS compile date: 08/18/2004


BIOS: as818.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005
BIOS: as817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed default RTC year to 2005.
  2. Added EIST support.
  3. Updated CPU micro code.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 01/21/2005
BIOS: as816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail Intel CPUs.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Changed the default setting of "ACPI Suspend Type" to "S3".
  4. Changed the default setting of "Resume by USB from S3" to "Enable".
  5. Enhanced compatibility with certain SATA DVD-ROMs.
  6. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
BIOS: as815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added CPU FEATURE item.
  3. BIOS compile date: 08/18/2004

Motherboard>Socket A>AT7

BIOS: at7ed.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/08/29
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change the default year after clear CMOS to 2003.
  2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
  3. Change the wording "DDR SDRAM at DIMM" to "DDR at DIMM" in order to match the wording on the PCB.
  4. BIOS compile date: 08/29/2003.
BIOS: at7c4.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/10/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update HPT 374 BIOS from 1.1 to 1.22 to fix special boot sequence issue.
    • Use PS/2 keyboard and mouse simultaneously.
    • HDD attached to IDE 3 or 4.
    • CDROM attached to IDE2.
    • When above 3 description are true, booting up from Win 98SE floppy disk will fail to find some system files.
  2. Fix system paused at C3 after cleared CMOS with Sumsung DDR K4H560838D Modul.
  3. BIOS Compile Date: 10/11/2002.
BIOS: at7an.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS Compile Date: 8/22/2002
BIOS: at78v.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/06/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support new 0.13micron process AthlonXP CPU-Throughbred.
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/05/2002
BIOS: at78r.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add the option "Onboard Lan Boot ROM". The default setting is "Disabled" that to shorten the booting time.
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/09/2002.
BIOS: at78c.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First Release.
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/03/2002.

Motherboard>Socket A>AT7-MAX2

BIOS: at72eb.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
  2. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
  3. HPT 374 BIOS version 1.23.
  4. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
BIOS: at72dd.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
  2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
  3. Support Barton 2600+(333 FSB) and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266 FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
  4. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166)to be AMD officially suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
  5. HPT 374 BIOS version 1.23.
  6. BIOS compile date 3/27/2003.
BIOS: at72dc.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/01/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. The default year in BIOS up to 2003.
  2. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failure to power up by special operations:
    a. Discharge CMOS data.
    b. Enter BIOS Setup page.
    c. Save& Exit without doing anything.
  3. Fix the reading of CPU Working Frequency for 166MHz CPU.
  4. HPT374 BIOS version 1.22.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 01/08/2003.
BIOS: at72c5.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Provides CPU settings for AMD Athlon XP 2500+/2600+/2800+/3000+(333).

  2. Fixes LAN transfer error after 96 hours continuous LAN test while CPU/DRAM = 100/133 and 100/166.

  3. Revises the CPU and UUID information in DMI pool, and also fills in the SVID/SSID of IDE controller.

  4. Fixes the issue that Windows 98SE shows corrupt screen with ATI Radeon 9700 Pro.

  5. Adds "Enhance PCI Performance" function to improve PCI RAID performance.

  6. Fixes "Shutdown When CPU overheat" and "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" function failure under Windows 2000.

  7. Changes ACPI Code to pass HCT ACPI test.

  8. HPT374 BIOS version 1.22.

  9. BIOS Compile Date: 12/03/2002.

BIOS: at72b7.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
  2. Provide CPU multiplier up to 22X in SoftMenu.
  3. Enhance DDR333 stability while "Enhance DRAM Performance" enabled.
  4. Fix LAN transfer error in 72 hours continuous LAN test while CPU/DRAM = 100/133 and 100/166.
  5. Support AMD new coming 333 CPU.
  6. In case over clock the CPU frequency higher than 180MHz, don't press reset button otherwise the system will refuse to boot up. It's a auto protect mechanism to prevent possible hardware damage caused by abnormal working environment.
  7. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  8. BIOS compile date: 9/9/2002.
BIOS: at72ad.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS compile date: 8/12/2002.

Motherboard>Socket A>AT7-MAX2/XP
BIOS: at72b7.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
  2. Provide CPU multiplier up to 22X in SoftMenu.
  3. Enhance DDR333 stability while "Enhance DRAM Performance" enabled.
  4. Fix LAN transfer error in 72 hours continuous LAN test while CPU/DRAM = 100/133 and 100/166.
  5. Support AMD new coming 333 CPU.
  6. In case over clock the CPU frequency higher than 180MHz, don't press reset button otherwise the system will refuse to boot up. It's a auto protect mechanism to prevent possible hardware damage caused by abnormal working environment.
  7. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  8. BIOS compile date: 9/9/2002.
BIOS: at72ad.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  3. BIOS compile date: 8/12/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 939>AT8

Bios Issue Date:2006/03/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Wsparcie dla funkcji DRAM ECC.
  2. Modyfikacja stanu błędów po utracie zasilania
  3. Rozwiązanie problemów związanych z bootowaniem z niektórych urządzeń USB.
  4. Rozwiązanie problemów związanych z ustawieniami CAS Latency timing
  5. Modyfikacja automatycznego startu po włożeniu urządzenia USB.
  6. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 3/10/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/12/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pierwsza wersja.
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 12/16/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AT8 32X

Bios Issue Date:2006/05/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono pracę funkcji "S3 resume".
  2. Poprawiono współpracę "cool and quiet" z FX60.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/19/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono możliwości podkręcania.
  2. Obsługa nowej pamięci LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/03/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 03/20/2006

Motherboard>Socket 939>AV8

Bios Issue Date:2006/02/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot when installed the processor of Rev. E
  2. Enhanced compatibility with certain PCI RAID cards.
  3. Support FX60.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 02/23/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami graficznymi.
  2. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  3. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/08/2005
BIOS: av824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that with certain VGA card does not work with four 1GB RAM modules.
  2. DRAM Command Rate, Row Refresh Cycle Time, Read to Write Delay now work as intended.
  3. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  4. System now can resume from S3 without problem.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 07/28/2005
BIOS: av822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  2. Disable Cool n' Quiet function when the multiplier is manually changed in the BIOS.3
  3. BIOS compiled date: 07/04/2005
BIOS: av821.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update code base to 5/31 award code
  2. Update MCT2
  3. Support dualcore cpu
  4. Fix "CMOS Checksum fail message" when select DRAM Timing value.
  5. Delete "workstation" at POST
  6. Full screen logo
  7. Fixed "can not load SATA , LAN ROM issue"
BIOS: av820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
  2. Add new DRAM timing items.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
BIOS: av819.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Dodanie obsługi modelu RocketBoy AV8.
  2. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
  3. Usunięcie drobnych usterek z taktowaniem pamięci DRAM.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 19/01/2005.
BIOS: av817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/11/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated µGuru Utility to uav8_019.bin.
  2. Updated SATA ROM.
  3. Added "Delay Transactions" item.
  4. Added "PCI Latency Timer function" item.
  5. Removed an error message that appears if the year is modified and a SAVE&EXIT is executed.
  6. Fixed an issue where pressing TAB key to skip the OSB logo caused the Memory Information & Memory Clock to be missing.
  7. Changed "USB 2.0 Controller" defaulted to "Enabled", and synchronized it with the "OnChip USB Controller" setting.
  8. Synchronized "DDR Voltage" & "SB Voltage" in the PC Health item if modified.
  9. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
  10. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
  11. Added DMI information.
  12. Calibrated CPU temperature.
  13. Added "Dual Channel Enabled 128bit" when in Dual Channel mode.
  14. BIOS compile date: 11/12/2004
BIOS: av816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with D0 stepping FX-55 and 3200+ CPUs.
  2. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
BIOS: av815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated µGuru Utility to uAV8_017.BIN.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Calibrated CPU temperature.
  4. Calibrated "Delay IDE Initial" function timing.
  5. Default ACPI Suspend Type changed to S3.
  6. Fixed abnormal warning beep.
  7. BIOS compile date: 09/17/2004
BIOS: av814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated uGuru Utility to uAV8_015.BIN.
  2. Fixed non-adjustable "Shutdown Temp" & "Beep Temp" items in ABIT-EQ Temperature Monitoring.
  3. Calibrated certain CPU frequency issues.
  4. BIOS compile date: 09/03/2004
BIOS: av812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.16

Motherboard>Socket 939>AV8-3rd Eye

Bios Issue Date:2006/02/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot when installed the processor of Rev. E
  2. Enhanced compatibility with certain PCI RAID cards.
  3. Support FX60.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 02/23/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami graficznymi.
  2. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
  3. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/08/2005
BIOS: av824.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that with certain VGA card does not work with four 1GB RAM modules.
  2. DRAM Command Rate, Row Refresh Cycle Time, Read to Write Delay now work as intended.
  3. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
  4. System now can resume from S3 without problem.
  5. BIOS compiled date: 07/28/2005
BIOS: av822.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
  2. Disable Cool n' Quiet function when the multiplier is manually changed in the BIOS.3
  3. BIOS compiled date: 07/04/2005
BIOS: av821.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update code base to 5/31 award code
  2. Update MCT2
  3. Support dualcore cpu
  4. Fix "CMOS Checksum fail message" when select DRAM Timing value.
  5. Delete "workstation" at POST
  6. Full screen logo
  7. Fixed "can not load SATA , LAN ROM issue"
BIOS: av820.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
  2. Add new DRAM timing items.
  3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
BIOS: av819.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add RocketBoy AV8 support.
  2. Change the default RTC year to 2005.
  3. Fixed minor DRAM timing issue.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 01/19/2005
BIOS: av817.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/11/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated µGuru Utility to uav8_019.bin.
  2. Updated SATA ROM.
  3. Added "Delay Transactions" item.
  4. Added "PCI Latency Timer function" item.
  5. Removed an error message that appears if the year is modified and a SAVE&EXIT is executed.
  6. Fixed an issue where pressing TAB key to skip the OSB logo caused the Memory Information & Memory Clock to be missing.
  7. Changed "USB 2.0 Controller" defaulted to "Enabled", and synchronized it with the "OnChip USB Controller" setting.
  8. Synchronized "DDR Voltage" & "SB Voltage" in the PC Health item if modified.
  9. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
  10. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
  11. Added DMI information.
  12. Calibrated CPU temperature.
  13. Added "Dual Channel Enabled 128bit" when in Dual Channel mode.
  14. BIOS compile date: 11/12/2004
BIOS: av816.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced compatibility with D0 stepping FX-55 and 3200+ CPUs.
  2. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
BIOS: av815.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated µGuru Utility to uAV8_017.BIN.
  2. Updated CPU micro code.
  3. Calibrated CPU temperature.
  4. Calibrated "Delay IDE Initial" function timing.
  5. Default ACPI Suspend Type changed to S3.
  6. Fixed abnormal warning beep.
  7. BIOS compile date: 09/17/2004
BIOS: av814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated uGuru Utility to uAV8_015.BIN.
  2. Fixed non-adjustable "Shutdown Temp" & "Beep Temp" items in ABIT-EQ Temperature Monitoring.
  3. Calibrated certain CPU frequency issues.
  4. BIOS compile date: 09/03/2004
BIOS: av812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
  2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.16


Bios Issue Date:2006/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The Geforce7950GX2 now works as intended with 4GB memories
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/05/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Obsługa Pentium EE 965.
  2. Naprawiono problem wykrywania dysków IDE HDD bezpośrednio po czyszczeniu CMOS.
  3. Poprawiono współpracę z procesorami Pentium 4 EE.
  4. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/22/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi pamięciami DDR2-667.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  3. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/23/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Obsługa procesora Presler/ Cedar Mill.
  2. Obsługa DDR2-800.
  3. Obsługa czterech modułów 2GB.
  4. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/30/2005
BIOS: aw814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/10/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. System now can resume from S3 without problem.
  2. Add new item "Disable unused PCI clock" enable/disable" function.
  3. The function "On-Chip Audio Controller" now works as intended.
  4. Update CPU micro code
  5. BIOS compiled date: 10/04/2005
BIOS: aw813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/13
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot up from SiliconImage RAID controller when Intel RAID BIOS is enabled.
  2. Memory frequency will be shown correctly when N/B Strap CPU as is set to "By CPU"
  3. Pentium Extreme edition CPU now works as intended when HT is set disabled.
  4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  5. Add new item "On chip SATA RAID BIOS" enable/disable" function.
  6. BIOS compiled date: 09/13/2005
BIOS: aw812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/29
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  2. Pentium D 840 now shows correct core voltage and frequency in the BIOS.
  3. The color of the phone jack in the driver now matches the back panel.
  4. Update CPU micro code.
  5. Fixed the issue that the frequencies of a dual core processor may be different when C1E and EIST is set disabled.
  6. BIOS compiled date: 07/29/2005
BIOS: aw811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pentium D processors now can be correctly detected by the BIOS.
  2. Add FSB 533MHz CPU support.
  3. tRAS will be shown correctly now.
  4. Fixed the issue that Windows can only recognize 2GB memory when there are 4GB installed.
  5. Add new item "EIST Function".
  6. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005


Bios Issue Date:2006/08/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. The Geforce7950GX2 now works as intended with 4GB memories
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/11/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/05/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Obsługa Pentium EE 965.
  2. Naprawiono problem wykrywania dysków IDE HDD bezpośrednio po czyszczeniu CMOS.
  3. Poprawiono współpracę z procesorami Pentium 4 EE.
  4. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/22/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi pamięciami DDR2-667.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  3. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/23/2006
Bios Issue Date:2005/11/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Obsługa procesora Presler/ Cedar Mill.
  2. Obsługa DDR2-800.
  3. Obsługa czterech modułów 2GB.
  4. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/30/2005
BIOS: aw814.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/10/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. System now can resume from S3 without problem.
  2. Add new item "Disable unused PCI clock" enable/disable" function.
  3. The function "On-Chip Audio Controller" now works as intended.
  4. Update CPU micro code
  5. BIOS compiled date: 10/04/2005
BIOS: aw813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/09/13
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to boot up from SiliconImage RAID controller when Intel RAID BIOS is enabled.
  2. Memory frequency will be shown correctly when N/B Strap CPU as is set to "By CPU"
  3. Pentium Extreme edition CPU now works as intended when HT is set disabled.
  4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  5. Add new item "On chip SATA RAID BIOS" enable/disable" function.
  6. BIOS compiled date: 09/13/2005
BIOS: aw812.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/29
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
  2. Pentium D 840 now shows correct core voltage and frequency in the BIOS.
  3. The color of the phone jack in the driver now matches the back panel.
  4. Update CPU micro code.
  5. Fixed the issue that the frequencies of a dual core processor may be different when C1E and EIST is set disabled.
  6. BIOS compiled date: 07/29/2005
BIOS: aw811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pentium D processors now can be correctly detected by the BIOS.
  2. Add FSB 533MHz CPU support.
  3. tRAS will be shown correctly now.
  4. Fixed the issue that Windows can only recognize 2GB memory when there are 4GB installed.
  5. Add new item "EIST Function".
  6. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
BIOS: aw810.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/05/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 05/24/2005

Motherboard>LGA775>AW8-MAX 3rd Eye II

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi pamięciami DDR2-667.
  2. aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
  3. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/23/2006


Bios Issue Date:2006/06/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 06/07/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/03/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi dyskami HDD.
  2. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  3. Usunięto problem związany z ustawieniem częstotliwości zegara powyżej 340MHz.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/20/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pierwsza wersja.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006


Bios Issue Date:2006/06/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 06/07/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/03/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi dyskami HDD.
  2. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  3. Usunięto problem związany z ustawieniem częstotliwości zegara powyżej 340MHz.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/20/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/01/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pierwsza wersja.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/17/2006


Bios Issue Date:2006/09/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Rekalibracja wskazań temperatury CPU.
  2. Dodano wsparcie dla funkcji CPU regulacji mnożnika CPU.
  3. uGuru pracuje zgodnie z założeniami po włączeniu BIOS-u ICH7R RAID.
  4. Wsparcie dla funkcji "Thermal Monitor 2".
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/15/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/08/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/24/2006


Bios Issue Date:2006/09/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Rekalibracja wskazań temperatury CPU.
  2. Dodano wsparcie dla funkcji CPU regulacji mnożnika CPU.
  3. uGuru pracuje zgodnie z założeniami po włączeniu BIOS-u ICH7R RAID.
  4. Wsparcie dla funkcji "Thermal Monitor 2".
  5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/15/2006
Bios Issue Date:2006/08/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 08/24/2006

BIOS: awdflash.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/10/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update awdflash.exe (Award BIOS Flash Utility) version to v8.22A.

Motherboard>Socket 939>AX8

Bios Issue Date:2006/01/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  2. "Temperature Monitor" pracuje zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.
  3. Ekran POST wyświetla prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300 VGA.
  4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/09/2006
BIOS: ax813.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Change full screen logo.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/28/2005
BIOS: ax811.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
  2. Update VIA SATA RAID BIOS to V1.20
  3. USB mouse now works under DOS.
  4. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
BIOS: ax810.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/02/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
  2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 14/02/2005

Motherboard>Socket 939>AX8 V2.0

Bios Issue Date:2006/03/20
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Poprawiono współpracę płyty z niektórymi kartami pamięci.
  2. Ekran POST wyświetla prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/30/2006
BIOS: ax8d10.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/07/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compiled date: 07/28/2005

BIOS: bg7m8w.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compile date: 4/24/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7
BIOS: bd7ea.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2003.
BIOS: bd7cr.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixes issue where the Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default, the setting of Drive A/Drive B/Floppy 3 Mode/Video/Halt On in Standard CMOS Features, would not return to defaults.
  2. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  3. Fixes the incompatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit- TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fail to boot, and the reset button needs to be pressed once to show the bootup screen.
  4. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/12/2002
BIOS: bd7bj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Willamette CPU will be automatically detected its FSB while Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default in Bios Setup of SoftMenu.
    Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  2. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
  3. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue. (Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845 chipset specification.)
  4. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
  5. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  6. BIOS compile Date: 9/11/2002.
BIOS: bd79y.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002
BIOS: bd77b.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/05/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for 0.13 micron process P4 (Northwood).
  2. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
  3. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
  4. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
  5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  6. BIOS compile date: 5/02/2002

!!! Attention for upgrading BIOS!!! * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone! * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.*Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

BIOS: bd76h.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Add" High Performance" option in " Load Optimized Defaults". "High Performance" option will use critical DDR memory timing settings to achieve high system performance, nevertheless, it may deviate the original settings from module SPD and cause system instability.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
BIOS: bd74x.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First release.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7-E

BIOS: bd7e11.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/06/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixes the issue while S4 resumed, the MAC Address of onboard LAN chip can not correctly display.
  2. Adds the following settings for "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    1. 80C/176F
    2. 85C/185F
    3. 90C/194F
  3. Changes the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature".
  4. Fixes the problem that if 'Land Boot Rom' setup to Enable, it would hang while resumed from S4 mode.
  5. Revises the item help of "Shut down When CPU Fan Fail".
  6. BIOS Compile Date: 6/17/2003.
BIOS: bd7e10.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/04/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 4/22/2003.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7-RAID
BIOS: bd7ea.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2003.
BIOS: bd7cr.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixes issue where the Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default, the setting of Drive A/Drive B/Floppy 3 Mode/Video/Halt On in Standard CMOS Features, would not return to defaults.
  2. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  3. Fixes the incompatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit- TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fail to boot, and the reset button needs to be pressed once to show the bootup screen.
  4. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/12/2002
BIOS: bd7bj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Willamette CPU will be automatically detected its FSB while Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default in Bios Setup of SoftMenu.
    Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  2. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
  3. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue. (Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845 chipset specification.)
  4. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
  5. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  6. BIOS compile Date: 9/11/2002.
BIOS: bd79y.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002
BIOS: bd77b.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/05/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for 0.13 micron process P4 (Northwood).
  2. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
  3. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
  4. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
  5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  6. BIOS compile date: 5/02/2002

!!! Attention for upgrading BIOS!!! * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone! * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.*Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

BIOS: bd76h.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Add" High Performance" option in " Load Optimized Defaults". "High Performance" option will use critical DDR memory timing settings to achieve high system performance, nevertheless, it may deviate the original settings from module SPD and cause system instability.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
BIOS: bd74x.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First release.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7II
BIOS: bd72e9.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update CPU Micro Code.
  2. Add new options 80℃/85℃/90℃ in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Change the default setting of "CPU Shutdown Temperature" to 85℃.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/22/2003.
BIOS: bd72cq.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fills MAC Address into UUID section in DMI data to pass WHQL.
  2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
  3. Fixes issue where the Shutdown When "CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  4. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.
  5. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed
  6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
  7. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.
BIOS: bd72bu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile Date: 9/17/2002.
BIOS: bd72aw.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Upgrade the BIOS code for ICH4 to V1.5.
  2. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
  4. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
  5. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845E chipset specification.)
  6. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
  7. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  8. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
BIOS: bd72aj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fix multimedia device lost issue with 533MHz FSB CPUs while load Fail-Safe / Optimized Default in BIOS.
  2. Add SVID and SSID for ICH4 USB 2.0 controller.(SVID:147B,SSID:7402)
  3. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail-safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
  4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  5. BIOS compile date: 7/23/2002.
BIOS: bd729x.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Northwood CPU will be automatically detected its FSB while Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default in BIOS Setup of SoftMenu.
  2. Differentiate the USB 1.1 from USB 2.0 controller on PCI Device listing screen.
  3. Fix Boot Agent failed to boot-up while enabled the Boot ROM in BIOS with hard disk on High-Point Port.
  4. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
  5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  6. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002
BIOS: bd7293.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/05/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add an option "Enhance DRAM Performance" in Advanced Chipset Features.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS Version 2.31 The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected

  3. BIOS compile date: 5/3/2002.

!!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
*When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
* For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
* Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

BIOS: bd728j.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 372 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile date: 4/19/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7II-RAID

BIOS: bd72e9.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update CPU Micro Code.
  2. Add new options 80℃/85℃/90℃ in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Change the default setting of "CPU Shutdown Temperature" to 85℃.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/22/2003.
BIOS: bd72cq.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fills MAC Address into UUID section in DMI data to pass WHQL.
  2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
  3. Fixes issue where the Shutdown When "CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  4. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.
  5. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed
  6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
  7. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.
BIOS: bd72bu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile Date: 9/17/2002.
BIOS: bd72aw.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Upgrade the BIOS code for ICH4 to V1.5.
  2. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
  4. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
  5. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845E chipset specification.)
  6. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
  7. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  8. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
BIOS: bd72aj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fix multimedia device lost issue with 533MHz FSB CPUs while load Fail-Safe / Optimized Default in BIOS.
  2. Add SVID and SSID for ICH4 USB 2.0 controller.(SVID:147B,SSID:7402)
  3. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail-safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
  4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  5. BIOS compile date: 7/23/2002.
BIOS: bd729x.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Northwood CPU will be automatically detected its FSB while Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default in BIOS Setup of SoftMenu.
  2. Differentiate the USB 1.1 from USB 2.0 controller on PCI Device listing screen.
  3. Fix Boot Agent failed to boot-up while enabled the Boot ROM in BIOS with hard disk on High-Point Port.
  4. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
  5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
  6. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002
BIOS: bd7293.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/05/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add an option "Enhance DRAM Performance" in Advanced Chipset Features.
  2. HPT 37x BIOS Version 2.31 The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected

  3. BIOS compile date: 5/3/2002.

!!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
*When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
* For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
* Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

BIOS: bd728j.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 372 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BD7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile date: 4/19/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7III

BIOS: bx713.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/08/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Supports Celeron D CPUs.
  3. Calibrated CPU voltage.
  4. BIOS compile date: 08/23/2004
BIOS: bx712.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/02/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update BD7III BIOS.
  2. Fixed some incorrect string in BIOS setup menu.
  3. Change default year to 2004.
  4. Update CPU micro code.
  5. BIOS compile date: 02/18/2004.
BIOS: bx711.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/11/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the BD7-III BIOS.
  2. Fixed a LAN issue after resuming from S4.
  3. BIOS compile date: 11/03/2003
BIOS: bx710.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/09/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update th e BD7-III BIOS.
  2. First release.
  3. BIOS compile date: 9/25/2003

Motherboard>Socket 478>BD7m
BIOS: bd7mbk.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fix "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
  2. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  3. Support Intel P4 Celeron 2.0G CPU.
  4. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845 chipset specification.)
  5. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
  6. BIOS compile Date: 9/11/2002.
BIOS: bd7m6k.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/11/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First Release.
  2. Support Intel Pentium4 2.2AGHz CPU.

Motherboard>Slot 1>BE6
BIOS: be6th.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/07/31
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Adds support for Celeron II CPU 633 MHz and up to 700MHz .
  2. Fixes the keyboard LED still on issue after shutting down the system under Windows operating system.
BIOS: be6qp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/06/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports PIII 750Mhz, 800Mhz,850Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs and Celeron 667Mhz,700(66)Mhz CPUs.
BIOS: be6pv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/05/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports the Celeron 533A(66),566(66) and 600(66)Mhz CPUs.
  2. Improves the power on funtion by mouse right/left botton after shoutting down the system under Win98SE.
  3. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux.
  4. Fixes the ACPI issue under Windows2000.
  5. Improves the IRO assignment funtion.
BIOS: be6pl.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/11/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB), 650(100Mhz FSB) and 700Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
  2. Updates HPT 366 BIOS to Rev. 1.21.
BIOS: be6nu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/11/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports the Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPU.
  2. Updates the BIOS or the HPT 366 controller to version 1.2.
  3. Fixes the boot failure issue with SCO UNIX.
  4. Fixes the system hang up issue when the ESCD record is incorrect.
BIOS: be6mu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/08/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports the PIII 600(100)Mhz CPU.
  2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
  3. Fixes the Y2K RTC problem.
  4. Fixes the password function.
  5. Improves the STD function.
  6. Supports the A, EXT, C option.
  7. Supports 40GB harddisks and above, However we aren't quite sure what the precise capacity is, since the current maximun harddisk on the market is 40GB.
BIOS: be6lq.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/06/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.

Motherboard>Slot 1>BE6-II
BIOS: beh70.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Intel PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
  2. HPT 366 BIOS version: 1.25.
BIOS: behxu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/02/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron 800(100)MHz CPUs.
  2. Supports FlashMenu.
  3. HPT 366 BIOS version 1.25.
BIOS: behvn.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/01/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Add PCI/Latency timer function in PnP/PCI Configurations
  2. Support Flash Menu.
  3. HPT 366 BIOS verson 125.
BIOS: behuh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports to PIII 1GHz CPU(133MHz FSB).

BIOS: behsh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/07/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron 566(66),600(66),667(66),700(66)and PIII850(100),866(133) and 933(133) MHz CPUs.
BIOS: behrv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/05/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Improves the 133 Mhz option in SoftMenu.
  2. Fixes the hard disk detection failure issue when putting the CD ROM drive on IDE 1, and sets the boot sequence as CDROM first.
  3. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux.
  4. Fixes the HighPoint display problem with AHA-2940A and TNT AGP cards.
  5. Fixes the Wake on Ring, Wake on Lan, and Wake on Alarm problems under Win98SE
  6. Increases the CPU Warning Temperture funtion to solve Win98SE ShoutDown Problems when OEM CPU temperture is detected as too high.

BIOS: behqj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. For users who try to overclock the FSB up to 133 Mhz, but fail when using some AGP video cards which can't run at that frequency in 2X mode.
  2. Supports PIII CPUs up to 800MHz.
  3. Increases SDRAM compatibility.

BIOS: behpo.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/12/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports I2C debug card.
  2. Adds an AGP transfer mode for choosing AGP transfer mode.

BIOS: behnz.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB), 650Mhz(100Mhz FSB) and 700Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
  2. Updates HPT 366's BIOS to rev. 1.21.
  3. Shows the correct frequency as set by User Define.

BIOS: behny.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/10/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Solves the boot failure issue when switching the CPU to another one.
  2. Solves the auto detection function while putting a CDROM on IDE 1 master.

BIOS: behnp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/10/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.

Motherboard>BE6-II V1.2
BIOS: bep71.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Intel PIII/Celeron up to 1.1G(100) CPU.(Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core P!!!/Celeron processors.)
  2. HPT 370 BIOS version:0.95b.

BIOS: bepzx.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/05/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Intel Coppermine CPU.
  2. Support Flashmenu utility.
  3. HPT 370 BIOS version 095b.
BIOS: bepxv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/02/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Celeron 800 MHz(100) CPU.
  2. Support Flash Menu.
  3. HPT 370 BIOS verson 095b.

BIOS: bepvp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/01/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Celeron 633,733,766 MHz(66) CPU.
  2. Add Idle/Pipeline DRAM Leadoff function in Advanced Chipset Feature
  3. Add PCI/Latency timer function in PnP/PCI Configurations
  4. Support Flash Menu.
  5. HPT 370 BIOS verson 095b.

BIOS: bepuj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/09/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron CPU up to 633MHz(66MHz FSB), and PIII CPUs up to 1GHz (133MHz FSB).

BIOS: bepsv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/07/07
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports PIII 850(100),866(133)MHz CPUs.
  2. Fixes boot up failure issue on Coppermine PIII 800(133), Celeron 566(66)MHz CPU and above.
  3. Changes I/O Voltage Default to +3.5V.



BIOS: beprw.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/05/31
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron 566(66),600(66),667(66) and 700(66)MHz CPUs.
  2. Fixes the IrDA Function Failed issue under Win98SE
    This BIOS is for the BE6-II version 1.2 with the HPT 370 controller chip only!

BIOS: beprp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/05/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First release.
    This BIOS is for the BE6-II version 1.2 with the HPT 370 controller chip only!

Motherboard>Slot 1>BE6-II V2.0
BIOS: ber72.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Intel PIII/Celeron up to 1.1G(100) CPU.(Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core P!!!/Celeron processors.)
  2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
BIOS: berxk.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/01/04
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
  2. Supports FlashMenu.
  3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
BIOS: bervi.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/12/21
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Celeron 633MHz(66) CPU.
  2. Add Idle/Pipeline DRAM Leadoff option in BIOS.
  3. Add PCI latency timer function in BIOS .
  4. Fix displayed error in issue.
  5. Support Flash Menu.
  6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
BIOS: beruk.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First release.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7
BIOS: be7e7.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
BIOS: be7dp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low rotation speed fan.
  2. Adjust the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirement:
    S0.........Always on
    S1........ Blink (faster frequency)
    S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it would behave like S1 state.
    S4.........Always off
    S5.........Always off
  3. Fix the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed
    from STR.
  4. Update CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
  5. HPT372 BIOS version 2.32
  6. BIOS compile date 3/27/2003.
BIOS: be7cw.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.
  2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
  3. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.
  4. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32.The RAID function is only for BE7-RAID. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.
BIOS: be7cg.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. MAC Address fills into UUID section in DMI data in order to pass WHQL.
  2. Shows MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.
  3. Shows "Award BIOS" on BIOS Setup Utility.(Used be "Work station BIOS")
  4. Fixes Windows flash utility invalidity when using Hyper-Threading CPU.
  5. Fixes issue where if the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32.The RAID function is only for the BE7-RAID. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable the HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.
BIOS: be7bs.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BE7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile Date: 9/05/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7-B
BIOS: be7s12.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
BIOS: be7s11.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low rotation speed fan.
  2. Adjust the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirement:
    S0.........Always on
    S1.........Blink (faster frequency)
    S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it would
                 behave like S1 state.
    S4.........Always off
    S5.........Always off
  3. Fix the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed
    from STR.
  4. Update CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 4/25/2003.
BIOS: be7s10.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First Release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7-G
BIOS: be7s12.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
BIOS: be7s11.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low rotation speed fan.
  2. Adjust the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirement:
    S0.........Always on
    S1.........Blink (faster frequency)
    S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it would
                 behave like S1 state.
    S4.........Always off
    S5.........Always off
  3. Fix the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed
    from STR.
  4. Update CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 4/25/2003.
BIOS: be7s10.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First Release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7-RAID
BIOS: be7e7.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
BIOS: be7dp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low rotation speed fan.
  2. Adjust the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirement:
    S0.........Always on
    S1........ Blink (faster frequency)
    S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it would behave like S1 state.
    S4.........Always off
    S5.........Always off
  3. Fix the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed
    from STR.
  4. Update CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
  5. HPT372 BIOS version 2.32
  6. BIOS compile date 3/27/2003.
BIOS: be7cw.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.
  2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
  3. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.
  4. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32.The RAID function is only for BE7-RAID. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.
BIOS: be7cg.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. MAC Address fills into UUID section in DMI data in order to pass WHQL.
  2. Shows MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.
  3. Shows "Award BIOS" on BIOS Setup Utility.(Used be "Work station BIOS")
  4. Fixes Windows flash utility invalidity when using Hyper-Threading CPU.
  5. Fixes issue where if the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
  6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32.The RAID function is only for the BE7-RAID. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable the HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.
BIOS: be7bs.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for BE7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
  3. BIOS compile Date: 9/05/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7-S
BIOS: be7s12.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
  3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
  4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
BIOS: be7s11.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low rotation speed fan.
  2. Adjust the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirement:
    S0.........Always on
    S1.........Blink (faster frequency)
    S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it would
                 behave like S1 state.
    S4.........Always off
    S5.........Always off
  3. Fix the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed
    from STR.
  4. Update CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 4/25/2003.
BIOS: be7s10.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. First Release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BE7II
BIOS: be7214.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/09/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Enhanced CPU compatibility.
  2. BIOS compile date: 09/02/2004
BIOS: be7213.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/07/27
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. BIOS compile date: 07/27/2004
BIOS: be7212.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/05/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Add notification when none 80-wire cable is installed.
  2. Enhance compatibility with certain Power Supply.
  3. Update CPU Micro code.
  4. BIOS compile date: 05/24/2004
BIOS: be7211.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/03/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed the default year to 2004.
  2. Support for Prescott CPUs up to 2.4G/533/1M L2 cache (FSB 800 Prescott is out of chipset specification and is, therefore, not supported).
  3. BIOS compile date: 03/02/2004.

Motherboard>Slot 1>BF6
BIOS: beh70.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Intel PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
  2. HPT 366 BIOS version: 1.25.
BIOS: behxu.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2001/02/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Support Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
  2. Support Flash Menu.
BIOS: behuh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports to PIII 1GHz CPU(133MHz FSB).
BIOS: behsh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/07/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron 566(66),600(66),667(66),700(66)and PIII850(100),866(133) and 933(133) MHz CPUs.
BIOS: behrv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/05/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Improves the 133 Mhz option in SoftMenu.
  2. Fixes the hard disk detection failure issue when putting the CD ROM drive on IDE 1, and sets the boot sequence as CDROM first.
  3. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux.
  4. Fixes the HighPoint display problem with AHA-2940A and TNT AGP cards.
  5. Fixes the Wake on Ring, Wake on Lan, and Wake on Alarm problems under Win98SE .
  6. Improve the CPU Warning Temperture funtion to solve Win98SE shout down problem that OEM CPU temperture was detected too high.
BIOS: behqj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/02/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. For users who try to overclock the FSB up to 133 Mhz, but fail when using some AGP video cards which can't run at that frequency in 2X mode.
  2. Supports PIII CPUs up to 800MHz.
  3. Increases SDRAM compatibility.
BIOS: behpo.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/12/30
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports I2C debug card.
  2. Adds an AGP transfer mode for choosing AGP transfer mode.
BIOS: behnz.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/11/17
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB), 650Mhz(100Mhz FSB) and 700Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
  2. Updates HPT 366's BIOS to rev. 1.21.
  3. Shows the correct frequency as set by User Define.
BIOS: behny.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/10/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Solves the boot failure issue when switching the CPU to another one.
  2. Solves the auto detection function while putting a CDROM on IDE 1 master.
BIOS: behnp.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/10/15
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BG-71
BIOS: bg71bc.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/18
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Fixes the issue that Intel Celeron 2G can not show the correct CPU ID/uCode ID and Cache size.
  2. Modify to support up to 3.0 multiplier frequency.
  3. The CPU type of Northwood and Celeron will be automatically recognized while loading optimized and fail-safe default.
  4. The multiplier frequency opens for adjusting while use "user define" option.
  5. BIOS Compile Date: 12/18/2002
BIOS: bg71ag.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fix PS/2 mouse can't work after waken from S4 mode while USB keyboard/mouse installed together.
  2. BIOS compile date: 7/19/2002.
BIOS: bg719s.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/07/12
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compile date: 7/12/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BG-72

BIOS: bg7211.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2005/03/10
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Nadanie wartości UUID z użyciem adresu MAC.
  2. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym przydzielaniu domyślnego mnożnika częstotliwości CPU, występującej po zainstalowaniu niektórych typów procesorów.
  3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/10.

Motherboard>Socket 478>BG7
BIOS: bg7ed.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/09/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fixed the problem that when using some DRAM system will hang at post code A2.
  2. Update CPU micro code.
  3. Revise CPU Warning Temperature.
  4. Revise CPU Shutdown Temperature.
  5. BIOS compile date: 09/01/2003.
BIOS: bg7d4.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Show MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.
  2. Change the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
  3. Revise DMI Pool data.
  4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/16/2002
BIOS: bg7cb.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/29
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

  1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit- TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fail to boot, and the reset button needs to be pressed once to show the bootup screen.

  2. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.

  3. Adds functions to SoftMenu III.
    A.   Auto detects CPU speed. It offers User Define and CPU frequency in CPU Operation Speed option.
    B.   CPU frequency locks up for Northwood CPU. It would not
           allow users to choose multiplier factor but shows CPU
           multiplier factor on it.
    C.   CPU Operation Speed in SoftMenu III reveals CPU frequency
           when user load defaults.

  4. Fixes issue where ES North Wood 2.8G CPU detection fails.

  5. BIOS compile Date: 11/14/2002.

BIOS: bg7bn.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/09/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU.
  2. Provide multiplier higher than 25x in SoftMenu.
  3. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
  4. "Speed Error Hold"  function set to invisible.
  5. Add "Disable Unused PCI Clock" function in Advanced BIOS Features that manages the Clock function on PCI slot.
  6. Fix S3 Compliance failed while testing HCT 10.0 under Win XP.
  7. BIOS compile date: 9/23/2002.
BIOS: bg7ax.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/23
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support PMC PM49FL004T Flash ROM.
  2. Support Winbond W39V040FA Flash ROM.
  3. Modify boot issue of Mushkin DDR 400 module.
  4. BIOS compile Date: 8/23/2002.
BIOS: bg7ah.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/08/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Support P4 2.8GHz (533MHz FSB) CPU. (CPU ID 0F27 Micro Code)
  2. Add SVID and SSID for ICH4 USB 2.0 controller.(SVID:147B,SSID:7403)
  3. BIOS compile date: 8/09/2002
BIOS: bg794.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/06/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Update VGA BIOS to 2656.
  2. Enhance the DDR SDRAM setting table in "Advanced Chipset Feature".
  3. Add "Enhance DRAM Performance" function.
  4. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PCI Pitstop).
  5. Set "Video RAM Cacheable", "AGP Data Transfer Rate", "AGP Aperture Size", "AGP Data Rate" and "AGP Enable" function to invisible while using OnBoard VGA card.
  6. Hide "On-Chip Frame Buffer Size" option while using AGP Card.
  7. BIOS compile date: 6/26/2002.
  8. Please use AWDFLASH Ver. 8.20A to flash BIOS 94. We have include the program in BG794.EXE, but if you get the bg7_94.bin only and you are using AWDFLASH Ver. 7.97D, apply below special switches please. "AWDFLASH KG7_94.BIN /PY /SN /CD /CP /CC /F"
BIOS: bg700.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/05/03
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compile date: 5/03/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BG7E
BIOS: bg7eee.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/10/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Updated CPU micro code.
  2. Revised CPU Warning Temperature.
  3. Revised CPU Shutdown Temperature.
  4. BIOS compile date: 10/14/2003.
BIOS: bg7edy.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/04/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Fix the problem that MultiMedia device disappeared while using 533 FSB CPU after into BIOS to load default and save BIOS.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 4/25/2003.
BIOS: bg7ed5.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/12/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Raise the upper limit of CPU core voltage to 1.85V.
  2. Fix the booting failure issue when the system starts up from "CMOS checksum error" and without CPU fan attached to FAN2 header.
  3. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
  4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/16/2002.
BIOS: bg7eca.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit -TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fails to boot and the reset button needs to be pushed in order to show the bootup screen.

  2. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.

  3. Adds functions in SoftMenu III.
    A.   Auto detects CPU speed. It offers User Define and CPU frequency in CPU
           Operation Speed option.
    B.   CPU frequency locks up for Northwood CPU. It would not allow users to choose
           multiplier factor but shows the CPU multiplier factor.
    C.   CPU Operation Speed in SoftMenu III reveals CPU frequency while user load defaults.

  4. Fixes issue where ES Northwood 2.8G CPU is not detected automatically.

  5. SP-LED blanks when system enters suspend mode.

  6. BIOS Compile Date: 11/25/2002.

BIOS: bg7ebh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/10/02
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First Release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 10/02/200.

BIOS: bg7m8w.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2002/04/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS compile date: 4/24/2002

Motherboard>Socket 478>BH-71
BIOS: bh7112.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2004/02/16
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Synchronize CPU Warning Temperature with ABIT EQ.
  2. Fixed the issue that the CPU over temperature will start warning at 55 degrees if CPU Warning Temperature is set to 50 degrees.
  3. BIOS compile date: 02/16/2004.
BIOS: bh7111.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. Changed the default setting of "Power on by Ring" to disabled.
  2. BIOS Compile date: 7/14/2003.
BIOS: bh7110.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2003/07/14
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
  1. First release.
  2. BIOS Compile Date: 7/14/2003.

Motherboard>Slot 1>BH6

BIOS: bh6ss.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/07/06
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Celeron 633(66),667(66),700(66)MHz CPUs.
BIOS: bh6qn.exe  
Bios Issue Date:2000/06/09
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux.
  2. Fixes the ACPI issue under Windows 2000
  3. Supports Celeron 533a(66),566(66)and 600(66) MHz CPUs.
BIOS: bh6nv.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/11/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports the PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPU.
  2. Supports 40GB harddisks and above, However we aren't quite sure what the precise capacity is, since the current maximun harddisk on the market is 40GB.
BIOS: bh6ln.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/07/26
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Fixes the Y2K RTC problem.
  2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
  3. Improves the IRQ assignment function.
  4. Improves the TURBO FREQUENCE function in CPU SoftMenu section.
  5. Fixes the password function.

BIOS: bh6lh.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/06/11
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports the socket 370 Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
  2. Supports the PIII 550Mhz CPU.

BIOS: bh6kj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/05/24
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Revises the BIOS to pass the Year 2000 RTC Rollover test.
  2. Supports the Socket 370 Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
  3. This BIOS can not pass the critical CMOS reading and writing test in PCCHECK.EXE. It will be ready in the next BIOS.

BIOS: bh6kg.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/04/01
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports the PIII CPU Processor Serial Number function, it's called Processor Number Feature in the BIOS Features Setup section.
  2. Supports assigned manual PCI IRQ in the PCI Onbard section.

BIOS: bh6jj.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/02/08
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 433 MHz CPU
  2. Supports correct naming of Pentium III CPU.

BIOS: bh6hn.exe  
Bios Issue Date:1999/01/19
Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


  1. Fixes NEC ATAPI ZIP drive incompatibility problem.
  2. Supports Intel Pentium III 450 and 500 Mhz Katmai CPU.
  3. Supports Intel Celeron 366 Mhz CPU option, up to 400 Mhz compliance.
  4. Supports the clock multiplier up to 8 times.
  5. Solves the problem of Windows98 not being able to shut-down properly when the ACPI function is enabled.
  6. Supports DMI 2.3 . You have to input /CD parameter to Clear DMI pool data while updating the BIOS.


For Pentium III (Katmai) users, the BIOS will indicate PII EVEN if it is a PIII because the code was finished just prior to the unveiling of the new PIII name for the Katmai. This will be corrected in the next BIOS.

    BIOS: bh6gy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Updates the K/B default setting to 8Mhz to fix Microsoft Elite K/Bs.
    2. Changes the ACPI default setting to disable.

    BIOS: bh6fu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports ACPI function.
    2. When upgrading to the BH6 FU BIOS, please use AWDFLASH.EXE 6.6 to avoid upgrade failure.

    BIOS: bh6fl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/09/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the Celeron 300 and 333 CPUs with built-in cache.
    2. The BH6 uses 2M EEPRAM, please use the AWDFLASH.EXE 6.22 version (or newer) for upgrades.

    Motherboard>Slot 1>BH6 V1.1
    BIOS: bh632sp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/07/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the Celeron566(66),600(66),667(66),700(66)MHz CPUs, and PIII 750(100),800(100)MHz,850(100)MHz CPUs.

    BIOS: bh632qm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/02/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Shows memory larger than 64MB accurately in Linux.
    2. Solves the problem of Windows 2000 not being able to shut down properly when the ACPI function is enabled.
    3. Allows for accurate recognition of I740 VGA cards.

    BIOS: bh632pm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB), 650Mhz(100Mhz) and 700Mhz(100Mhz) CPUs.

    BIOS: bh632nx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/11/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPU.
    2. Supports 40GB harddisks and above, However we aren't quite sure what the precise capacity is, since the current maximun harddisk on the market is 40GB.
    3. Fixes the system hang up issue when the ESCD record is incorrect.
    BIOS: bh632nk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the PIII 600(100) Mhz CPU.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
    3. Fixes the Y2K RTC problem.
    4. Fixes the password function.
    5. Improves the manual IRQ assignment function.
    6. Supports the Processor Number Feature option.
    7. Fixes the CAS Latency Time function.
    BIOS: bh632lg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Intel PIII 550Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bh632kk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/05/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. For Rev. 1.1 boards ONLY.
      Please check your boards version number on the ISA slot.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>BH7

    BIOS: bh715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Revise CPU Temperature in "PC Health" again.
    2. Fixes the problem if set up 'Land Boot Rom' Enable, it would hang while resumed from S4 mode.
    3. Adds the item help of "Smart Fan Speed Control".
    4. The Hardware Monitoring tool needs to be updated to"HWM_BH7V15.EXE" together with BIOS update.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 6/17/2003.
    BIOS: bh714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Added support for both BH7 and BH7-E.
    2. Fixed the issue while S4 resumed, the MAC Address of onboard LAN chip can not correctly display.
    3. Added the following settings for "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    4. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature".
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 5/28/2003.
    BIOS: bh712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:12

    1. Fixes S3 resume fail issue.
    2. BIOS compile date: 3/14/2003.
    BIOS: bh711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:11

    1. Fix intermittent VGA initialization failure when CPU FSB/DRAM Clock =100/133.
    2. Revises the behavior of "Smart Fan Speed Control" function.
    3. Fixes misreading OVT issue during POST process.
    4. BIOS Compilation Date: 2/21/2003.
    BIOS: bh710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:10

    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compilation Date: 2/19/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>BH7-E
    BIOS: bh715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Revise CPU Temperature in "PC Health" again.
    2. Fixes the problem if set up 'Land Boot Rom' Enable, it would hang while resumed from S4 mode.
    3. Adds the item help of "Smart Fan Speed Control".
    4. The Hardware Monitoring tool needs to be updated to"HWM_BH7V15.EXE" together with BIOS update.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 6/17/2003.
    BIOS: bh714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 5/28/2003.

    BIOS: bl30d9g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume Windows XP from STR mode.
    2. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    3. BIOS compile date: 5/31/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>BL7
    BIOS: bldw7bp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail -safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
    2. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU (for BL7/BL7-RAID only).
    3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    4. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BL7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS compile date: 9/16/2002.
    BIOS: bldw7ab.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The reason to change BIOS v2.31 to v2.0.1024 are as below:
    • System can not resume from STR mode under Win XP, while HDD connected onto HighPoint IDE Port by using HPT v2.31 BIOS.
    • Improve performance declined on HPT BIOS v2.31 issue.
    1. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002.
    BIOS: bldw78u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8U
    1. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
    2. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
    3. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 5/14/2002.

    !!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
    * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
    *Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

    BIOS: bldw76v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6V
    1. The Default of year setup to 2002.
    2. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for Pentium 4 processor.
    3. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    4. HPT BIOS Version 2.0.1024.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 3/14/2002.
    BIOS: bldw75k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5K

    1. Fix the CD-ROM boot issue on the SCSI cards.
    2. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: bldw75c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5C

    1. Fix the option "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" set to Enable, cause system delayed issue.
    2. Improve the STR function.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw73h.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3H

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>BL7-RAID
    BIOS: bldw7bp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail -safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
    2. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU (for BL7/BL7-RAID only).
    3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    4. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BL7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS compile date: 9/16/2002.
    BIOS: bldw7ab.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The reason to change BIOS v2.31 to v2.0.1024 are as below:
    • System can not resume from STR mode under Win XP, while HDD connected onto HighPoint IDE Port by using HPT v2.31 BIOS.
    • Improve performance declined on HPT BIOS v2.31 issue.
    1. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002.
    BIOS: bldw78u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8U
    1. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
    2. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
    3. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 5/14/2002.

    !!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
    * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
    *Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

    BIOS: bldw76v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6V
    1. The Default of year setup to 2002.
    2. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for Pentium 4 processor.
    3. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    4. HPT BIOS Version 2.0.1024.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 3/14/2002.
    BIOS: bldw75k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5K

    1. Fix the CD-ROM boot issue on the SCSI cards.
    2. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: bldw75c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5C

    1. Fix the option "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" set to Enable, cause system delayed issue.
    2. Improve the STR function.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw73h.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3H

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>BM6
    BIOS: bm6tz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the keyboard LED still on issue after shutting down the system under Windows operating system.
    BIOS: bm6qt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux.
    2. Fixes the ACPI issue under W2K.
    3. Improves the Power On function by mouse right/left botton after shutting down the system under Win98SE.
    4. Supports 1.5V (cB0 stepping) Celeron 566(66) and 600(66) MHz CPUs. CC0 and newer stepping Celeron CPUs are not supported.
    BIOS: bm6pq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/12/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    2. Supports 40GB harddisks and above.
    BIOS: bm6mq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the password function.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bm6kv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
    2. Fixes the Y2K RTC function.
    3. Improves the IRQ assignment function.
    BIOS: bm6jn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron CPU up to 433 Mhz.
    BIOS: bm6hl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/01/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>BP6
    BIOS: bp6ru.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the CPU usage always showing 80% in Win 2000 problem.
    BIOS: bp6nj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/11/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    2. Fixes the STD function.
    3. HPT 366 BIOS version 1.21.
    4. Adds the 'A, EXT, C' option.
    5. Fixes the general password issue.
    6. Supports 40GB harddisks and above.
    7. Supports MPS rev 1.4.
    8. Supports Power recovery function after the AC power back. (You may enable it under INTERGRATED PERIPHERALS of CMOS SETUP.)
    BIOS: bp6lp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/06/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.

    Motherboard>Socket 423>BW7
    BIOS: bldw7bp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail -safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
    2. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU (for BL7/BL7-RAID only).
    3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    4. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BL7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS compile date: 9/16/2002.
    BIOS: bldw7ab.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The reason to change BIOS v2.31 to v2.0.1024 are as below:
    • System can not resume from STR mode under Win XP, while HDD connected onto HighPoint IDE Port by using HPT v2.31 BIOS.
    • Improve performance declined on HPT BIOS v2.31 issue.
    1. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002.
    BIOS: bldw78u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8U
    1. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
    2. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
    3. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 5/14/2002.

    !!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
    * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
    *Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

    BIOS: bldw76v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 6V
    1. The Default of year setup to 2002.
    2. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for Pentium 4 processor.
    3. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    4. HPT BIOS Version 2.0.1024.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 3/14/2002.
    BIOS: bldw75k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5K

    1. Fix the CD-ROM boot issue on the SCSI cards.
    2. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: bldw75c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5C

    1. Fix the option "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" set to Enable, cause system delayed issue.
    2. Improve the STR function.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw75b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5B

    1. Fix some P4-423 1.5G and 1.7G CPU compatibility issue with BW7 mainboard.
    2. HPT BIOS Revision: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw73h.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 3H

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 423>BW7-RAID
    BIOS: bldw7bp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail -safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
    2. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU (for BL7/BL7-RAID only).
    3. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    4. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for BL7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS compile date: 9/16/2002.
    BIOS: bldw7ab.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The reason to change BIOS v2.31 to v2.0.1024 are as below:
    • System can not resume from STR mode under Win XP, while HDD connected onto HighPoint IDE Port by using HPT v2.31 BIOS.
    • Improve performance declined on HPT BIOS v2.31 issue.
    1. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002.
    BIOS: bldw78u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8U
    1. Support Pentium 4 2.4G CPU.
    2. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed PCI=33" option was enabled in Softmenu III.
    3. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    4. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.31. The RAID function is for BD7-RAID and BW7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 5/14/2002.

    !!!Attention for upgrading BIOS!!!
    * When you upgrade bios to new bios included HPT 2.31 bios, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    * For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt37x setup.
    *Please upgrade HPT 2.31 driver before upgrade bios.

    BIOS: bldw76v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 6V
    1. The Default of year setup to 2002.
    2. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for Pentium 4 processor.
    3. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    4. HPT BIOS Version 2.0.1024.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 3/14/2002.
    BIOS: bldw75k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5K

    1. Fix the CD-ROM boot issue on the SCSI cards.
    2. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: bldw75b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5B

    1. Fix some P4-423 1.5G and 1.7G CPU compatibility issue with BW7 mainboard.
    2. HPT BIOS Revision: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw75c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 5C

    1. Fix the option "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" set to Enable, cause system delayed issue.
    2. Improve the STR function.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: bldw73h.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOSID: 3H

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>BX133-RAID
    BIOS: ber72.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 72

    1. Support Intel PIII / Celeron CPUs up to 1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core P!!!/Celeron processors.)
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: berzw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Intel Coppermine CPU.
    2. Support FlashMenu utility.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: berxk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
    2. Supports FlashMenu.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: bervi.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Celeron 633MHz(66) CPU.
    2. Add Idle/Pipeline DRAM Leadoff option in BIOS .
    3. Add PCI latency timer function in BIOS .
    4. Fix displayed error in issue.
    5. Support Flash Menu.
    6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: beruk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports to PIII 1GHz CPU(133MHz FSB).
    BIOS: bertt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports VIA Cyrix III CPU.
    BIOS: bersz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/07/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Slot 1>BX6
    BIOS: bx6qs.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/03/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the incorrect capacity issue under Linux.
    2. Fixes the incompatibility issue with W2K.
    BIOS: bx6mx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/12/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    2. Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    3. Supports 40GB harddisks and abov.
    BIOS: bx6mp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the password function.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bx6lw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the password function.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bx6jl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 433 Mhz CPU.
    2. Supports correct naming of Pentium III CPU.
    BIOS: bx6hv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/01/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the NEC ATAPI ZIP drive incompatibility problem.
    2. Supports the Intel Pentium III 450 and 500 Mhz (Katmai) CPU.
    3. Supports the Intel Celeron 366 Mhz up to 400 Mhz compliance.
    4. Supports up to an 8x clock multiplier.
    5. Solves the problem of Windows98 not being able to shut-down properly when the ACPI function is enabled.
    6. Supports DMI 2.3 . You have to input the parameter /CD to Clear DMI pool data while updating the BIOS. (e.g. A:AWDFLASH NEWBIOS /PY /SN /CC /CD)


    For Pentium III (Katmai) users, the BIOS will indicate PII EVEN if it is a PIII because the code was finished just prior to the unveiling of the new PIII name for the Katmai. This will be corrected in the next BIOS.

    BIOS: bx6gx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Updates the K/B default setting to 8Mhz to fix Micorsoft Elite K/Bs.
    2. Changes the ACPI default setting to disable.
    BIOS: bx6gq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports ACPI function.
    BIOS: bx6eg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/07/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports some kinds of display cards with the chipset of Mpact 2.
    2. Allows insertion of more than one display card on the mainboard & add s an Init Display First option in the BIOS for user to choose the primary display card.
    3. Supports the Celeron 300 & 333 CPUs with built-in cache.
    BIOS: bx6dl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Correction for Intel Celeron parameters.
    2. Correction for DRAM parameters and expanded support for more types of DRAM.
    BIOS: bx6cw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/04/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Soft Menu II.
    2. Supports SDRAM CAS Lattency Time in BIOS.
    BIOS: bx6am.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1998/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Slot 1>BX6 2.0
    BIOS: bxrnw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/12/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports PIII 600Mhz(100Mhz FSB), 650Mhz(100Mhz FSB) and 700Mhz(100Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    2. Supports 40GB harddisks and above.
    3. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPUs.
    BIOS: bxrmw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the PIII 600(100)Mhz CPU.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bxrmn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the password function.
    BIOS: bxrlu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the Y2K RTC function.
    2. Improves the IRQ assignment function.
    3. Improves the CPU SOFTMENU fuction when turbo mode is enabled.
    BIOS: bxrku.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/06/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
    2. Supports the PIII 550Mhz CPU.
    BIOS: bxrkh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/04/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the PIII CPU Processor Serial Number function, it's called Processor Number Feature in the BIOS Features Setup.
    BIOS: bxrjh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 433 Mhz CPU.
    2. Supports correct naming of Pentium III CPU.
    BIOS: bxrhj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/01/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    DigiDice>Socket 478>DigiDice

    The motherboard has BIOS write-protect function enabled. Please setup "BIOS protect control" to "Unprotected" in "Advanced BIOS Feature" in BIOS if you would like to update the BIOS.

    BIOS: is5020.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/15/2005
    BIOS: is5019.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/16/2004
    BIOS: is5018.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Please use AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the IS-50 BIOS.
    2. Added the function "FAN Failed Alarm".
    3. Added the function "FAN Fail Shutdown".
    4. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    5. Updated Intel on screen branding (OSB) logo
    6. Fixed an issue where the shared memory string may be lost when switching form graphic mode to text mode.
    7. BIOS compile date: 02/02/2004.

    BIOS: is5017.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update IS-50 BIOS.
    2. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    3. Corrected NB fan speed display.
    4. Corrected CPU and system temperature display.
    5. BIOS compile date: 12/25/2003.
    BIOS: is5015.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update IS-50 BIOS.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    4. Removed "An Energy Star Ally" string at boot up.
    5. Fixed the missing Intel brand name during boot up after changing the CPU or clearing CMOS.
    6. Hid the OnBoard VGA options when AGP card is installed.
    7. Revised DMI information.
    8. Fixed the memory sizing string error in DMI information when the system is operating at dual channel mode.
    9. BIOS compile date: 11/10/2003.
    BIOS: is5014.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update IS-50 BIOS; and also note that IS-50 has BIOS write-protect function enabled. Please setup BIOS protect control to "Unprotected" in Advanced BIOS Feature in BIOS if you would like to update the BIOS.
    2. Change the default setting of BIOS Protect Control to UnProtected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 10/09/2003.
    BIOS: is5013.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update IS-50 BIOS.
    2. Fixed the problem that system reboots when security password is set.
    3. Revise wording in PC health.
    4. Enhance IDE port detection.
    5. Enhance shuttle over-clocking ability.
    6. Fixed the problem that system reboots when certain VGA card is used (nVidia FX5600 and FX5900).
    7. BIOS compile date: 10/02/2003.
    BIOS: is5010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile date: 7/29/2003.


    BIOS: Flashmenu136.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS: FlashMenu135.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. ABIT FlashMenu™ v1.35
    BIOS: FlashMenu133.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. 2004/02/18 FlashMenu 1.33 released. The latest revision.
    2. Added button link to ABIT FAE website, when it detects an outdated version of FlashMenu.
    3. Set different color for bios ID.
    4. Added "FlashMenu" text on the task bar.
    5. MD5sum: 059c391027102d23b86796aebeedac38
    FlashMenu™ supports following models (2003/12/29)

    KR7A / KR7A-RAID
    KR7A-133 / KR7A-133R
    KT7A v1.3
    KX7-333 / KX7-333R
    NF7 / NF7-S / NF7-M
    NF7 / NF7-S V2.0

    BD7 / BD7-RAID
    BE7 / BE7-RAID
    BH7 / BH7-E
    DigiDice (IS50)
    IC7-G / IC7
    IS7 / IS7-E / IS7-G
    IT7-MAX2 V2.0
    BIOS: FlashMenu132.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixed UI error when flash ROM is an unknown flash.
    2. Supports flash between BIOSes with different boot block sizes.
    3. MD5sum: 8dfdaed16d0b1de69485aa248d3b1896
    BIOS: FlashMenu130.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    ABIT-Engineered Flash Menu is a Windows-based BIOS flashing application.
    FlashMenu™ will update your BIOS with one click.

    FlashMenu™ supports following models (2003/08/13)

    BD7 / BD7-RAID
    BE7 / BE7-RAID

    BH7 / BH7-E
    IC7-G / IC7
    IS7 / IS7-E / IS7-G
    IT7-MAX2 V2.0

    KR7A / KR7A-RAID
    KR7A-133 / KR7A-133R
    KT7A v1.3
    KX7-333 / KX7-333R
    NF7 / NF7-S / NF7-M
    NF7 / NF7-S V2.0

    Motherboard>LGA775>Fatal1ty AA8XE

    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. μGuru utility now works as intended.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/17/2005
    BIOS: fa8xe14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego w przypadku korzystania z CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
    2. Rozszerzenie zakresu dostępnych częstotliwości FSB do 500 MHz.
    3. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) na "Disable" (wyłącz).
    4. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
    5. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na zawieszaniu się systemu w przypadku, gdy wykorzystywany jest 4-ty port SATA.
    6. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/21.
    BIOS: fa8xe13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add EIST support.
    2. Enhance four 1GB memory support.
    3. Enhance OCZ DDR2-4200 DRAM module compatibility.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 01/21/2005
    BIOS: fa8xe12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 14/04/2005.
    BIOS: fa8xe11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Enhanced PCI-E graphic performance.
    2. BIOS compile date: 12/03/2004
    BIOS: fa8xe10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/28/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 939>Fatal1ty AN8

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. wsparcie dla FX-60
    2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
    3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
    2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
    BIOS: an818.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
    2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
    3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
    BIOS: an817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
    BIOS: an816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
    2. Change Full screen logo.
    3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
    4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
    5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
    6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
    7. Update AMD MCT2
    8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
    BIOS: an815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Update MCT2
    2. Support dualcore cpu
    3. Modified DMI Pool
    4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
    5. Delete "an emergy star"
    BIOS: an813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add "Wake-up by Onchip LAN" function.
    3. Add LDT frequency item "x1.5" and "x2.5".
    4. Add some new USB related items.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 04/25/2005
    BIOS: an812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Aktualizacja ROM-u wbudowanego kontrolera RAID do wersji 4.81.
    2. Usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowego działania mnożnika częstotliwości CPU.
    3. Usunięcie usterki zawieszania się BIOS-u w sekcji monitorowania napięć zasilających w ABIT EQ, występującej w przypadku, gdy napięcie DDR ustawiono na 2,80 V.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 17/02/2005.
    BIOS: an811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2005.

    Motherboard>Socket 939>Fatal1ty AN8 SLI

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. wsparcie dla FX-60
    2. poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi urządzeniami USB.
    3. poprawiono kompatybilność z niektórymi pamięciami.
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/19/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi kartami PCI SCSI.
    2. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/17/2005
    BIOS: an818.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Enhanced some VGA cards compatibility.
    2. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V4.8
    3. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    4. Enhanced some sound cards compatibility.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 09/27/2005
    BIOS: an817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.2
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/21/2005
    BIOS: an816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Change default setting of Cool n' Quiet to "Enable"
    2. Change Full screen logo.
    3. Cool n' Quiet now works as intended.
    4. Fixed the issue that certain VGA card does not work with DVI output.
    5. Fixed the issue that some 3D application may not run stable in SLi mode.
    6. Change some item in DRAM voltage section.
    7. Update AMD MCT2
    8. BIOS compiled date: 07/12/2005
    BIOS: an815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Update MCT2
    2. Support dualcore cpu
    3. Modified DMI Pool
    4. Add ACPI CPU1 data
    5. Delete "an emergy star"
    BIOS: an813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/25/2005

    Motherboard>Socket AM2>Fatal1ty AN9 32X

    Bios Issue Date:2006/10/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support DRAM ECC function.
    2. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU A64 X2 3800+ "ADA3800IAA5CU".
    3. CPU multiplier adjusting function now works as intended after resuming from S3.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 10/23/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Support AN9 32X.
    2. Support DRAM "CAS Latency and Command rate" adjusted function.
    3. The function "S3 resume" now works as intended without problems.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 06/22/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 05/30/2006


    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Aktualizacja BIOS ITE I 8211F do wersji V1.3.1.65
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/04/2006
    BIOS: gd813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add new Items C1E and EIST.
    2. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 03/25/2005
    BIOS: gd812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: gd811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Usunięcie zbędnych komunikatów w BIOS-ie.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.
    BIOS: gd810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20.01.2005.

    Motherboard>LGA775>GD8 Pro

    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Add new CPU support.
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain hard drives
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/18/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 1/10/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 12/06/2005


    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Aktualizacja BIOS ITE I 8211F do wersji V1.3.1.65
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/04/2006
    BIOS: gd813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add new Items C1E and EIST.
    2. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 03/25/2005
    BIOS: gd812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: gd811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Usunięcie zbędnych komunikatów w BIOS-ie.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.
    BIOS: gd810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.


    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Aktualizacja BIOS ITE I 8211F do wersji V1.3.1.65
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/04/2006
    BIOS: gd813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add new Items C1E and EIST.
    2. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 03/25/2005
    BIOS: gd812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: gd811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Usunięcie zbędnych komunikatów w BIOS-ie.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.
    BIOS: gd810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.


    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Aktualizacja BIOS ITE I 8211F do wersji V1.3.1.65
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 09/04/2006
    BIOS: gd813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add new Items C1E and EIST.
    2. Change the default setting of "Execute Disable Bit" to "Disable".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 03/25/2005
    BIOS: gd812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: gd810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza wersja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.
    BIOS: gd811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Usunięcie zbędnych komunikatów w BIOS-ie.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 20/01/2005.

    Accessories>Add-on Cards>HotRod 66 / HPT366
    BIOS: hr66125.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/07/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS Version 1.25.

    Accessories>Add-on Cards>HotRod100 Pro / HPT37X
    BIOS: hr1110512.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/06/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. HPT 370 BIOS and Driver 1.11 0512.
    BIOS: hr100103b1.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. HPT 370 Driver v1.0.3b.
    2. HPT 370 BIOS v1.0.3b1.
    3. Load Utility v1.14.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IC7

    BIOS: ic728.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/12/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:28
    1. Zwiększenie stabilności pomiędzy dyskami SATA i urządzeniami IEEE 1394.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 28/12/2004.
    BIOS: ic727.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    2. Update CPU micro code.
    3. Supported certain SATA CDROM when "OnChip Serial ATA" in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Revised wording in PC health item.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/01/2004
    BIOS: ic726.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Enhanced CPU compatibility.
    2. Enhanced certain ECC memory module performance on boot.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/30/2004
    BIOS: ic725.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Changed ”IDE Bus Master” default to “Enabled”.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 06/25/2004
    BIOS: ic724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Fix an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    2. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    3. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    4. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    5. Updated CPU micro code.
    6. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: ic723.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Revised the wording of MAC Address status to "None" in system configuration table if Onboard Network Controller is disabled.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (0F25h/1Bh, 0F32h/08h, 0F34h/0Ch)
    3. BIOS compile date: 03/30/2004
    BIOS: ic722.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID Cards.
    3. Enhanced compatibility with WD1200JB-SATA hard disk.
    4. Updated SiliconImage 3112 controller ROM to version 4.2.47.
    5. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    6. BIOS compile date: 02/24/2004.
    BIOS: ic721.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Updated CPU micro code for Prescott.
    2. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    3. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    4. Fixed an issue where a system with BIOS 20 will hang at post code "AF" with certain memory modules is installed.
    5. BIOS compile date: 01/28/2004
    BIOS: ic720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Updated Intel On Screen Branding (OSB) logo.
    2. Updated BBS code. This will fix some boot sequence issues with various SCSI cards.
    3. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1) The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2) The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    4. Updated CPU Micro Code.
    5. BIOS compile date: 12/31/2003
    BIOS: ic719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added notification when 80-wire cable is not installed.
    3. Fixed a problem where the system hangs if
      1. DRAM ratio is set to 5:4 or 3:2
      2. DRAM timing by SPD
      3. N/B strap CPU as FSB800
    4. BIOS compile date: 11/18/2003
    BIOS: ic718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed the problem that the hard disk on IDE-1 may not be detected by when "OnChip SATA" is set to RAID.
    2. Fixed the problem that CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU: DRAM is set to PSB800/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    3. Remove some string in "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    4. Fixed the problem that system will reboot instead of shutdown when the "Wake Up by Alarm" is enabled.
    5. Fixed the problem that there will be some wording error when set "Time Alarm".
    6. Fixed the problem that the system will shutdown if the fan speed is too low and the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" is enabled.
    7. Enhance USB card reader compatibility.
    8. Add Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    9. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels)
    10. Show the correct subsystem device ID of the USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 controller. (IC7 only)
    11. Fixed the problem that certain CD/DVD-ROM could not be correctly detected when there is a HDD drive attached on the same IDE cable.
    12. BIOS compile date: 10/30/2003
    BIOS: ic717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    2. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    3. Changed the default setting of "OnBoard IR Port" to "Disabled".
    4. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status.
    5. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    6. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting.
    7. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    8. Included new Intel CSA LAN boot agent v1.21.07 for 82547EI chip (for IC7-G only).
    9. Displayed correct specification of DDR200 memory module during POST.
    10. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    11. Updated CPU micro code (0F24H/1EH, 0F25H/15H, 0F27H/37H, 0F29H/17H).
    12. Revised display wording of "Time Alarm" menu box in BIOS setup.
    13. BIOS Compile Date: 8/21/2003.

    BIOS: ic716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F12H/2EH, 0F13H/05H)
    2. Fixed the problem that no effect during POST if change "Delay IDE Initial" in BIOS setup.
    3. Added function to automatically detect the IRQ availability and dynamically update assignation table in PnP/PCI configurations setup page.
    4. Revised the wording of IEEE1394 controller in PCI device listing.
    5. Fixed the problem that DOS4GW.EXE causes system hang-up in DOS environment.
    6. Added function that automatically detects CPU operation speed after discharging CMOS data.
    7. Added SATA RAID 1 function for Intel ICH5R south bridge.The IAA RAID driver should be updated to v3.5 or later to support RAID 1 in Windows XP.
    8. BIOS Compile date: 7/11/2003.
    BIOS: ic715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:15

    1. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing.
    2. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup.
    3. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabling Power Scheme of "power Option" under Windows XP.
    4. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data by CCMOS jumper.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 6/23/2003.
    BIOS: ic714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    New Fixes/Features

    1. Added new option "HDD Change Message" in Advanced BIOS Features and the default setting is "Disabled". If this option is changed to "Enabled", the system will show warning message and prompt for a confirmation when one or more than one HDD had been added into or removed from the system.
    2. Changed the default setting of "OnCip Serial ATA" to "Auto".
    3. Revised the wording of IDE channels inside the BIOS Setup. IDE Channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 are changed to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    4. Revised the error reading of fan speed for specific CPU cooling fan when FanEQ 60% enabled.
    5. Fixed "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
    6. Fixed the slow detection problem when HDD simulation card installed.
    7. Fixed the problem that SMARTDRV.EXE malfunction in DOS 6.22 environment.
    8. Fixed the problem that Windows 98 bootable floppy disk causes system hang up during loading CD-ROM driver when "OnChip Serial ATA" is set to "Auto".
    9. Added "Game Accelerator" technology.
    10. Removed options "Virus Warning" and "Force Update ESCD".
    11. BIOS Compile Date: 6/9/2003.
    BIOS: ic713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.
    2. Revised display mode of HTT CPU LOGO.
    3. Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.
    4. Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page.
      - Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device
      - CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C
      - CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C
    5. Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hid the option.
    6. Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.
    7. Fixed COM2 device existing in Windows Device Manager problem.
    8. Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC powerloss and resume.
    9. BIOS Compile Date: 5/19/2003.
    BIOS: ic711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 11

    1. Added new option "SATA RAID ROM" to setup the BIOS of onboard and on-chip SATA.
    2. Revised setup menu for on-chip Serial ATA.
    3. Fixed IOMEGA USB-ZIP 250 boot issue.
    4. Added SVID/SDID for IC7 and IC7-G respectively.
    5. Added "Intel on-screen branding" and could be enabled/disabled.
    6. Added new options "Read Delay (Trd)" and "Turbo Mode" for system performance.
    7. Fixed on-chip SATA boot issue while another bootable hard drives exist and attached to IDE-1 or IDE-2.
    8. Updated memory reference code and ICH5 BIOS spec to v1.2.
    9. Updated ICH5 SATA RAID BIOS to v3.0.0.2344.
    10. Updated CPU micro code (CPU: 0F29H, ID=11H).
    11. Added new options "Refresh Cycle Time", "Read Delay Adjust (tRD Adj)", "Command Per Clock (CPC)", and "Performance Mode".
    12. Added new option "IDE Bus Master".
    13. Added CPU multiplier 8X for engineering sample CPU and maximum CPU frequency 412 MHz.
    14. Fixed DRAM timing settings while manually set them.
    15. BIOS Compile Date: 4/30/2003.
    BIOS: ic710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 3/27/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IC7-G

    BIOS: ic728.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/12/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:28
    1. Zwiększenie stabilności pomiędzy dyskami SATA i urządzeniami IEEE 1394.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 28/12/2004.
    BIOS: ic727.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    2. Update CPU micro code.
    3. Supported certain SATA CDROM when "OnChip Serial ATA" in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Revised wording in PC health item.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/01/2004
    BIOS: ic726.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Enhanced CPU compatibility.
    2. Enhanced certain ECC memory module performance on boot.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/30/2004
    BIOS: ic725.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Changed ”IDE Bus Master” default to “Enabled”.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 06/25/2004
    BIOS: ic724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Fix an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    2. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    3. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    4. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    5. Updated CPU micro code.
    6. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: ic723.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Revised the wording of MAC Address status to "None" in system configuration table if Onboard Network Controller is disabled.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (0F25h/1Bh, 0F32h/08h, 0F34h/0Ch)
    3. BIOS compile date: 03/30/2004
    BIOS: ic722.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID Cards.
    3. Enhanced compatibility with WD1200JB-SATA hard disk.
    4. Updated SiliconImage 3112 controller ROM to version 4.2.47.
    5. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    6. BIOS compile date: 02/24/2004.
    BIOS: ic721.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Updated CPU micro code for Prescott.
    2. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    3. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    4. Fixed an issue where a system with BIOS 20 will hang at post code "AF" with certain memory modules is installed.
    5. BIOS compile date: 01/28/2004
    BIOS: ic720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Updated Intel On Screen Branding (OSB) logo.
    2. Updated BBS code. This will fix some boot sequence issues with various SCSI cards.
    3. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1) The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2) The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    4. Updated CPU Micro Code.
    5. BIOS compile date: 12/31/2003
    BIOS: ic719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added notification when 80-wire cable is not installed.
    3. Fixed a problem where the system hangs if
      1. DRAM ratio is set to 5:4 or 3:2
      2. DRAM timing by SPD
      3. N/B strap CPU as FSB800
    4. BIOS compile date: 11/18/2003
    BIOS: ic718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed the problem that the hard disk on IDE-1 may not be detected by when "OnChip SATA" is set to RAID.
    2. Fixed the problem that CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU: DRAM is set to PSB800/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    3. Remove some string in "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    4. Fixed the problem that system will reboot instead of shutdown when the "Wake Up by Alarm" is enabled.
    5. Fixed the problem that there will be some wording error when set "Time Alarm".
    6. Fixed the problem that the system will shutdown if the fan speed is too low and the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" is enabled.
    7. Enhance USB card reader compatibility.
    8. Add Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    9. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels)
    10. Show the correct subsystem device ID of the USB 2.0 and IEEE 1394 controller. (IC7 only)
    11. Fixed the problem that certain CD/DVD-ROM could not be correctly detected when there is a HDD drive attached on the same IDE cable.
    12. BIOS compile date: 10/30/2003
    BIOS: ic717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    2. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    3. Changed the default setting of "OnBoard IR Port" to "Disabled".
    4. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status.
    5. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    6. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting.
    7. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    8. Included new Intel CSA LAN boot agent v1.21.07 for 82547EI chip (for IC7-G only).
    9. Displayed correct specification of DDR200 memory module during POST.
    10. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    11. Updated CPU micro code (0F24H/1EH, 0F25H/15H, 0F27H/37H, 0F29H/17H).
    12. Revised display wording of "Time Alarm" menu box in BIOS setup.
    13. BIOS Compile Date: 8/21/2003.

    BIOS: ic716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F12H/2EH, 0F13H/05H)
    2. Fixed the problem that no effect during POST if change "Delay IDE Initial" in BIOS setup.
    3. Added function to automatically detect the IRQ availability and dynamically update assignation table in PnP/PCI configurations setup page.
    4. Revised the wording of IEEE1394 controller in PCI device listing.
    5. Fixed the problem that DOS4GW.EXE causes system hang-up in DOS environment.
    6. Added function that automatically detects CPU operation speed after discharging CMOS data.
    7. Added SATA RAID 1 function for Intel ICH5R south bridge.The IAA RAID driver should be updated to v3.5 or later to support RAID 1 in Windows XP.
    8. BIOS Compile date: 7/11/2003.
    BIOS: ic715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:15

    1. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing.
    2. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup.
    3. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabling Power Scheme of "power Option" under Windows XP.
    4. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data by CCMOS jumper.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 6/23/2003.
    BIOS: ic714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    New Fixes/Features

    1. Added new option "HDD Change Message" in Advanced BIOS Features and the default setting is "Disabled". If this option is changed to "Enabled", the system will show warning message and prompt for a confirmation when one or more than one HDD had been added into or removed from the system.
    2. Changed the default setting of "OnCip Serial ATA" to "Auto".
    3. Revised the wording of IDE channels inside the BIOS Setup. IDE Channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 are changed to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    4. Revised the error reading of fan speed for specific CPU cooling fan when FanEQ 60% enabled.
    5. Fixed "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
    6. Fixed the slow detection problem when HDD simulation card installed.
    7. Fixed the problem that SMARTDRV.EXE malfunction in DOS 6.22 environment.
    8. Fixed the problem that Windows 98 bootable floppy disk causes system hang up during loading CD-ROM driver when "OnChip Serial ATA" is set to "Auto".
    9. Added "Game Accelerator" technology.
    10. Removed options "Virus Warning" and "Force Update ESCD".
    11. BIOS Compile Date: 6/9/2003.
    BIOS: ic713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.
    2. Revised display mode of HTT CPU LOGO.
    3. Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.
    4. Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page.
      - Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device
      - CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C
      - CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C
    5. Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hid the option.
    6. Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.
    7. Fixed COM2 device existing in Windows Device Manager problem.
    8. Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC powerloss and resume.
    9. BIOS Compile Date: 5/19/2003.
    BIOS: ic711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 11

    1. Added new option "SATA RAID ROM" to setup the BIOS of onboard and on-chip SATA.
    2. Revised setup menu for on-chip Serial ATA.
    3. Fixed IOMEGA USB-ZIP 250 boot issue.
    4. Added SVID/SDID for IC7 and IC7-G respectively.
    5. Added "Intel on-screen branding" and could be enabled/disabled.
    6. Added new options "Read Delay (Trd)" and "Turbo Mode" for system performance.
    7. Fixed on-chip SATA boot issue while another bootable hard drives exist and attached to IDE-1 or IDE-2.
    8. Updated memory reference code and ICH5 BIOS spec to v1.2.
    9. Updated ICH5 SATA RAID BIOS to v3.0.0.2344.
    10. Updated CPU micro code (CPU: 0F29H, ID=11H).
    11. Added new options "Refresh Cycle Time", "Read Delay Adjust (tRD Adj)", "Command Per Clock (CPC)", and "Performance Mode".
    12. Added new option "IDE Bus Master".
    13. Added CPU multiplier 8X for engineering sample CPU and maximum CPU frequency 412 MHz.
    14. Fixed DRAM timing settings while manually set them.
    15. BIOS Compile Date: 4/30/2003.
    BIOS: ic710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 3/27/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IC7-MAX3

    BIOS: ic7p18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROMs when "OnChip Serial ATA" in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Revised wording in PC health item.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/01/2004
    BIOS: ic7p17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Enhanced certain ECC memory module performance on boot.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/30/2004
    BIOS: ic7p16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fix an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    2. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    3. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    4. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    5. Update CPU micro code.
    6. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: ic7p15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Revised the wording of MAC Address status to "None" in system configuration table if Onboard Network Controller is disabled.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (0F25h/1Bh, 0F32h/08h, 0F34h/0Ch)
    3. BIOS compile date: 03/30/2004
    BIOS: ic7p14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    2. Added notification when no 80-wire cable is installed.
    3. Fixed a problem where the system hangs if
      1. DRAM ratio is set to 5:4 or 3:2
      2. DRAM timing by SPD
      3. N/B strap CPU as FSB800
    4. Updated Intel OSB logo。
    5. Updated BBS code.
    6. Changed the default year to 2004.
    7. Fixed an issue where the system would hang at post code "AF" with certain memory modules installed.
    8. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID cards.
    9. Enhanced compatibility with WD1200JB-SATA harddisk.
    10. Updated SiliconImage 3114 RAID BIOS to version 5.0.31.
    11. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    12. BIOS compile date: 02/24/2004.
    BIOS: ic7p13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed the problem that the hard disk on IDE-1 may not be detected by when "OnChip SATA" is set to RAID.
    2. Fixed the problem that CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU: DRAM is set to PSB800/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    3. Remove some string in "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    4. Fixed the problem that system will reboot instead of shutdown when the "Wake Up by Alarm" is enabled.
    5. Fixed the problem that there will be some wording error when set "Time Alarm".
    6. Fixed the problem that the system will shutdown if the fan speed is too low and the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" is enabled.
    7. Enhance USB card reader compatibility.
    8. Add Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    9. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels)
    10. Fixed the problem that certain CD/DVD-ROM could not be correctly detected when there is a HDD drive attached on the same IDE cable.
    11. BIOS compile date: 10/30/2003
    BIOS: ic7p12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Displayed correct FSB frequency for PSB400 CPU after CMOS data discharged.
    2. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status.
    3. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    4. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting.
    5. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    6. Removed the status report of Serial/Parallel port in system configurations table.
    7. Included new Intel CSA LAN boot agent.
    8. Displayed correct specification of DDR200 memory module during POST.
    9. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    10. Updated CPU micro code (0F24H/1EH, 0F25H/15H, 0F27H/37H, 0F29H/17H).
    11. Revised display wording of "Time Alarm" menu box in BIOS setup.
    12. BIOS Compile Date: 8/21/2003.

    BIOS: ic7p11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F29H/14H).
    2. Added new function to show warning message if memory voltage is or higher than 3.0V.
    3. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    4. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    5. Changed the default setting of "FAN Fail Alarm Selectable" from "Disabled" to "OTES FAN".
    6. Added new complex selections in "FAN Fail Alarm Selectable" and "Shutdown When FAN Fail".
    7. BIOS Compile date: 8/5/2003.
    BIOS: ic7p10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile date: 7/15/2003.


    BIOS: ig8018.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Reduce the time system uses when waking from S3 mode.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/16/2005
    BIOS: ig8017.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu EIST po powrocie ze stanu oszczędzania energii S3.
    2. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym wyświetlaniu prędkości obrotowej wentylatorów powyżej wartości 10000 RPM.
    3. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego w przypadku korzystania z CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
    4. Dodanie nowych opcji w sekcji monitorowania sprzętu dedykowanej FanEQ.
    5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
    6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
    7. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) na "Disable" (wyłącz).
    8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/11/2005.
    BIOS: ig8016.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: ig8015.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    2. Zwiększona wydajność kart graficznych PCI-Express.
    3. Dodanie opcji "Added CPU FANEQ Control" (sterowanie wentylatorem CPU z użyciem mechanizmów FANEQ).
    4. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "CPU Warning Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowane jest ostrzeżenie).
    5. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "CPU Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której następuje automatyczne wyłączenie systemu).
    6. Usunięcie usterki kasowania wartości UUID w przypadku wyłączenia wbudowanego kontrolera sieci LAN.
    7. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "BOOT Sequence" (kolejność wyszukiwania napędu, z którego uruchamiany jest system).
    8. Usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego działania wentylatorów w przypadku przywrócenia systemu z jednego ze stanów oszczędzania energii S1/S3/S4.
    9. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "FAN Fail Alarm" (generowanie alarmu w przypadku awarii wentylatora).
    10. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "BOOT Form LAN" (uruchamianie systemu z sieci lokalnej) w przypadku, gdy nie jest podłączona sieć.
    11. Usunięcie opcji IRQ14 i IRQ15.
    12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/26/2005
    BIOS: ig8014.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    2. Enhanced certain DDR400 performance.
    3. Removed DRAM ratio 3:4.
    4. Removed IRQ 14/15 assignment item.
    5. Modified some POST wording when using Celeron D CPU.
    6. Added DMI information.
    7. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
    8. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
    9. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2004
    BIOS: ig8013.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support IG-81.
    2. Add "CPU Warning Temperature", "FAN Fail Alarm Selectable" and "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" functions.
    3. Remove "COM2 Port" icon from Windows System Management.
    4. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
    5. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    6. Enhanced PCI-E VGA card compatibility.
    7. Update CPU micro code.
    8. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function fail issue.
    9. Update LAN Boot ROM to v2.0.
    10. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004
    BIOS: ig8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/17/2004
    BIOS: ig8010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/23/2004


    BIOS: ig8018.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Reduce the time system uses when waking from S3 mode.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/16/2005
    BIOS: ig8017.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu EIST po powrocie ze stanu oszczędzania energii S3.
    2. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym wyświetlaniu prędkości obrotowej wentylatorów powyżej wartości 10000 RPM.
    3. Korekta komunikatu wyświetlanego w przypadku korzystania z CPU z 2 MB pamięci podręcznej L2.
    4. Dodanie nowych opcji w sekcji monitorowania sprzętu dedykowanej FanEQ.
    5. Dodanie opcji sterującej EIST.
    6. Dodanie opcji sterującej "C1E Function".
    7. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Execute Disable Bit" (technologia zabezpieczająca przed uruchamianiem nieautoryzowanego kodu) na "Disable" (wyłącz).
    8. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/11/2005.
    BIOS: ig8016.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Dodanie obsługi EIST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/02/2005.
    BIOS: ig8015.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    2. Zwiększona wydajność kart graficznych PCI-Express.
    3. Dodanie opcji "Added CPU FANEQ Control" (sterowanie wentylatorem CPU z użyciem mechanizmów FANEQ).
    4. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "CPU Warning Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowane jest ostrzeżenie).
    5. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "CPU Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której następuje automatyczne wyłączenie systemu).
    6. Usunięcie usterki kasowania wartości UUID w przypadku wyłączenia wbudowanego kontrolera sieci LAN.
    7. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "BOOT Sequence" (kolejność wyszukiwania napędu, z którego uruchamiany jest system).
    8. Usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego działania wentylatorów w przypadku przywrócenia systemu z jednego ze stanów oszczędzania energii S1/S3/S4.
    9. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "FAN Fail Alarm" (generowanie alarmu w przypadku awarii wentylatora).
    10. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "BOOT Form LAN" (uruchamianie systemu z sieci lokalnej) w przypadku, gdy nie jest podłączona sieć.
    11. Usunięcie opcji IRQ14 i IRQ15.
    12. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/26/2005
    BIOS: ig8014.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    2. Enhanced certain DDR400 performance.
    3. Removed DRAM ratio 3:4.
    4. Removed IRQ 14/15 assignment item.
    5. Modified some POST wording when using Celeron D CPU.
    6. Added DMI information.
    7. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
    8. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
    9. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2004
    BIOS: ig8013.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support IG-81.
    2. Add "CPU Warning Temperature", "FAN Fail Alarm Selectable" and "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" functions.
    3. Remove "COM2 Port" icon from Windows System Management.
    4. Add wording "Interleaved Mode" or "Asymmetric Mode" after Dual Channel.
    5. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    6. Enhanced PCI-E VGA card compatibility.
    7. Update CPU micro code.
    8. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function fail issue.
    9. Update LAN Boot ROM to v2.0.
    10. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004


    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Częstotliwość pracy CPU jest prawidłowo wykrywana dla procesorów Prescott 3.4G, 3.6G, 3.8G
    2. Ekran POST-u pokazuje prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300.
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 12/27/2005
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 11/29/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS-10

    BIOS: is1220.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/05/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    2. Set default DRAM voltage to 2.60V.
    3. Set default RTC year to 2005.
    4. Fixed the issue that system cannot install OS with a 300GB harddisk.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 05/31/2005
    BIOS: is1219.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the issue that some 3.2GHz CPU will be recognized as 2.8GHz.
    2. Set the default DRAM voltage to 2.60V after clear CMOS.
    3. Change the default RTC year to 2005.
    4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 04/14/2005
    BIOS: is1218.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodanie opcji "Game Accelerator".
    2. Dodanie opcji "CPU FAN Fail Alarm" (sygnał alarmowy w przypadku stwierdzenia awarii wentylatora CPU).
    3. Dodanie komunikatów opisujących bieżącą konfigurację pamięci DRAM - “Dual Channel” (praca w trybie dwukanałowym) i “Single Chanel” (praca w trybie jednokanałowym) - wyświetlanych na ekranie w trakcie procedury POST.
    4. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/02/21.
    BIOS: is1217.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is1216.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    2. Changed the default year to 2004.
    3. Updated CPU micro code.
    4. Revised wording for the "CPU Shutdown Temperature" Item.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Reserved the setting of date & time after Clean CMOS.
    7. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th.... windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    8. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is1215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update IS-10 / IS-11 / IS-12/IS-20 BIOS.
    2. First release for IS-20.
    3. Removed the "32MB" option from BIOS item "Frame Buffer Size".
    4. Fixed incorrect voltage display in "DDR VT Voltage" and "AGP VDDQ Voltage".
    5. Revised CPU Warning Temperature upper limit to 95 degrees and set default to 85 degrees.
    6. Revised CPU Shutdown Temperature upper limit to 100 degrees and set default to 95 degrees.
    7. Fixed an issue where CPU temperature would be detected wrong after resuming from S3 mode.
    8. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004
    BIOS: is1214.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/01/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update IS-10 / IS-11 / IS-12 BIOS.
    2. Revised "Initial Display First" option from "AGP" to "Onboard/AGP".
    3. Removed "An Energy Star Ally" string and EPA logo.
    4. Removed BIOS protect option.
    5. Added shared memory size display.
    6. Revised some help information.
    7. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    8. BIOS compile date: 01/14/2004
    BIOS: is1212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update IS-10/IS-11 /IS-12 BIOS.
    2. Added Intel P4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Added CPU brand name on the POST screen.
    4. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    5. Hid the On board VGA options when AGP card is installed.
    6. Revised some DMI information.
    7. BIOS compile date: 11/19/2003
    BIOS: is1211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update IS-10/IS-11/IS-12 BIOS.
    2. Fixed the system hang-up problem that choose "Save and Exit Setup" in BIOS Setup Menu by USB keyboard.
    3. Revised the chipset wording to "i865G" in BIOS information.
    4. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    5. Changed the display location of wordings below the Intel On-Screen Branding LOGO.
    6. Automatically removed the "Onboard 1394 controller" item inside BIOS setup page for IS-10 and IS-11. (Only IS-12 features onboard 1394 controller)
    7. Fixed "Unknown Flash Type" message during updating ESCD for ST Flash ROM "M50FW040 K1 SBS4R032D".
    8. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    9. BIOS Compile date: 8/26/2003.
    BIOS: is1210.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update IS-10/IS-11/IS-12 BIOS.
    2. First Release.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/30/2003

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS-20

    BIOS: is1220.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/05/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    2. Set default DRAM voltage to 2.60V.
    3. Set default RTC year to 2005.
    4. Fixed the issue that system cannot install OS with a 300GB harddisk.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 05/31/2005
    BIOS: is1219.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the issue that some 3.2GHz CPU will be recognized as 2.8GHz.
    2. Set the default DRAM voltage to 2.60V after clear CMOS.
    3. Change the default RTC year to 2005.
    4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 04/14/2005
    BIOS: is1218.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodanie opcji "Game Accelerator".
    2. Dodanie opcji "CPU FAN Fail Alarm" (sygnał alarmowy w przypadku stwierdzenia awarii wentylatora CPU).
    3. Dodanie komunikatów opisujących bieżącą konfigurację pamięci DRAM - “Dual Channel” (praca w trybie dwukanałowym) i “Single Chanel” (praca w trybie jednokanałowym) - wyświetlanych na ekranie w trakcie procedury POST.
    4. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/02/21.
    BIOS: is1217.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is1216.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    2. Changed the default year to 2004.
    3. Updated CPU micro code.
    4. Revised wording for the "CPU Shutdown Temperature" Item.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Reserved the setting of date & time after Clean CMOS.
    7. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th.... windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    8. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is1215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update IS-10 / IS-11 / IS-12/IS-20 BIOS.
    2. First release for IS-20.
    3. Removed the "32MB" option from BIOS item "Frame Buffer Size".
    4. Fixed incorrect voltage display in "DDR VT Voltage" and "AGP VDDQ Voltage".
    5. Revised CPU Warning Temperature upper limit to 95 degrees and set default to 85 degrees.
    6. Revised CPU Shutdown Temperature upper limit to 100 degrees and set default to 95 degrees.
    7. Fixed an issue where CPU temperature would be detected wrong after resuming from S3 mode.
    8. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004


    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Urządzenia SATA prawidłowo opisane na ekranie POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/10/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/26/2006

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7

    BIOS: is724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Oddzielne wersje BIOS-u dla IS7-G i IS7/IS7-E.
    2. Dodanie mikrokodu CPU.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 30/03/2005.
    BIOS: is7g23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROM when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" as "Disabled", "PWM Warning Temperature" default to 95 degree C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7g22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7g20.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Updated CPU Micro Code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Fixed an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    6. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    7. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    8. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    9. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7g19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the "CPU is unworkable" error message for P4 Prescott 2.4G (533MHz/ 1M L2/ 90nm) CPUs. Please follow the steps below to update the BIOS:
      1. Press <F1> key to continue booting when the "CPU is unworkable" error message shows on screen.
      2. Boot up the system from bootable floppy disk and then update BIOS.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/12/2004.
    BIOS: is7g18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    3. Changed the default year to 2004.
    4. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    5. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID cards.
    6. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    7. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004.
    BIOS: is7g17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed the problem where the CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU:DRAM is set to PSB8000/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    4. Fixed the problem where the hard disk will not be recognized if the OnChip SATA is set to "Combined Mode" then choose "RAID".
    5. Fixed the problem where system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and user pressed power button to shutdown the system during POST.
    6. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
    7. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2003
    BIOS: is7g16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F29H/14H).
    2. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    3. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    4. Changed the default setting of "OnBoard IR Port" to "Disabled".
    5. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status. (for IS7-G and IS7 only)
    6. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    7. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting. (Over clocking is out of warranty)
    8. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    9. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    10. BIOS Compile Date: 8/15/2003.
    BIOS: is7g15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Fixed the problem that no effect during POST if change "Delay IDE Initial" in BIOS setup.
    2. Revised the wording of IEEE1394 controller in PCI device listing.
    3. Fixed the problem that DOS4GW.EXE causes system hang-up in DOS environment.
    4. Added function that automatically detects CPU operation speed after discharging CMOS data.
    5. Added SATA RAID 1 function for Intel ICH5R south bridge.The IAA RAID driver should be updated to v3.5 or later to support RAID 1 in Windows XP.
    6. BIOS Compile date: 7/14/2003.
    BIOS: is7g14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data by CCMOS jumper.
    2. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing.
    3. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup.
    4. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabled Power Scheme of "Power Option" under Windows XP
    5. Updates CPU Microcode (CPUID=0F13h, Patch ID=05h ; CPUID=0F12h, Patch ID=02eh)。
    6. Fix the problem that PCU Slot Device in "-Bootabled Add-in Device" function can not boot up in top priority.
    7. BIOS Compile Date: 7/02/2003
    BIOS: is7g13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:13

      New Fixes/Features
    1. Added support for IS7-G, IS7, and IS7-E.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (CPU: 0F29H, ID=11H).
    3. Added CPU multiplier 8X for engineering sample CPU and maximum CPU frequency 412 MHz.
    4. Revised setup menu for OnChip Serial ATA.
    5. Fixed on-chip SATA boot issue while another bootable hard drives exist and attached to IDE-1 or IDE-2.
    6. Updated memory reference code and ICH5 BIOS spec to v1.2.
    7. Fixed PS/2 mouse malfunctioning problem while the USB cable of Media XP attached to mainboard.
    8. Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.
    9. Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.
    10. Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page. - Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device - CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C - CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C
    11. Added 80, 85, and 90 degrees C into "Shutdown Temperature".
    12. Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hided the option.
    13. Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.
    14. Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC power lost and resumed.
    15. Added description for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    16. Fixed the problem that NB fan still reports full speed in PC Health page when "CPU FanEQ Speed Control" is enabled.
    17. Added new option "IDE Bus Master".
    18. Added description for "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail".
    19. Revised the wording of IDE channels inside the BIOS Setup. IDE Channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 are changed to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    20. Added new option "SATA RAID ROM" to setup both "OnBoard SATA" and "OnChip SATA".
    21. Added new option "HDD Change Message" in Advanced BIOS Features and the default setting is "Disabled". If this option is changed to "Enabled",the system will show warning message and prompt for a confirmation whenone or more than one HDD had been added into or removed from the system.
    22. Fixed "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
    23. Added new options "Refresh Cycle Time", "Read Delay Adjust (tRD Adj)", and "Command Per Clock (CPC)".
    24. Changed the default setting of "Drive A" from "None" to "1.44M" after Load Fail-safe Defaults.
    25. Changed the default setting of "OnCip Serial ATA" to "Auto".
    26. Added "Game Accelerator" technology.
    27. Revised the error reading of fan speed for specific CPU cooling fan when FanEQ 60% enabled.
    28. Fixed the slow detection problem when HDD simulation card installed.
    29. Fixed the problem that SMARTDRV.EXE malfunction in DOS 6.22 environment.
    30. Fixed the problem that Windows 98 bootable floppy disk causes system hang up during loading CD-ROM driver when "OnChip Serial ATA" is set to"Auto" or "Enhanced Mode".
    31. Removed the option "Force Update ESCD".
    32. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2003.
    BIOS: is7g10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:10

    1. First release
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 4/11/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-E

    BIOS: is724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Oddzielne wersje BIOS-u dla IS7-G i IS7/IS7-E.
    2. Dodanie mikrokodu CPU.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 30/03/2005.
    BIOS: is7g23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROM when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" as "Disabled", "PWM Warning Temperature" default to 95 degree C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7g22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7g20.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Updated CPU Micro Code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Fixed an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    6. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    7. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    8. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    9. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7g19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the "CPU is unworkable" error message for P4 Prescott 2.4G (533MHz/ 1M L2/ 90nm) CPUs. Please follow the steps below to update the BIOS:
      1. Press <F1> key to continue booting when the "CPU is unworkable" error message shows on screen.
      2. Boot up the system from bootable floppy disk and then update BIOS.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/12/2004.
    BIOS: is7g18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    3. Changed the default year to 2004.
    4. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    5. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID cards.
    6. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    7. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004.
    BIOS: is7g17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed the problem where the CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU:DRAM is set to PSB8000/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    4. Fixed the problem where the hard disk will not be recognized if the OnChip SATA is set to "Combined Mode" then choose "RAID".
    5. Fixed the problem where system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and user pressed power button to shutdown the system during POST.
    6. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
    7. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2003
    BIOS: is7g16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F29H/14H).
    2. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    3. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    4. Changed the default setting of "OnBoard IR Port" to "Disabled".
    5. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status. (for IS7-G and IS7 only)
    6. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    7. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting. (Over clocking is out of warranty)
    8. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    9. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    10. BIOS Compile Date: 8/15/2003.
    BIOS: is7g15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Fixed the problem that no effect during POST if change "Delay IDE Initial" in BIOS setup.
    2. Revised the wording of IEEE1394 controller in PCI device listing.
    3. Fixed the problem that DOS4GW.EXE causes system hang-up in DOS environment.
    4. Added function that automatically detects CPU operation speed after discharging CMOS data.
    5. Added SATA RAID 1 function for Intel ICH5R south bridge.The IAA RAID driver should be updated to v3.5 or later to support RAID 1 in Windows XP.
    6. BIOS Compile date: 7/14/2003.
    BIOS: is7g14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data by CCMOS jumper.
    2. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing.
    3. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup.
    4. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabled Power Scheme of "Power Option" under Windows XP
    5. Updates CPU Microcode (CPUID=0F13h, Patch ID=05h ; CPUID=0F12h, Patch ID=02eh)。
    6. Fix the problem that PCU Slot Device in "-Bootabled Add-in Device" function can not boot up in top priority.
    7. BIOS Compile Date: 7/02/2003
    BIOS: is7g13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:13

      New Fixes/Features
    1. Added support for IS7-G, IS7, and IS7-E.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (CPU: 0F29H, ID=11H).
    3. Added CPU multiplier 8X for engineering sample CPU and maximum CPU frequency 412 MHz.
    4. Revised setup menu for OnChip Serial ATA.
    5. Fixed on-chip SATA boot issue while another bootable hard drives exist and attached to IDE-1 or IDE-2.
    6. Updated memory reference code and ICH5 BIOS spec to v1.2.
    7. Fixed PS/2 mouse malfunctioning problem while the USB cable of Media XP attached to mainboard.
    8. Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.
    9. Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.
    10. Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page. - Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device - CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C - CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C
    11. Added 80, 85, and 90 degrees C into "Shutdown Temperature".
    12. Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hided the option.
    13. Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.
    14. Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC power lost and resumed.
    15. Added description for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    16. Fixed the problem that NB fan still reports full speed in PC Health page when "CPU FanEQ Speed Control" is enabled.
    17. Added new option "IDE Bus Master".
    18. Added description for "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail".
    19. Revised the wording of IDE channels inside the BIOS Setup. IDE Channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 are changed to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    20. Added new option "SATA RAID ROM" to setup both "OnBoard SATA" and "OnChip SATA".
    21. Added new option "HDD Change Message" in Advanced BIOS Features and the default setting is "Disabled". If this option is changed to "Enabled",the system will show warning message and prompt for a confirmation whenone or more than one HDD had been added into or removed from the system.
    22. Fixed "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
    23. Added new options "Refresh Cycle Time", "Read Delay Adjust (tRD Adj)", and "Command Per Clock (CPC)".
    24. Changed the default setting of "Drive A" from "None" to "1.44M" after Load Fail-safe Defaults.
    25. Changed the default setting of "OnCip Serial ATA" to "Auto".
    26. Added "Game Accelerator" technology.
    27. Revised the error reading of fan speed for specific CPU cooling fan when FanEQ 60% enabled.
    28. Fixed the slow detection problem when HDD simulation card installed.
    29. Fixed the problem that SMARTDRV.EXE malfunction in DOS 6.22 environment.
    30. Fixed the problem that Windows 98 bootable floppy disk causes system hang up during loading CD-ROM driver when "OnChip Serial ATA" is set to"Auto" or "Enhanced Mode".
    31. Removed the option "Force Update ESCD".
    32. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2003.
    BIOS: is7g11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:11

    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 4/23/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-E2

    BIOS: is7l17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier items for certain retail Intel CPUs.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROMs when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" to "Disabled". "PWM Warning Temperature" defaults to 95°C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7l16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7l13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. For IS7-E2/IS7-E2V/IS7-E2G.
    2. Add LAN Boot ROM for IS7-E2G (REALTEK-8110s).
    3. BIOS compile date: 06/01/2004
    BIOS: is7l12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    7. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    8. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7l11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed in the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    4. Changed the default year to 2004.
    5. Added "Full Screen LOGO Show" option instead of "Intel OnScreen Branding".
    6. Revised some help information.
    7. Revised some DMI information.
    8. BIOS compile date: 02/24/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-E2G

    BIOS: is7l17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier items for certain retail Intel CPUs.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROMs when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" to "Disabled". "PWM Warning Temperature" defaults to 95°C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7l16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7l13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. For IS7-E2/IS7-E2V/IS7-E2G.
    2. Add LAN Boot ROM for IS7-E2G (REALTEK-8110s).
    3. BIOS compile date: 06/01/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-E2V

    BIOS: is7l17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier items for certain retail Intel CPUs.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROMs when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" to "Disabled". "PWM Warning Temperature" defaults to 95°C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7l16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7l13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. For IS7-E2/IS7-E2V/IS7-E2G.
    2. Add LAN Boot ROM for IS7-E2G (REALTEK-8110s).
    3. BIOS compile date: 06/01/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-G

    BIOS: is7g24.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Oddzielne wersje BIOS-u dla IS7-G i IS7/IS7-E.
    2. Dodanie mikrokodu CPU.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 30/03/2005.
    BIOS: is7g23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added adjustable MAX & MIN multiplier item for certain retail INTEL CPUs.
    3. Supports certain SATA CDROM when "OnChip Serial ATA" is running in "Enhanced Mode".
    4. Changed "PWM Shutdown Temperature" as "Disabled", "PWM Warning Temperature" default to 95 degree C.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: is7g22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7g20.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Updated CPU Micro Code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Fixed an issue where the "OnChip SATA Raid Rom" item could not be disabled.
    6. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    7. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    8. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    9. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7g19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the "CPU is unworkable" error message for P4 Prescott 2.4G (533MHz/ 1M L2/ 90nm) CPUs. Please follow the steps below to update the BIOS:
      1. Press <F1> key to continue booting when the "CPU is unworkable" error message shows on screen.
      2. Boot up the system from bootable floppy disk and then update BIOS.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/12/2004.
    BIOS: is7g18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    3. Changed the default year to 2004.
    4. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    5. Enhanced compatibility with certain non-RAID cards.
    6. Updated INTEL RAID BIOS to version
    7. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004.
    BIOS: is7g17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed the problem where the CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU:DRAM is set to PSB8000/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    4. Fixed the problem where the hard disk will not be recognized if the OnChip SATA is set to "Combined Mode" then choose "RAID".
    5. Fixed the problem where system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and user pressed power button to shutdown the system during POST.
    6. Fixed HDD size detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
    7. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2003
    BIOS: is7g16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Updated CPU micro code (0F29H/14H).
    2. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    3. Changed the option wording from "OnChip SATA" to "OnChip SATA RAID" for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    4. Changed the default setting of "OnBoard IR Port" to "Disabled".
    5. Fixed the booting failure problem of Maxtor SATA HDD (Model name: 6Y120M0) in ICH5R RAID 0 status. (for IS7-G and IS7 only)
    6. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    7. Enhanced the system stability when over clocks the CPU FSB over 255 MHz with CPU:DRAM = 1:1 setting. (Over clocking is out of warranty)
    8. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    9. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    10. BIOS Compile Date: 8/15/2003.
    BIOS: is7g15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixed the problem that no effect during POST if change "Delay IDE Initial" in BIOS setup.
    2. Revised the wording of IEEE1394 controller in PCI device listing.
    3. Fixed the problem that DOS4GW.EXE causes system hang-up in DOS environment.
    4. Added function that automatically detects CPU operation speed after discharging CMOS data.
    5. Added SATA RAID 1 function for Intel ICH5R south bridge.The IAA RAID driver should be updated to v3.5 or later to support RAID 1 in Windows XP.
    6. BIOS Compile date: 7/14/2003.
    BIOS: is7g14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Fixes wrong system operation caused by incomplete discharging CMOS data by CCMOS jumper.
    2. Shows the correct IRQ of IDE Controller in PCI Devices Listing.
    3. Fixes CPU Thermal Throttling behavior while under minus temperature, and supports minus temperature reading in BIOS Setup.
    4. Fixes the problem that system could not automatically get into S4 mode, after enabled Power Scheme of "Power Option" under Windows XP
    5. Updates CPU Microcode (CPUID=0F13h, Patch ID=05h ; CPUID=0F12h, Patch ID=02eh)。
    6. Fix the problem that PCU Slot Device in "-Bootabled Add-in Device" function can not boot up in top priority.
    7. BIOS Compile Date: 7/02/2003
    BIOS: is7g13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:13

      New Fixes/Features
    1. Added support for IS7-G, IS7, and IS7-E.
    2. Updated CPU micro code (CPU: 0F29H, ID=11H).
    3. Added CPU multiplier 8X for engineering sample CPU and maximum CPU frequency 412 MHz.
    4. Revised setup menu for OnChip Serial ATA.
    5. Fixed on-chip SATA boot issue while another bootable hard drives exist and attached to IDE-1 or IDE-2.
    6. Updated memory reference code and ICH5 BIOS spec to v1.2.
    7. Fixed PS/2 mouse malfunctioning problem while the USB cable of Media XP attached to mainboard.
    8. Fixed DOS 6.22 booting failure from FAT16 partition.
    9. Fixed BIOS hang-up problem which is caused by specific CPU cooling fan reporting error RPM to BIOS when CPU FanEQ 60% enabled.
    10. Revised the following default settings in BIOS setup page. - Bootable Add-in Device: PCI Slot Device - CPU FanEQ Active Temperature: 70 C - CPU Warning Temperature: 85 C
    11. Added 80, 85, and 90 degrees C into "Shutdown Temperature".
    12. Enabled "IDE Block Mode" and hided the option.
    13. Revised ICH5R RAID BIOS display issue.
    14. Revised power-on delay time from 4~5 seconds to 1~2 seconds after AC power lost and resumed.
    15. Added description for "Bootable Add-in Device".
    16. Fixed the problem that NB fan still reports full speed in PC Health page when "CPU FanEQ Speed Control" is enabled.
    17. Added new option "IDE Bus Master".
    18. Added description for "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail".
    19. Revised the wording of IDE channels inside the BIOS Setup. IDE Channel 0, 1, 2, and 3 are changed to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    20. Added new option "SATA RAID ROM" to setup both "OnBoard SATA" and "OnChip SATA".
    21. Added new option "HDD Change Message" in Advanced BIOS Features and the default setting is "Disabled". If this option is changed to "Enabled",the system will show warning message and prompt for a confirmation whenone or more than one HDD had been added into or removed from the system.
    22. Fixed "CPU THRM-Throttling" function.
    23. Added new options "Refresh Cycle Time", "Read Delay Adjust (tRD Adj)", and "Command Per Clock (CPC)".
    24. Changed the default setting of "Drive A" from "None" to "1.44M" after Load Fail-safe Defaults.
    25. Changed the default setting of "OnCip Serial ATA" to "Auto".
    26. Added "Game Accelerator" technology.
    27. Revised the error reading of fan speed for specific CPU cooling fan when FanEQ 60% enabled.
    28. Fixed the slow detection problem when HDD simulation card installed.
    29. Fixed the problem that SMARTDRV.EXE malfunction in DOS 6.22 environment.
    30. Fixed the problem that Windows 98 bootable floppy disk causes system hang up during loading CD-ROM driver when "OnChip Serial ATA" is set to"Auto" or "Enhanced Mode".
    31. Removed the option "Force Update ESCD".
    32. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2003.
    BIOS: is7g10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:10

    1. First release
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 4/11/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-M
    BIOS: is7m16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7m15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    7. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    8. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7m14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Fixed the "CPU is unworkable" error message for P4 Prescott 2.4G (533MHz/ 1M L2/ 90nm) CPUs. Please follow the steps below to update the BIOS:
      1. Press <F1> key to continue booting when the "CPU is unworkable" error message shows on screen.
      2. Boot up the system from bootable floppy disk and then update BIOS.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/12/2004.
    BIOS: is7m13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004.
    BIOS: is7m12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed in the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated BBS code. This will fix some boot sequence issues with some SCSI cards.
    3. Updated CPU micro code.
    4. Added notification when no 80-wire cable is installed.
    5. Changed the default year to 2004.
    6. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    7. BIOS compile date: 02/13/2004.
    BIOS: is7m11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed the problem where the CAS latency can not be set manually when the CPU:DRAM is set to PSB8000/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    4. Fixed the problem where the system fails the diagnostic test of Intel 865G Graphics Controller Diagnostic Utility.
    5. Fixed the problem where the system will hang at starting PXE if the OnChip SATA is set to enhanced mode and the LAN boot is enabled.
    6. Added the message of how to enter BIOS setup in the full screen logo.
    7. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    8. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    9. Fixed the problem where the system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and user pressed the power button to shutdown the system during POST.
    10. Fixed the problem where the HDD size was detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
    11. Updated VGA BIOS to version V3062.
    12. BIOS compile date: 11/04/2003
    BIOS: is7m10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 6/25/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-V
    BIOS: is7v16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/16/2004
    BIOS: is7v15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. BIOS compile date: 04/27/2004
    BIOS: is7v14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Fixed the "CPU is unworkable" error message for P4 Prescott 2.4G (533MHz/ 1M L2/ 90nm) CPUs. Please follow the steps below to update the BIOS:
      1. Press <F1> key to continue booting when the "CPU is unworkable" error message shows on screen.
      2. Boot up the system from bootable floppy disk and then update BIOS.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/12/2004.
    BIOS: is7v13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    2. Updated Prescott CPU micro code.
    3. Changed the default year to 2004.
    4. Updated Intel OSB logo.
    5. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004.
    BIOS: is7v12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added Pentium 4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed the problem where CAS latency cannot be set manually when the CPU:DRAM is set to PSB8000/5:4 or PSB800/3:2.
    4. Fixed the problem where the system will reboot when the "Resume by Alarm" is enabled and user pressed the power button to shutdown the system during POST.
    5. Fixed the problem where the HDD size is being detected as 136GB when 200/250/300 GB SATA drives are connected to SATA1 or SATA2 (ICH5 SATA channels).
    6. BIOS compile date: 11/06/2003
    BIOS: is7v11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Fixed the problem that specific CD-ROM device could not be correctly detected when there is specific HDD connected onto the same IDE cable.
    2. Fixed the problem that WD360 SATA HDD fails to boot up Windows XP when "Onchip Serial ATA" is set to "Enhanced Mode".
    3. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    4. Added hot key wording to enter BIOS setup when full screen logo enabled.
    5. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    6. BIOS Compile date: 8/14/2003.
    BIOS: is7v10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile date: 8/11/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IS7-V2
    BIOS: is7v212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/17/2004
    BIOS: is7v211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Added AWDFLASH v8.32 support for the "ALT+F2" hot key function.
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain power supplies.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Added "PWM Shutdown Temperature" item.
    7. Added "PWM Warning Temperature" item.
    8. BIOS compile date: 05/14/2004
    BIOS: is7v210.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 02/23/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IT7
    BIOS: it7e8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:e8
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added new 80C/85C/90C options in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
    4. Updated HPT 274 BIOS to version 1.23.
    5. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2003.
    BIOS: it7d7.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS: D7

    1. Raises the upper limit of CPU core voltage to 1.85V.
    2. Fixes the booting failure issue when the system starts up from "CMOS checksum error" and without the CPU fan attached to the FAN2 header.
    3. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7cp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:  CP

    1. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    2. Shows MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.

    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.

    4. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    5. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.

    6. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.

    7. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.

    BIOS: it7c6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C6
    1. Update HPT 374 BIOS from 1.1 to 1.22 to fix special boot sequence issue.
    2. Use PS/2 keyboard and mouse simultaneously.
    3. HDD attached to IDE 3 or 4.
    4. CDROM attached to IDE2.
    5. When above 3 description are true, booting up from Win 98SE floppy disk will fail to find some system files.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 9/30/2002.
    BIOS: it7bt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fill in new CPU micro code.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 9/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7av.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    3. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845E chipset specification.)
    4. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
    5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    6. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
    BIOS: it7a4.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A4
    1. Revise DMI data.
    2. Fix multimedia device lost issue with 533MHz FSB CPUs while load Fail-Safe / Optimized Default in BIOS.
    3. Add SVID and SSID for ICH4 USB 2.0 controller. (SVID:147B,SSID:7406)
    4. Upgrade the BIOS code for ICH4 to v1.5.
    5. Fill in new CPU micro code(0F27).
    6. Add SVID and SSID for ICH4 USB 2.0 controller_VT6202. (SVID:147B,SSID:7406)
    7. Load proper setting automatically for Willamette CPU when Load Fail-safe/Optimized Default in BIOS.
    8. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    9. BIOS compile date: 8/01/2002.
    BIOS: it79w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9W
    1. Northwood CPU will be automatically detected its FSB while Load Fail-Safe/Optimized Default in BIOS Setup of SoftMenu.
    2. Differentiate the USB 1.1 from USB 2.0 controller on PCI Device listing screen.
    3. Fix Boot Agent failed to boot up issue when enabled the boot ROM in BIOS with hard disk on High-Point channel.
    4. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC Pitstop).
    5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    6. BIOS compile date: 7/02/2002
    BIOS: IT78H.EXE  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 8H
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/25/2002

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IT7-MAX2
    BIOS: it7e8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:e8
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added new 80C/85C/90C options in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
    4. Updated HPT 274 BIOS to version 1.23.
    5. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2003.
    BIOS: it7d7.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS: D7

    1. Raises the upper limit of CPU core voltage to 1.85V.
    2. Fixes the booting failure issue when the system starts up from "CMOS checksum error" and without the CPU fan attached to the FAN2 header.
    3. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7cp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:  CP

    1. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    2. Shows MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.

    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.

    4. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    5. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.

    6. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.

    7. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.

    BIOS: it7c6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C6
    1. Update HPT 374 BIOS from 1.1 to 1.22 to fix special boot sequence issue.
    2. Use PS/2 keyboard and mouse simultaneously.
    3. HDD attached to IDE 3 or 4.
    4. CDROM attached to IDE2.
    5. When above 3 description are true, booting up from Win 98SE floppy disk will fail to find some system files.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 9/30/2002.
    BIOS: it7bt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fill in new CPU micro code.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 9/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7av.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    3. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845E chipset specification.)
    4. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
    5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    6. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
    BIOS: it7a4.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A4
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS compile date: 8/01/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IT7-MAX2/XP
    BIOS: it7c6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C6
    1. Update HPT 374 BIOS from 1.1 to 1.22 to fix special boot sequence issue.
    2. Use PS/2 keyboard and mouse simultaneously.
    3. HDD attached to IDE 3 or 4.
    4. CDROM attached to IDE2.
    5. When above 3 description are true, booting up from Win 98SE floppy disk will fail to find some system files.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 9/30/2002.
    BIOS: it7bt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fill in new CPU micro code.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 9/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7av.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Provide multiplier higher than 24x in SoftMenu.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    3. Fix some CL=3 DDR400 memory modules fail to boot issue.(Both DDR333 and DDR400 modules can only work at DDR 266 owing to 845E chipset specification.)
    4. Fix "CPU Shutdown Temperature" function failed under Win2K.
    5. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    6. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
    BIOS: it7a4.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A4
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.21.
    3. BIOS compile date: 8/01/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IT7-MAX2V2.0
    BIOS: it7pe6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:e6
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added new options 80C/85C/90C in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
    4. BIOS compile date: 07/11/2003.
    BIOS: it7pdf.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Systems can not detects the fan speed and automatically shut down while using low speed fan.
    2. Adjusts the SP_LED as following to conform to the requirements:
      S0.........Always on
      S1........ Blink (faster frequency)
      S3.........Blink (slower frequency)If the LED could not support different blinking frequency, it will behave like S1 state.
      S4.........Always off
      S5.........Always off
    3. Fixes the multiplier of unlocked CPU shows incorrectly while resumed from STR.
    4. Updates CPU micro code.(0F24/18, 0F27/33, 0F29/0E)
    5. HPT374 BIOS version 1.23.
    6. BIOS compile date 3/27/2003.
    BIOS: it7pd6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: D6

    1. Raise the upper limit of CPU core voltage to 1.85V.
    2. Fix the booting failure issue when the system starts up from "CMOS checksum error" and without CPU fan attached to FAN2 header.
    3. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/16/2002.
    BIOS: it7pcv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.
    2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
    3. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.
    4. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.
    BIOS: it7pcf.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. MAC Address fills into UUID section in DMI data to pass WHQL.
    2. Show MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.
    3. Show "Award BIOS" on BIOS Setup Utility.(Used be "Work station BIOS")
    4. Fix Windows flash utility invalid by using Hyper-Threading CPU.
    5. Fix to enable "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option and idle after about 16 minutes under Windows 2000/XP, the function failed issue.
    6. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    7. BIOS compile Date: 11/06/2002.
    BIOS: it7pc7.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C7
    1. Update HPT 374 BIOS from 1.1 to 1.22 to fix special boot sequence issue.
      • Use PS/2 keyboard and mouse simultaneously.
      • HDD attached to IDE 3 or 4.
      • CDROM attached to IDE2.
      • When above 3 description are true, booting up from Win 98SE floppy disk will fail to find some system files.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 9/16/2002.
    BIOS: it7pbr.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 9/05/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>IT7E
    BIOS: it7e8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:e8
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added new 80C/85C/90C options in "CPU Shutdown Temperature".
    3. Changed the default setting of "CPU Warning Temperature" to 85C.
    4. Updated HPT 274 BIOS to version 1.23.
    5. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2003.
    BIOS: it7d7.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS: D7

    1. Raises the upper limit of CPU core voltage to 1.85V.
    2. Fixes the booting failure issue when the system starts up from "CMOS checksum error" and without the CPU fan attached to the FAN2 header.
    3. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/17/2002.
    BIOS: it7cp.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:  CP

    1. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    2. Shows MAC Address of on board LAN Card in System Configuration section.

    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.

    4. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    5. Shows "Hyper-Threading" wording on POST screen when Hyper-Threading CPU installed.

    6. HPT 374 BIOS Version 1.22.

    7. BIOS Compile Date: 11/28/2002.

    Motherboard>Slot A>KA7
    BIOS: ka7ty.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the unstable issue with the mouse under Window95.
    2. Increases the stability of SDRAMs.
    3. Fixes the compatibility issue with the Matrox G400 AGP Card.
    4. Fixes the compatibility issue with the SCSI Cards.
    BIOS: ka7rx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release for KA7-100.
    2. Fixes the boot up failure from CD-ROM, when a SCSI HDD is connected to a SCSI Card.
    3. Improves SDRAM functioning.
    BIOS: ka7rk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/04/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the unstable issue when adjusting the FSB by 1MHZ setting.
    2. Fixes the problem on USB port under DOS mode.
    BIOS: ka7rj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/03/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Slot A>KA7-100
    BIOS: ka7ty.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the unstable issue with the mouse under Window95.
    2. Increases the stability of SDRAMs.
    3. Fixes the compatibility issue with the Matrox G400 AGP Card.
    4. Fixes the compatibility issue with the SCSI Cards.
    BIOS: ka7rx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release for KA7-100.
    2. Fixes the boot up failure from CD-ROM, when a SCSI HDD is connected to a SCSI Card.
    3. Improves SDRAM functioning.
    BIOS: ka7rk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/04/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the unstable issue when adjusting the FSB by 1MHZ setting.
    2. Fixes the problem on USB port under DOS mode.
    BIOS: ka7rj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/03/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7
    BIOS: kd7ec.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:ec
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB). The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip is not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kd7dn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU
      slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Fix the SCSI BIOS malfunction problem when three add-on cards installed together, PCI S3 VGA+GF4 MX420+DC390U3W(at PCI-1).
    4. Supports Barton 2600+(333 FSB)and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266
      FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
    5. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166) to be AMD officially su
      suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    6. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7cy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS: CY

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+ (333), 2800+ (333), 3000+ (333) CPU.
    2. Change the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
    3. The default year in BIOS set up to 2003.
    4. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failed to power up issue.
    5. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 1/03/2003.
    BIOS: kd7c8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C8
    1. Fixes VIA On Chip LAN fail issue while “CPU Feq/DRAM Feq" is set to 100/133 or 100/166.
    2. Supports Athlon XP 2600+ (333), 2700+ (335), 2800+ (333) CPUs.
    3. Adds "Disable unuse DIMM/PCI Clk" function to BIOS FEATURES SETUP, and moves "USB 2.0 Controller" setting to the "On Chip PCI Device" option.
    4. Fills in ABIT SVID/SSID to IDE Controller register.
    5. Fixes the Radeon 9700 display error issue in Windows.
    6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT    BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip     not detected.
    7. BIOS Compile Date:11/07/2002.
    BIOS: kd7cs.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Revises the initial mechanism of PCI expand ROM for add-on PCI cards with BIOS (SCSI card, LAN card, ...etc.).
    2. Adds "Enhance PCI Performance" function to improve PCI RAID performance.
    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
    4. Fixes KD7-E SSID resume error from S3 mode under Windows XP.
    5. Changes ACPI Code to pass HCT ACPI test.
    6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
    7. BIOS compile Date: 11/12/2002.
    BIOS: kd7b8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B8
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
    2. Provide CPU multiplier up to 22X in SoftMenu.
    3. Enhance DDR333 stability while "Enhance DRAM Performance" enabled.
    4. Fix LAN transfer error in 72 hours continuous LAN test while CPU/DRAM = 100/133 and 100/166.
    5. Support AMD new coming 333 CPU.
    6. In case over clock the CPU frequency higher than 180MHz, don't press reset button otherwise the system will refuse to boot up. It's a auto protect mechanism to prevent possible hardware damage caused by abnormal working environment.
    7. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    8. BIOS compile date: 9/9/2002.
    BIOS: kd7ae.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 8/12/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7-B
    BIOS: kd7s15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Update Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS to 4.2.12.
    4. Fix the LSI 22320-R problem that the SCSI Card Option ROM can not be used.
    5. Support Barton 2600+(333 FSB) and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266 FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
    6. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166)to be AMD officially suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    7. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 12

    1. The default year in BIOS set to 2003.
    2. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failed to power up by special operations:
      a. Discharge CMOS data.
      b. Enter BIOS Setup page.
      c. Save& Exit without doing anything.
    3. Fix the reading of CPU Working Frequency for 166MHz CPU.
    4. Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS update from v4.1.50 to v4.2.00.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 01/08/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 11

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+, 2800+, 3000+ CPU.

    2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    3. Updates SiliconImage S-ATA RAID BIOS to rev. 4.1.50, and also updates boot ROM of on board LAN BCM5702 to rev. 1.0.3.

    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/03/2002.

    BIOS: kd7s10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 11/12/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7-E
    BIOS: kd7ec.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB). The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip is not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kd7dn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU
      slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Fix the SCSI BIOS malfunction problem when three add-on cards installed together, PCI S3 VGA+GF4 MX420+DC390U3W(at PCI-1).
    4. Supports Barton 2600+(333 FSB)and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266
      FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
    5. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166) to be AMD officially su
      suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    6. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7cy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS: CY

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+ (333), 2800+ (333), 3000+ (333) CPU.
    2. Change the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
    3. The default year in BIOS set up to 2003.
    4. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failed to power up issue.
    5. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 1/03/2003.
    BIOS: kd7cs.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Revises the initial mechanism of PCI expand ROM for add-on PCI cards with BIOS (SCSI card, LAN card, ...etc.).
    2. Adds "Enhance PCI Performance" function to improve PCI RAID performance.
    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
    4. Fixes KD7-E SSID resume error from S3 mode under Windows XP.
    5. Changes ACPI Code to pass HCT ACPI test.
    6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
    7. BIOS compile Date: 11/12/2002.
    BIOS: kd7c8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C8
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 11/07/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7-G
    BIOS: kd7g15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.

    BIOS: kd7g13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Updates Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS to 4.2.12.
    4. Support Barton 2600+(333 FSB) and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266
      FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB)
    5. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166)to be AMD officially suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    6. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7g12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 12

    1. The default year in BIOS set to 2003.
    2. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failure to power up by special operations:
      a. Discharge CMOS data.
      b. Enter BIOS Setup page.
      c. Save& Exit without doing anything.
    3. Fix the reading of CPU Working Frequency for 166MHz CPU.
    4. Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS update from v4.1.50 to v4.2.00.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 01/08/2003.
    BIOS: kd7g11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 11

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+, 2800+, 3000+ CPU.

    2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    3. Updates SiliconImage S-ATA RAID BIOS to rev. 4.1.50, and also updates the boot ROM of on board LAN BCM5702 to rev. 2.2.11.

    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/03/2002.

    BIOS: kd7g10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 11/19/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7-RAID
    BIOS: kd7ec.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB). The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip is not detected.
    5. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kd7dn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU
      slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Fix the SCSI BIOS malfunction problem when three add-on cards installed together, PCI S3 VGA+GF4 MX420+DC390U3W(at PCI-1).
    4. Supports Barton 2600+(333 FSB)and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266
      FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
    5. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166) to be AMD officially su
      suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    6. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7cy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS: CY

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+ (333), 2800+ (333), 3000+ (333) CPU.
    2. Change the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.
    3. The default year in BIOS set up to 2003.
    4. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failed to power up issue.
    5. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    6. BIOS Compile Date: 1/03/2003.
    BIOS: kd7c8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C8
    1. Fixes VIA On Chip LAN fail issue while “CPU Feq/DRAM Feq" is set to 100/133 or 100/166.
    2. Supports Athlon XP 2600+ (333), 2700+ (335), 2800+ (333) CPUs.
    3. Adds "Disable unuse DIMM/PCI Clk" function to BIOS FEATURES SETUP, and moves "USB 2.0 Controller" setting to the "On Chip PCI Device" option.
    4. Fills in ABIT SVID/SSID to IDE Controller register.
    5. Fixes the Radeon 9700 display error issue in Windows.
    6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT    BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip     not detected.
    7. BIOS Compile Date:11/07/2002.
    BIOS: kd7cs.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Revises the initial mechanism of PCI expand ROM for add-on PCI cards with BIOS (SCSI card, LAN card, ...etc.).
    2. Adds "Enhance PCI Performance" function to improve PCI RAID performance.
    3. Fixes issue where the "Shutdown When CPU FAN Fail" option fails after about 16 minutes idling under Windows 2000/XP.
    4. Fixes KD7-E SSID resume error from S3 mode under Windows XP.
    5. Changes ACPI Code to pass HCT ACPI test.
    6. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled when the RAID controller chip is not detected.
    7. BIOS compile Date: 11/12/2002.
    BIOS: kd7b8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B8
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
    2. Provide CPU multiplier up to 22X in SoftMenu.
    3. Enhance DDR333 stability while "Enhance DRAM Performance" enabled.
    4. Fix LAN transfer error in 72 hours continuous LAN test while CPU/DRAM = 100/133 and 100/166.
    5. Support AMD new coming 333 CPU.
    6. In case over clock the CPU frequency higher than 180MHz, don't press reset button otherwise the system will refuse to boot up. It's a auto protect mechanism to prevent possible hardware damage caused by abnormal working environment.
    7. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    8. BIOS compile date: 9/9/2002.
    BIOS: kd7ae.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KD7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 8/12/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7-S
    BIOS: kd7s15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Change "CPU Disconnect Function" default setting.
    2. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    3. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    4. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Follow AMD's recommendation that" CPU Disconnect Function "should be implemented to make CPU slow down in idle state, and the default value sets up to Enable.
    2. Follow AMD's recommendation to revise the trigger timing of LM90 for Palomino CPU(model 6).
    3. Update Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS to 4.2.12.
    4. Fix the LSI 22320-R problem that the SCSI Card Option ROM can not be used.
    5. Support Barton 2600+(333 FSB) and Thorton2000+(266 FSB)/2200+(266 FSB)/2400+(266 FSB)/2600+(333 FSB).
    6. Revises some CPU frequency(1466,1666,1916,2166)to be AMD officially suggested figures.(1467,1667,1917,2167).
    7. BIOS compile date 4/02/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 12

    1. The default year in BIOS set to 2003.
    2. Fix Athlon XP 1400(100) CPU failed to power up by special operations:
      a. Discharge CMOS data.
      b. Enter BIOS Setup page.
      c. Save& Exit without doing anything.
    3. Fix the reading of CPU Working Frequency for 166MHz CPU.
    4. Silicon Image Serial ATA RAID BIOS update from v4.1.50 to v4.2.00.
    5. BIOS Compile Date: 01/08/2003.
    BIOS: kd7s11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 11

    1. Supports Athlon XP 2500+, 2800+, 3000+ CPU.

    2. Changes the definition of UUID in DMI data- move the MAC address from top to bottom of the string.

    3. Updates SiliconImage S-ATA RAID BIOS to rev. 4.1.50, and also updates boot ROM of on board LAN BCM5702 to rev. 1.0.3.

    4. BIOS Compile Date: 12/03/2002.

    BIOS: kd7s10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 11/12/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KD7A

    BIOS: kdv15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. AMD Sempron CPU support.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/19/2004
    BIOS: kdv14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the KD7A BIOS.
    2. Beep before boot.
    3. Changed ROMSIP table to enhance performance.
    4. Changed default third boot device to CDROM.
    5. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    6. Added new "Master Delay Transaction" item and set default to Disable" for better compatibility with SATA RAID cards.
    7. Fixed an issue where "CPU Fast Command Decode" may disappear when CPU FSB is 166/200 MHz.
    8. Removed "An Energy Star Ally" string.
    9. BIOS compile date: 02/24/2003
    BIOS: kdv13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KD7A BIOS.
    2. Change wording "DDR SDRAM at bank" to "DDR at DIMM".
    3. Change some error in DMI pool data.
    4. Fix the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    5. BIOS compile date: 08/28/2003.
    BIOS: kdv11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile date: 7/25/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KG7
    BIOS: kg7ds.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB.The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 03/06/2003.
    BIOS: kg7dm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. CPU ID0681 of CPU name shows correctly.
    2. The default year set up to 2003.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 3/6/2003.
    BIOS: kg7ct.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit -TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fails to boot and the reset button needs to be pushed in order to show the bootup screen.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/15/2002.
    BIOS: kg79m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9M
    1. Fix CPU operating speed wrong display with Load Optimal Default Setting for Athlon 1400(100)CPU (CPUID=0644).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2002
    BIOS: kg78s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8S
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 04/11/2002.
    BIOS: kg768.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 68

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP 2000+ and Morgan Duron 1300.
    2. Fix ACPI error message in Windows XP Event Viewer.
    3. Support 3.5GB memory while four sticks of 1G DDR memory installed.
    4. Fix performance drop after STR mode by Sisoft Sandra 2000.
    5. Fix SCSI CDROM boot issue for TekrAm SCSI card.
    6. Support 48 bit LBA for HDD larger than 137GB.
    7. Change the default year to 2002.
    8. HPT370 BIOS Version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: kg75w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5W

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU up to 1900+.
    2. Enhance the compatibility of CDROM/DVDROM, which attached to IDE-1.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg74j.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 4J
    1. Improve the compatibility of the DDR SDRAM.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/10/2001.
    BIOS: kg74b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4B

    1. Add Resource Controlled By option to improve the audio card compliance.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg73y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3Y

    1. Revise setting value in BIOS.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg7zl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KG7-Lite
    BIOS: kg7dm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. CPU ID0681 of CPU name shows correctly.
    2. The default year set up to 2003.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 3/6/2003.
    BIOS: kg7ds.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB.The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 03/06/2003.
    BIOS: kg7ct.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit -TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fails to boot and the reset button needs to be pushed in order to show the bootup screen.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/15/2002.
    BIOS: kg79m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9M
    1. Fix CPU operating speed wrong display with Load Optimal Default Setting for Athlon 1400(100)CPU (CPUID=0644).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2002
    BIOS: kg78s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8S
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 04/11/2002.
    BIOS: kg768.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 68

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP 2000+ and Morgan Duron 1300.
    2. Fix ACPI error message in Windows XP Event Viewer.
    3. Support 3.5GB memory while four sticks of 1G DDR memory installed.
    4. Fix performance drop after STR mode by Sisoft Sandra 2000.
    5. Fix SCSI CDROM boot issue for TekrAm SCSI card.
    6. Support 48 bit LBA for HDD larger than 137GB.
    7. Change the default year to 2002.
    8. HPT370 BIOS Version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: kg75w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5W

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU up to 1900+.
    2. Enhance the compatibility of CDROM/DVDROM, which attached to IDE-1.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg74j.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 4J
    1. Improve the compatibility of the DDR SDRAM.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/10/2001.
    BIOS: kg74b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4B

    1. Add Resource Controlled By option to improve the audio card compliance.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg73y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3Y

    1. Revise setting value in BIOS.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg7zl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KG7-RAID
    BIOS: kg7dm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. CPU ID0681 of CPU name shows correctly.
    2. The default year set up to 2003.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 3/6/2003.
    BIOS: kg7ds.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB.The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 03/06/2003.
    BIOS: kg7ct.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit -TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fails to boot and the reset button needs to be pushed in order to show the bootup screen.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/15/2002.
    BIOS: kg79m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9M
    1. Fix CPU operating speed wrong display with Load Optimal Default Setting for Athlon 1400(100)CPU (CPUID=0644).
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/10/2002
    BIOS: kg78s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8S
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 04/11/2002.
    BIOS: kg768.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 68

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP 2000+ and Morgan Duron 1300.
    2. Fix ACPI error message in Windows XP Event Viewer.
    3. Support 3.5GB memory while four sticks of 1G DDR memory installed.
    4. Fix performance drop after STR mode by Sisoft Sandra 2000.
    5. Fix SCSI CDROM boot issue for TekrAm SCSI card.
    6. Support 48 bit LBA for HDD larger than 137GB.
    7. Change the default year to 2002.
    8. HPT370 BIOS Version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: kg75w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5W

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU up to 1900+.
    2. Enhance the compatibility of CDROM/DVDROM, which attached to IDE-1.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg74j.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 4J
    1. Improve the compatibility of the DDR SDRAM.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    3. BIOS compile date: 08/10/2001.
    BIOS: kg74b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4B

    1. Add Resource Controlled By option to improve the audio card compliance.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg73y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3Y

    1. Revise setting value in BIOS.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kg7zl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 939>KN8

    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Usunięto problem związany z pracą portu szeregowego i równoległego.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Wsparcie dla chipsetu nForce4 Rev.B1
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Support KN8 Ultra-SOTES.
    2. Obsługa nowej pamięci LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/03/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system may not boot from CD-ROM when "on-board LAN" is set to "Disable".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 03/27/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/02/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Wsparcie dla procesora FX60
    2. Ekran POST prawidłowo rozpoznaje kartę VGA ATI X1300.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów
    2. Funkcja "FanEQ control" pracuje zgodnie z zamierzeniami po zainstalowaniu procesora "Athlon64 3800+".
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/11/2005
    BIOS: kn813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V5.5
    2. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 250MHz.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/21/2005
    BIOS: kn812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Support KN8 SLI
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/29/2005
    BIOS: kn811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    2. Change the CPU FanEQ active temperature.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 08/26/2005
    BIOS: kn810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/07/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 939>KN8 SLI

    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Usunięto problem związany z pracą portu szeregowego i równoległego.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Wsparcie dla chipsetu nForce4 Rev.B1
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Support KN8 Ultra-SOTES.
    2. Obsługa nowej pamięci LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/03/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system may not boot from CD-ROM when "on-board LAN" is set to "Disable".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 03/27/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/02/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Wsparcie dla procesora FX60
    2. Ekran POST prawidłowo rozpoznaje kartę VGA ATI X1300.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów
    2. Funkcja "FanEQ control" pracuje zgodnie z zamierzeniami po zainstalowaniu procesora "Athlon64 3800+".
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/11/2005
    BIOS: kn813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V5.5
    2. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 250MHz.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/21/2005
    BIOS: kn812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/29/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 939>KN8 Ultra

    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Usunięto problem związany z pracą portu szeregowego i równoległego.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Wsparcie dla chipsetu nForce4 Rev.B1
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Support KN8 Ultra-SOTES.
    2. Obsługa nowej pamięci LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/03/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system may not boot from CD-ROM when "on-board LAN" is set to "Disable".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 03/27/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/02/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Wsparcie dla procesora FX60
    2. Ekran POST prawidłowo rozpoznaje kartę VGA ATI X1300.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych procesorów
    2. Funkcja "FanEQ control" pracuje zgodnie z zamierzeniami po zainstalowaniu procesora "Athlon64 3800+".
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/11/2005
    BIOS: kn813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V5.5
    2. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 250MHz.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/21/2005
    BIOS: kn812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Support KN8 SLI
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/29/2005
    BIOS: kn811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    2. Change the CPU FanEQ active temperature.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 08/26/2005
    BIOS: kn810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/07/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 939>KN8 Ultra-OTES

    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Usunięto problem związany z pracą portu szeregowego i równoległego.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Wsparcie dla chipsetu nForce4 Rev.B1
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. First release
    2. BIOS compiled date: 05/03/2006

    Motherboard>Socket AM2>KN9

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
    2. Support DRAM "CAS Latency and Command rate" adjusting function.
    3. The AuxFan2 now works as intended after resuming from S3.
    4. The "Wake up by PME# of PCI function" now works as intended.
    5. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU A64 X2 3800+ "ADA3800IAA5CU".
    6. Fixed the issue that the CPU Vcore of Sempron 3000+ were not correctly.
    7. BIOS compiled date: 09/22/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/07/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza rewizja.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/19/2006

    Motherboard>Socket AM2>KN9 SLI

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU "ADA3800IAA5CU".
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/20/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Poprawiono pracę slotu PCI-E3 KN9 Ultra/S.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/21/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
    2. Geforce 7950GX2 pracuje zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.
    3. Częstotliwość pracy szyny PCI zablokowana na 33MHz.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/07/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Usunięto problem zawieszania się systemu na ekranie POST z kodem 50 po zainstalowaniu FX62 z urządzeniem USB.
    2. Usunięto problem spadku wydajności systemu po instalacji urządzeń PCI.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Support DRAM "CAS Latency and Command rate" adjusted function.
    2. Fixed the issue that the system may hang on POST. code 50 when the CPU is changed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/15/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 05/30/2006

    Motherboard>Socket AM2>KN9 Ultra

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU "ADA3800IAA5CU".
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/20/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Poprawiono pracę slotu PCI-E3 KN9 Ultra/S.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/21/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
    2. Geforce 7950GX2 pracuje zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.
    3. Częstotliwość pracy szyny PCI zablokowana na 33MHz.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/07/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Usunięto problem zawieszania się systemu na ekranie POST z kodem 50 po zainstalowaniu FX62 z urządzeniem USB.
    2. Usunięto problem spadku wydajności systemu po instalacji urządzeń PCI.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/15/2006

    Motherboard>Socket AM2>KN9S

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed the issue that the system sometimes may not be able to boot when install the CPU "ADA3800IAA5CU".
    2. Enhanced compatibility with certain memories.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/20/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Poprawiono pracę slotu PCI-E3 KN9 Ultra/S.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/21/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modułami pamięci.
    2. Geforce 7950GX2 pracuje zgodnie z oczekiwaniami.
    3. Częstotliwość pracy szyny PCI zablokowana na 33MHz.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/07/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Usunięto problem zawieszania się systemu na ekranie POST z kodem 50 po zainstalowaniu FX62 z urządzeniem USB.
    2. Usunięto problem spadku wydajności systemu po instalacji urządzeń PCI.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/13/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/15/2006

    Motherboard>Socket A>KR7A

    BIOS: kr7acx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is only for KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.

    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/18/2002

    BIOS: kr7ab5.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B5
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID, KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 8/22/2002.

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade your BIOS from the old version to the B5, we highly recommend you first back-up your system and data to an independent storage device. The new HPT 2.32 BIOS may occasionally corrupt the original RAID configuration created on the old BIOS. That means you may need to rebuild your RAID configuration. If this happens, all the data on your RAID-0 will be gone! For RAID-1 users, please press "CTRL+H" to enter the HPT372 setup screen and choose "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover your RAID system."

    BIOS: kr7a9n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9N
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for Non RAID boards, and the HPT BIOS would automatically be disabled while RAID controller chip did not be detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/07/2002

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade bios from previous version to 9N, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt372 setup

    BIOS: kr7a7g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7G
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. Fix CPU fan N/A problem for specific low speed CPU fan.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile date: 4/29/2002.
    BIOS: kr7a6n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6N
    1. This is first release for KR7A-133 / KR7A-133RAID. The BIOS is for all KR7A / KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133 / KR7A-133RAID.
    2. Support AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU, and fix AMD Duron 1.2/1.3G CPU bootup failed issue.
    3. Fix ATA-66 HDDs under Windows XP compatible issue.
    4. Fix unable to enter S1 mode under Windows 2000 system and unable to be wakened up by PCI LAN card from S4 mode under Windows 98SE.
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kr7a6g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6G
    1. Enhance the PCI card compatibility.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kr7a5d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5D

    1. First release.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KR7A-133
    BIOS: kr7acx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is only for KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.

    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/18/2002

    BIOS: kr7ab5.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B5
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID, KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 8/22/2002.

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade your BIOS from the old version to the B5, we highly recommend you first back-up your system and data to an independent storage device. The new HPT 2.32 BIOS may occasionally corrupt the original RAID configuration created on the old BIOS. That means you may need to rebuild your RAID configuration. If this happens, all the data on your RAID-0 will be gone! For RAID-1 users, please press "CTRL+H" to enter the HPT372 setup screen and choose "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover your RAID system."

    BIOS: kr7a9n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9N
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for Non RAID boards, and the HPT BIOS would automatically be disabled while RAID controller chip did not be detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/07/2002

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade bios from previous version to 9N, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt372 setup

    BIOS: kr7a7g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7G
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. Fix CPU fan N/A problem for specific low speed CPU fan.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile date: 4/29/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KR7A-133R
    BIOS: kr7acx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is only for KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.

    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/18/2002

    BIOS: kr7ab5.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B5
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID, KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 8/22/2002.

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade your BIOS from the old version to the B5, we highly recommend you first back-up your system and data to an independent storage device. The new HPT 2.32 BIOS may occasionally corrupt the original RAID configuration created on the old BIOS. That means you may need to rebuild your RAID configuration. If this happens, all the data on your RAID-0 will be gone! For RAID-1 users, please press "CTRL+H" to enter the HPT372 setup screen and choose "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover your RAID system."

    BIOS: kr7a9n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9N
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for Non RAID boards, and the HPT BIOS would automatically be disabled while RAID controller chip did not be detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/07/2002

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade bios from previous version to 9N, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt372 setup

    BIOS: kr7a7g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7G
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. Fix CPU fan N/A problem for specific low speed CPU fan.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile date: 4/29/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KR7A-RAID
    BIOS: kr7acx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the compatibility issue where the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, the 9700 Pro will fail to boot up, requiring a reset button push to show the boot screen.

    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is only for KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R. The BIOS is suitable for non-RAID boards and it will automatically disable HPT BIOS when non-RAID boards are recognized.

    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/18/2002

    BIOS: kr7ab5.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B5
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID, KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 8/22/2002.

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade your BIOS from the old version to the B5, we highly recommend you first back-up your system and data to an independent storage device. The new HPT 2.32 BIOS may occasionally corrupt the original RAID configuration created on the old BIOS. That means you may need to rebuild your RAID configuration. If this happens, all the data on your RAID-0 will be gone! For RAID-1 users, please press "CTRL+H" to enter the HPT372 setup screen and choose "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover your RAID system."

    BIOS: kr7a9n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9N
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID/KR7A-133R only. This BIOS version is also for Non RAID boards, and the HPT BIOS would automatically be disabled while RAID controller chip did not be detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/07/2002

    !!! Attention for upgrading KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133R BIOS!!!
    When you upgrade bios from previous version to 9N, we highly recommend you backup your system and data to an independent storage device first. New HPT 2.31 bios may corrupt original RAID configuration created on old bios occasionally. That means you may need to rebuild RAID configuration. If it happens, all the data on RAID-0 will be gone!
    For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt372 setup

    BIOS: kr7a7g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7G
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. Fix CPU fan N/A problem for specific low speed CPU fan.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile date: 4/29/2002.
    BIOS: kr7a6n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6N
    1. This is first release for KR7A-133 / KR7A-133RAID. The BIOS is for all KR7A / KR7A-RAID / KR7A-133 / KR7A-133RAID.
    2. Support AMD Athlon XP 2000+ CPU, and fix AMD Duron 1.2/1.3G CPU bootup failed issue.
    3. Fix ATA-66 HDDs under Windows XP compatible issue.
    4. Fix unable to enter S1 mode under Windows 2000 system and unable to be wakened up by PCI LAN card from S4 mode under Windows 98SE.
    5. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kr7a6g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6G
    1. Enhance the PCI card compatibility.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kr7a5d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5D

    1. First release.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for KR7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7

    BIOS: kt7a9.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A9
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt77n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7N

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt764.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 64
    1. Fine tune the register value of CPU driving strength to enhance the system stability.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt74a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4A

    1. Support AMD Athlon 1.4GHz(133)CPU. (The bios is for both KT7 and KT7A series, but this enhancement is for KT7A/KT7A-RAID series only)
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt73r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3R

    1. Update BIOS code.
    2. Enhance ISA PnP compatibility.
    3. Enhance SCSI adapters compatibility.
    4. Add 1400(133) Athlon support for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    5. Add new option "1200 above" for high speed Athlons with 100FSB. KT7 / KT7-RAID / KT7A / KT7A-RAID / KT7E only support 1.4G(100) Athlon with L1 bridges disconnected. Check L1 before you buy a CPU please!
    6. For Creative SBLive 5.1 sound card users, you may try these options while experience sound quality issue.
      PCI master read caching, default setting=Disabled
      PCI master time-out, Default setting=1
      Setting above options to Disabled/3 will lead to the same result with VIA Latency patch V0.14 and may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the "PCI master read caching" please.
    7. Enhance the high speed 133FSB Athlon stability for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    8. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402 for KT7-RAID/KT7A-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3C

    1. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    2. Since bios 3C includes HPT bios 1.11, you may need upgrade your HPT370 driver before flashing the bios.
      When you upgrade bios from ZT to 3C, we highly recommend you backup your system to an independent storage device first. New HPT 1.11 bios could not keep configuration from old one. That means you may need to rebuild RAID system. Therefore, you may lost RAID-0 data after update bios from old version to new one.
      For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt370 setup screen and do "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover RAID system.
    BIOS: kt7zt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility:
      Delay transaction .
      PCI master read caching .
      PCI master time-out
      Set above options to Disabled / Disabled / 0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue.
      If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the PCI master read caching please.
    2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104x12.5.
    3. Adds an option State after power failure.
    4. Set all four IDE devices to AUTO.
    5. Set the default year to 2001.
    BIOS: kt7yh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Augment to FlashMenu Function.
    2. Adds RAID BIOS version v1.03b.
    BIOS: kt7wz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds an option to enable/disable CPU protection (fan1 error checking) function and changes the default setting to be disabled.
    2. Fixes wrongful register setting of Bank x/y Dram Timing for some special configurations.
    3. Changes CPU FSB from 133MHz to 133.33MHz for specific Athlon processors.
    4. Fixes system-hang issue when running Sisoft Sandra 2000 Professtional.
    5. Supports FlashMenu utility.
    6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: kt7ww.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds CPU protecting function. !WARNING! If the CPU fan reading of fan header #1 lower than 2000 rpm, or the fan is connected on header #2/#3/#4 or directly to power supply unit, this BIOS will automatically SHUTDOWN THE POWER IN 10 SECONDS. This design protect the processor from damage by heat.
    2. Fixes the fail to boot issue after Load Default then save setting and exit BIOS.
    3. Fixes the Fast Write function failed when the Enhance Chip Performance function enabled.
    4. Fixes the delay issue for certain DVD-ROM during booting up.
    5. Fixes the misreading issue for certain VCM 256M memory module.
    6. RAID BIOS version v1.0.3b1 (RAID function is for KT7-RAID and KT7A-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7wt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMICA 29002 2M Flash ROM.
    2. RAID BIOS version v1.0.0622(RAID function is for KT7-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7ul.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports core voltage to 1.85v.
    2. Adds 3 options in BIOS : Enhance Chip Performance, Force4-way Interleave , Enable Dram 4K-Page Mode.
    3. Fixes Duron CPU(1.6v) issue.
    BIOS: kt7tl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7-RAID
    BIOS: kt7a9.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A9
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt77n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7N

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt764.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 64
    1. Fine tune the register value of CPU driving strength to enhance the system stability.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3R

    1. Update BIOS code.
    2. Enhance ISA PnP compatibility.
    3. Enhance SCSI adapters compatibility.
    4. Add 1400(133) Athlon support for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    5. Add new option "1200 above" for high speed Athlons with 100FSB. KT7 / KT7-RAID / KT7A / KT7A-RAID / KT7E only support 1.4G(100) Athlon with L1 bridges disconnected. Check L1 before you buy a CPU please!
    6. For Creative SBLive 5.1 sound card users, you may try these options while experience sound quality issue.
      PCI master read caching, default setting=Disabled
      PCI master time-out, Default setting=1
      Setting above options to Disabled/3 will lead to the same result with VIA Latency patch V0.14 and may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the "PCI master read caching" please.
    7. Enhance the high speed 133FSB Athlon stability for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    8. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402 for KT7-RAID/KT7A-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3C

    1. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    2. Since bios 3C includes HPT bios 1.11, you may need upgrade your HPT370 driver before flashing the bios.
      When you upgrade bios from ZT to 3C, we highly recommend you backup your system to an independent storage device first. New HPT 1.11 bios could not keep configuration from old one. That means you may need to rebuild RAID system. Therefore, you may lost RAID-0 data after update bios from old version to new one.
      For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt370 setup screen and do "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover RAID system.
    BIOS: kt7zt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility:
      Delay transaction .
      PCI master read caching .
      PCI master time-out
      Set above options to Disabled / Disabled / 0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue.
      If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the PCI master read caching please.
    2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104x12.5.
    3. Adds an option State after power failure.
    4. Set all four IDE devices to AUTO.
    5. Set the default year to 2001.
    BIOS: kt7yh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Augment to FlashMenu Function.
    2. Adds RAID BIOS version v1.03b.
    BIOS: kt7wz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds an option to enable/disable CPU protection (fan1 error checking) function and changes the default setting to be disabled.
    2. Fixes wrongful register setting of Bank x/y Dram Timing for some special configurations.
    3. Changes CPU FSB from 133MHz to 133.33MHz for specific Athlon processors.
    4. Fixes system-hang issue when running Sisoft Sandra 2000 Professtional.
    5. Supports FlashMenu utility.
    6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: kt7ww.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds CPU protecting function. !WARNING! If the CPU fan reading of fan header #1 lower than 2000 rpm, or the fan is connected on header #2/#3/#4 or directly to power supply unit, this BIOS will automatically SHUTDOWN THE POWER IN 10 SECONDS. This design protect the processor from damage by heat.
    2. Fixes the fail to boot issue after Load Default then save setting and exit BIOS.
    3. Fixes the Fast Write function failed when the Enhance Chip Performance function enabled.
    4. Fixes the delay issue for certain DVD-ROM during booting up.
    5. Fixes the misreading issue for certain VCM 256M memory module.
    6. RAID BIOS version v1.0.3b1 (RAID function is for KT7-RAID and KT7A-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7wt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMICA 29002 2M Flash ROM.
    2. RAID BIOS version v1.0.0622(RAID function is for KT7-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7ul.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports core voltage to 1.85v.
    2. Adds 3 options in BIOS : Enhance Chip Performance, Force4-way Interleave , Enable Dram 4K-Page Mode.
    3. Fixes Duron CPU(1.6v) issue.
    BIOS: kt7tl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7A
    BIOS: kt7a9.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A9
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt77n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7N

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt764.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 64

    1. Fine tune the register value of CPU driving strength to enhance the system stability.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt74a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4A

    1. Support AMD 1.4GHz(133)CPU. (The bios is for both KT7 and KT7A series, but this enhancement is for KT7A/KT7A-RAID series only)
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt73r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3R

    1. Update BIOS code.
    2. Enhance ISA PnP compatibility.
    3. Enhance SCSI adapters compatibility.
    4. Add 1400(133) Athlon support for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    5. Add new option "1200 above" for high speed Athlons with 100FSB. KT7 / KT7-RAID / KT7A / KT7A-RAID / KT7E only support 1.4G(100) Athlon with L1 bridges disconnected. Check L1 before you buy a CPU please!
    6. For Creative SBLive 5.1 sound card users, you may try these two options while experience sound quality issue.
      PCI master read caching, default setting=Disabled
      PCI master time-out, Default setting=1
      Setting above options to Disabled/3 will lead to the same result with VIA Latency patch V0.14 and may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the "PCI master read caching" please.
      Enhance the high speed 133FSB Athlon stability for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    7. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402 for KT7-RAID/KT7A-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3C

    1. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    2. Since bios 3C includes HPT bios 1.11, you may need upgrade your HPT370 driver before flashing the bios.
      When you upgrade bios from ZT to 3C, we highly recommend you backup your system to an independent storage device first. New HPT 1.11 bios could not keep configuration from old one. That means you may need to rebuild RAID system. Therefore, you may lost RAID-0 data after update bios from old version to new one.
      For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt370 setup screen and do "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover RAID system.
    BIOS: kt7zt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility:
      Delay transaction .
      PCI master read caching .
      PCI master time-out
      Set above options to Disabled / Disabled / 0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue.
      If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the PCI master read caching please.
    2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104x12.5.
    3. Adds an option State after power failure.
    4. Set all four IDE devices to AUTO.
    5. Set the default year to 2001.
    BIOS: kt7yh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Augment to FlashMenu Function.
    2. Adds RAID BIOS version v1.03b.
    BIOS: kt7wz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds an option to enable/disable CPU protection (fan1 error checking) function and changes the default setting to be disabled.
    2. Fixes wrongful register setting of Bank x/y Dram Timing for some special configurations.
    3. Changes CPU FSB from 133MHz to 133.33MHz for specific Athlon processors.
    4. Fixes system-hang issue when running Sisoft Sandra 2000 Professtional.
    5. Supports FlashMenu utility.
    6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: kt7ww.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds CPU protecting function. !WARNING! If the CPU fan reading of fan header #1 lower than 2000 rpm, or the fan is connected on header #2/#3/#4 or directly to power supply unit, this BIOS will automatically SHUTDOWN THE POWER IN 10 SECONDS. This design protect the processor from damage by heat.
    2. Fixes the fail to boot issue after Load Default then save setting and exit BIOS.
    3. Fixes the Fast Write function failed when the Enhance Chip Performance function enabled.
    4. Fixes the delay issue for certain DVD-ROM during booting up.
    5. Fixes the misreading issue for certain VCM 256M memory module.
    6. RAID BIOS version v1.0.3b1 (RAID function is for KT7-RAID and KT7A-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7wt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMICA 29002 2M Flash ROM.
    2. RAID BIOS version v1.0.0622(RAID function is for KT7-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7ul.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports core voltage to 1.85v.
    2. Adds 3 options in BIOS : Enhance Chip Performance, Force4-way Interleave , Enable Dram 4K-Page Mode.
    3. Fixes Duron CPU(1.6v) issue.
    BIOS: kt7tl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7A V1.3

    BIOS: kt7sb4.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:B4
    1. Add new feature - Hold on "Insert Key" and press power button to power up the system while OC failed and caused system no boot.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 8/22/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s9r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9R
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s8t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8T
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 04/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s7p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7P

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Support AMD Duron 1300 CPU.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt7s65.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 65

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP from 1600+ to 1900+.
    2. Support AMD new Duron 1G and above.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt7s5s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5S

    1. Support AMD AthlonXP CPUs.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt7s4t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4T

    1. Support AMD 1.4GHz(133) CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt7s3n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3N

    1. First release for KT7A/KT7A-RAID V 1.3 or newer.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7A-RAID
    BIOS: kt7a9.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A9
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt77n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7N

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt764.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 64

    1. Fine tune the register value of CPU driving strength to enhance the system stability.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt74a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4A

    1. Support AMD 1.4GHz(133)CPU. (The bios is for both KT7 and KT7A series, but this enhancement is for KT7A/KT7A-RAID series only)
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt73r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3R

    1. Update BIOS code.
    2. Enhance ISA PnP compatibility.
    3. Enhance SCSI adapters compatibility.
    4. Add 1400(133) Athlon support for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    5. Add new option "1200 above" for high speed Athlons with 100FSB. KT7 / KT7-RAID / KT7A / KT7A-RAID / KT7E only support 1.4G(100) Athlon with L1 bridges disconnected. Check L1 before you buy a CPU please!
    6. For Creative SBLive 5.1 sound card users, you may try these two options while experience sound quality issue.
      PCI master read caching, default setting=Disabled
      PCI master time-out, Default setting=1
      Setting above options to Disabled/3 will lead to the same result with VIA Latency patch V0.14 and may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the "PCI master read caching" please.
      Enhance the high speed 133FSB Athlon stability for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    7. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402 for KT7-RAID/KT7A-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3C

    1. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    2. Since bios 3C includes HPT bios 1.11, you may need upgrade your HPT370 driver before flashing the bios.
      When you upgrade bios from ZT to 3C, we highly recommend you backup your system to an independent storage device first. New HPT 1.11 bios could not keep configuration from old one. That means you may need to rebuild RAID system. Therefore, you may lost RAID-0 data after update bios from old version to new one.
      For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt370 setup screen and do "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover RAID system.
    BIOS: kt7zt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility:
      Delay transaction .
      PCI master read caching .
      PCI master time-out
      Set above options to Disabled / Disabled / 0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue.
      If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the PCI master read caching please.
    2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104x12.5.
    3. Adds an option State after power failure.
    4. Set all four IDE devices to AUTO.
    5. Set the default year to 2001.
    BIOS: kt7yh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Augment to FlashMenu Function.
    2. Adds RAID BIOS version v1.03b.
    BIOS: kt7wz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds an option to enable/disable CPU protection (fan1 error checking) function and changes the default setting to be disabled.
    2. Fixes wrongful register setting of Bank x/y Dram Timing for some special configurations.
    3. Changes CPU FSB from 133MHz to 133.33MHz for specific Athlon processors.
    4. Fixes system-hang issue when running Sisoft Sandra 2000 Professtional.
    5. Supports FlashMenu utility.
    6. HPT 370 RAID BIOS verson 1.0.3b1.
    BIOS: kt7ww.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds CPU protecting function. !WARNING! If the CPU fan reading of fan header #1 lower than 2000 rpm, or the fan is connected on header #2/#3/#4 or directly to power supply unit, this BIOS will automatically SHUTDOWN THE POWER IN 10 SECONDS. This design protect the processor from damage by heat.
    2. Fixes the fail to boot issue after Load Default then save setting and exit BIOS.
    3. Fixes the Fast Write function failed when the Enhance Chip Performance function enabled.
    4. Fixes the delay issue for certain DVD-ROM during booting up.
    5. Fixes the misreading issue for certain VCM 256M memory module.
    6. RAID BIOS version v1.0.3b1 (RAID function is for KT7-RAID and KT7A-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7wt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMICA 29002 2M Flash ROM.
    2. RAID BIOS version v1.0.0622(RAID function is for KT7-RAID only).
    BIOS: kt7ul.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports core voltage to 1.85v.
    2. Adds 3 options in BIOS : Enhance Chip Performance, Force4-way Interleave , Enable Dram 4K-Page Mode.
    3. Fixes Duron CPU(1.6v) issue.
    BIOS: kt7tl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7A-RAID V1.3

    BIOS: kt7sb4.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:B4
    1. Add new feature - Hold on "Insert Key" and press power button to power up the system while OC failed and caused system no boot.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 8/22/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s9r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9R
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s8t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8T
    1. Support AMD Athlon XP CPU, 0.18 micron process Palomino up to 2100+ and 0.13 micron process Thoroughbred up to 2000+.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KG7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 04/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt7s7p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7P

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Support AMD Duron 1300 CPU.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt7s65.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 65

    1. Support AMD Athlon XP from 1600+ to 1900+.
    2. Support AMD new Duron 1G and above.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt7s5s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5S

    1. Support AMD AthlonXP CPUs.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt7s4t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4T

    1. Support AMD 1.4GHz(133) CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt7s3n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3N

    1. First release for KT7A/KT7A-RAID V 1.3 or newer.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KT7E
    BIOS: kt7a9.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: A9
    1. Fix nVidia GeForce4 Ti 4x00 AGP card compatible issue with Windows XP.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 1.11.0402.The RAID function is for KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 7/11/2002.
    BIOS: kt77n.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7N

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt764.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 64

    1. Fine tune the register value of CPU driving strength to enhance the system stability.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for KT7-RAID / KT7A-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt74a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4A

    1. Support AMD 1.4GHz(133)CPU. (The bios is for both KT7 and KT7A series, but this enhancement is for KT7A/KT7A-RAID series only)
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: kt73r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3R

    1. Update BIOS code.
    2. Enhance ISA PnP compatibility.
    3. Enhance SCSI adapters compatibility.
    4. Add 1400(133) Athlon support for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    5. Add new option "1200 above" for high speed Athlons with 100FSB. KT7 / KT7-RAID / KT7A / KT7A-RAID / KT7E only support 1.4G(100) Athlon with L1 bridges disconnected. Check L1 before you buy a CPU please!
    6. For Creative SBLive 5.1 sound card users, you may try these two options while experience sound quality issue.
      PCI master read caching, default setting=Disabled
      PCI master time-out, Default setting=1
      Setting above options to Disabled/3 will lead to the same result with VIA Latency patch V0.14 and may help SB Live 5.1 sound issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings, enable the "PCI master read caching" please.
    7. Enhance the high speed 133FSB Athlon stability for KT7A/KT7A-RAID.
    8. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402 for KT7-RAID/KT7A-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: kt73c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3C

    1. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    2. Since bios 3C includes HPT bios 1.11, you may need upgrade your HPT370 driver before flashing the bios.
      When you upgrade bios from ZT to 3C, we highly recommend you backup your system to an independent storage device first. New HPT 1.11 bios could not keep configuration from old one. That means you may need to rebuild RAID system. Therefore, you may lost RAID-0 data after update bios from old version to new one.
      For RAID-1 user, please press "CTRL+H" to enter hpt370 setup screen and do "Duplicate Mirror Disk " to recover RAID system.
    BIOS: kt7zt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds three new options to enhance the system compatibility
      Delay transaction .
      PCI master read caching .
      PCI master time-out
      Set above options to Disabled / Disabled / 0 may help SB Live 5.1 sound
      issue. If the system experiences low performance after these settings,
      enable the PCI master read cachingplease.
    2. Fixes the issue Athlon 1.3G(100) wrongfully recognized as 104x12.5.
    3. Adds an option State after power failure.
    4. Set all four IDE devices to AUTO.
    5. Set the default year to 2001.
    BIOS: kt7zh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. Support Flash Menu utility.

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KU8
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Add new CPU support.
    2. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/12/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Add the item "SATA BIOS ROM" enable/disable function.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/17/2005
    BIOS: ku814.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Add new CPU support.
    2. HDD led now works as intended.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/27/2005
    BIOS: ku813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/25/2005
    BIOS: ku810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/10/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV-80

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modelami pamięci.
    2. Dodana obsługa nowych procesorów.
    3. System zachowuje się zgodnie z oczekiwaniami po wznowieniu pracy z trybu S3.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2006
    BIOS: kv8017.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Add Rev.E6 CPU support.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/26/2005
    BIOS: kv8016.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. The function power on after power fail now works as intended.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/09/2005
    BIOS: kv8014.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/05/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Updated MCP 2.2.
    2. Fixed Sempron 3300+ CPU Cool 'n' Quiet function fail issue.
    3. Change the default RTC year to 2005.
    4. Fixed the MAC Address shown incorrectly.
    5. Modified DMI Pool data.
    6. Modified SSID.
    7. BIOS compiled date: 05/18/2005
    BIOS: kv8013.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed PS2 with USB mouse can't use under DOS Mode at the same time.
    2. Fixed the showing the DDR at DIMM incorrectly.
    3. Added the Cool'n'Quiet Technology item.
    4. Fixed the Row Cycle Time setting issue.
    5. Fixed Sempron 3300+ D0 CPU Cool'n'Quiet function fail issue.
    6. BIOS compiled date: 02/14/2005
    BIOS: kv8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV-81

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Poprawiono współpracę z niektórymi modelami pamięci.
    2. Dodana obsługa nowych procesorów.
    3. System zachowuje się zgodnie z oczekiwaniami po wznowieniu pracy z trybu S3.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/02/2006
    BIOS: kv8017.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Add Rev.E6 CPU support.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/26/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV-85

    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Urządzenia SATA prawidłowo opisane na ekranie POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/10/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięto problem braku sygnalizacji POST – dźwięki w pewnych sytuacjach nie pojawiały się.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 06/28/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Naprawiono problem V1.1 braku dźwięków POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/10/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Poprawiono współpracę płyty z niektórymi pamięciami.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 02/06/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Support KV-85 V2.0
    2. BIOS compiled date: 12/07/2005
    BIOS: kv8510.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 10/13/2005

    Motherboard>Socket A>KV7

    BIOS: kv720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Update VIA RAID BIOS to V4.95
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/05/2005
    BIOS: kv719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Fixed the issue that certain PCI TV card may not be detected when ATI AGP card is installed.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/11/2005
    BIOS: kv718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Aktualizacja BIOS-u VT8237 SATA RAID do wersji 4.31.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u:01/11/2004.
    BIOS: kv717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. AMD Sempron CPU support.
    2. Enhanced 3D quality from AGP driving value in AGP 8X mode.
    3. Disabled boot from POWER BUTTON function if PSKB WAKEUP is selected from PASSWORD item.
    4. BIOS compile date: 08/19/2004
    BIOS: kv716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Fixed an issue where the system may hang after “Load Optimal Defaults“ & restarting with certain CPUs.
    2. Enhances DRAM adjustability.
    3. Fixed a boot sequence issue between on-chip SATA & SCSI cards.
    4. BIOS compile date: 07/15/2004
    BIOS: kv715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Fixed the issue where SATA HDD boot up will fail if USB storage device is installed.
    2. Fixed the issue where SATA HDD boot up will fail if "USB keyboard/mouse" setting as "BIOS" section.
    3. Enhance the compatibility of SATA device on WIN98SE/ME.
    4. BIOS compile date: 06/07/2004
    BIOS: kv714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/02/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the KV7 BIOS.
    2. Beep before boot.
    3. Added new "Master Delay Transaction" item and set default to "Disable" for better compatibility with SATA RAID cards.
    4. BIOS Compile date: 02/24 /2004.
    BIOS: kv713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the KV7 BIOS.
    2. Enhanced Compatibility with Barton 2500+(333) / 3000+(333).
    3. Fixed a problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed in the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present.
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    4. Removed the "An Energy Star Ally" string.
    5. Updated VIA SATA RAID BIOS to version R2.21.
    6. Changed the default value of "Third Boot Device" to "CDROM"
    7. BIOS Compile date: 11/05/2003.
    BIOS: kv712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KV7 BIOS.
    2. Fixed the problem that previous KV7_11 BIOS wrongfully recognize AMD Athlon XP as Duron CPU.
    3. Changed the option wording of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250".
    4. Revised the wording of memory status from "DDR SDRAM at Bank" to "DDR at DIMM" in system configuration table.
    5. Revised DMI pool data.
    6. Fixed the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 26 if the system is using 133/166 FSB CPU and the power was turned off during boot up procedure when the post code is AE.
    7. Fixed the issue that the system occasionally hangs at post code 5E when use 200 FSB CPU.
    8. Added beeping sound from PC speaker when power up the system (POST OK).
    9. Fine tuned the system performance.
    10. BIOS Compile date: 9/22/2003.
    BIOS: kv711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KV7 BIOS.
    3. BIOS Compile date: 8/5/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KV7-V

    BIOS: kv7v15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Enhance CPU compatibility.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 11/01/2005
    BIOS: kv7v14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodanie obsługi nowych CPU.
    2. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Suspend_Mode_Item" (wstrzymywanie pracy systemu) na "S3" i "USB_Resume_Item" (przywracanie ze stanu wstrzymania przez urządzenia USB) na "Enabled" w celu spełnienia wymogów certyfikacji WHQL. Prosimy o przestawienie zworki USB-PWR ze standardowego położenia 1-2 ("wake-up disabled" - przywracanie/budzenie wyłączone) na 2-3 ("wake-up enabled" - przywracanie/budzenie włączone).
    3. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/01/2005.
    BIOS: kv7v13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Prevented system hang at 24h after modify Resource Controlled By Manual in PnP/PCI Configuration.
    2. Calibrate DDR Voltage back to normal, after Load Optimized Defaults.SAVE and Exit Setup.
    3. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004
    BIOS: kv7v12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Fixed an issue where a "CPU is unworkable or has been changed. Please recheck – CPU SOFT MENU" error message appears if a FSB 200 MHz CPU is installed.
    2. Removed "System BIOS Cacheable & Video RAM Cacheable" item from Advanced Chipset features".
    3. Removed "Virus Protection" item from "Advanced BIOS features".
    4. BIOS compile date:09/30/2004
    BIOS: kv7v11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV8

    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Corrected BIOS version.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: kv825.exe   
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: kv824.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Dodanie opcji "Delay Transaction" (opóźnienie) z domyślną wartością "Disable" (wyłączone).
    2. Poprawienie kompatybilności z układami Sempron 2600+/2800+ (Paris).
    3. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
    BIOS: kv823.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Updated VIA SATA RAID BIOS to v4.3.1.
    2. Added AMD Sempron CPU support.
    3. Fixed an issue where the system always enters VIA SATA BIOS when users press TAB to skip the full screen logo.
    4. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    5. BIOS compile date: 10/22/2004
    BIOS: kv822.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron (generacja Athlon 64)
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.29
    BIOS: kv821.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. skalibrowanie temperatury CPU
    2. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu rolki myszy PS/2 w przypadku wystąpienia jednej z następujących okoliczności:
      1. jednoczesne korzystanie z myszy PS/2 i niektórych klawiatur USB
      2. rolka myszy PS/2 działa poprawnie po każdym parzystym uruchomieniu systemu Windows (po restarcie) ale nie działa przy pozostałych
      3. w przypadku, gdy w systemie korzysta się jednocześnie z myszy i klawiatury PS/2 lub myszy i klawiatury USB problem nie występuje
    3. dodanie funkcji obsługiwanego przez AWDFLASH v8.32 skrótu klawiszowego "Alt+F2"
    4. usunięcie usterki wyświetlania w sekcji "System Configuration" (konfiguracja systemu) adresu MAC wbudowanego kontrolera LAN mimo wyłączenia opcji "Onboard Network Controller" (wbudowany kontroler sieci)
    5. dodanie obsługi CPU 3700+
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.10
    BIOS: kv820.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. W celu dokonania aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty KV8-MAX3 prosimy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH v8.24F
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u ze wsparciem dla modelu KV8
    3. usunięto pozycję "AGP Ratio" (podzielnik AGP)
    4. aktualizacja pełnoekranowego logo dla KV8-MAX3 i KV8
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.04

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV8 Pro

    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Enhanced compatibility with certain VGA cards.
    2. Update VIA RAID BIOS to V4.93
    3. The "multiplier factor" adjusted function now works as intended.
    4. The "DRAM timing" adjusted function now works as intended.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 12/23/2005
    BIOS: kv8p23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    2. Add Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 07/26/2005
    BIOS: kv8p22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new DRAM timing items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/13/2005
    BIOS: kv8p21.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Dodanie obsługi procesorów Sempron 2600+, 2800+, 3000+ i 3300+.
    2. Usunięcie drobnych usterek z taktowaniem pamięci DRAM.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 14/02/2005.
    BIOS: kv8p19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Updated µGuru Utility to ukv8_022.bin.
    2. Added "Delay Transactions" item.
    3. Added "PCI Latency Timer function" item.
    4. Removed an error message that appears if the year is modified and a SAVE&EXIT is executed.
    5. Fixed an issue where pressing TAB key to skip the OSB logo caused the Memory Information & Memory Clock to be missing.
    6. Changed "USB 2.0 Controller" defaulted to "Enabled", and synchronized it with the "OnChip USB Controller" setting.
    7. Synchronized "DDR Voltage" & "SB Voltage" in the PC Health item if modified.
    8. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
    9. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
    10. Added DMI information.
    11. BIOS compile date: 11/12/2004
    BIOS: kv8p17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated µGuru Utility to KV8_020.BIN.
    2. Fixed some items that Voltage Monitoring can't modify.
    3. Support D0 stepping CPUs.
    4. Fixed some items that FAN EQ cant adjust.
    5. Updated SATA ROM to v4.31.
    6. Fixed an issue that pressing the TAB key to cancel OSB logo would into a SATA setup menu.
    7. Fixed an issue where after setting CPU frequencies, 1 MHz would be missing.
    8. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    9. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
    BIOS: kv8p16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron (generacja Athlon 64)
    2. aktualizacja oprogramowania µGuru Utility do wersji uKV8_018.BIN
    3. modyfikacja funkcji "LDT Bus Frequency" (częstotliwość szyny LDT) od FSB x5, x4, x3, x2 do x1; usunięcie opcji "Auto"
    4. dodanie zakresu obsługiwanych częstotliwości FSB aż do 400 MHz i poprawienie stabilności przy pracy FSB z częstotliwością powyżej 300 MHz
    5. usunięcie opcji zasilania HyperTransport napięciem 1,4 V
    6. uzupełnienie zestwu możliwości wyboru funkcji "AGP Ratio" (podzielnik AGP) wartością "Fixed (74 MHz)" (ustalona/zablokowana na 74 MHz)
    7. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu po wybraniu w opcji "LDT & PCI Bus Control" (kontrola szyny LDT i PCI) wartości "16bit"
    8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.07.29
    BIOS: kv8p15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Support CPU multiplier adjustable (for KV8 Pro v1.1 only).
    2. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, and 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th…. windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    3. Fixed the issue that system may shutdown when CPU FAN disconnected even if CPU FAN SPEED monitoring disabled.
    4. Synchronize with Hardware monitor value, if Voltage value changed.
    5. When S3 resume CPU Clock back to pervious mode.
    6. Increase CPU FSB to 336MHz.
    7. Set the low limit value of CPU Voltage warning.
    8. Preset AGP RATIO DEFAULT to FIXED. (for KV8 Pro v1.1 only)
    9. Fixed the issue that CPU multiplier unable to load default.
    10. BIOS compile date: 06/16/2004
    BIOS: kv8p14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. po wyzerowaniu pamięci CMOS i wciśnięciu przycisku "F1" system będzie ładować domyślne bezpieczne ustawienia (fail-safe default)
    2. usunięcie problemu wieszania się systemu przy korzystaniu w pewnych sytuacjach z ABIT EQ
    3. usunięcie usterki sygnalizowania zbyt wysokiej temperatury w przypadku niektórych typów CPU firmy AMD
    4. zmiana wartości maksymalnego napięcia DRAM na 2,8 V
    5. zmiana domyślnej wartości zasilania NB (mostka północnego chipsetu) na 1,55 V
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.22
    BIOS: kv8p11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. W celu dokonania aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty KV8 Pro prosimy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH v8.24F
    2. usunięcie usterki w działaniu FP-USB2
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.04.21
    BIOS: kv8p10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. W celu dokonania aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty KV8 Pro prosimy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH v8.24F
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.04

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV8 Pro-3rd Eye

    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Enhanced compatibility with certain VGA cards.
    2. Update VIA RAID BIOS to V4.93
    3. The "multiplier factor" adjusted function now works as intended.
    4. The "DRAM timing" adjusted function now works as intended.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 12/23/2005
    BIOS: kv8p23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    2. Add Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 07/26/2005
    BIOS: kv8p22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new DRAM timing items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/13/2005
    BIOS: kv8p21.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Dodanie obsługi procesorów Sempron 2600+, 2800+, 3000+ i 3300+.
    2. Usunięcie drobnych usterek z taktowaniem pamięci DRAM.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 14/02/2005.
    BIOS: kv8p19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Updated µGuru Utility to ukv8_022.bin.
    2. Added "Delay Transactions" item.
    3. Added "PCI Latency Timer function" item.
    4. Removed an error message that appears if the year is modified and a SAVE&EXIT is executed.
    5. Fixed an issue where pressing TAB key to skip the OSB logo caused the Memory Information & Memory Clock to be missing.
    6. Changed "USB 2.0 Controller" defaulted to "Enabled", and synchronized it with the "OnChip USB Controller" setting.
    7. Synchronized "DDR Voltage" & "SB Voltage" in the PC Health item if modified.
    8. Changed "Resume by OnChip USB" default to "Enabled".
    9. Changed "ACPI Suspend Type" default to "S3".
    10. Added DMI information.
    11. BIOS compile date: 11/12/2004
    BIOS: kv8p17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Updated µGuru Utility to KV8_020.BIN.
    2. Fixed some items that Voltage Monitoring can't modify.
    3. Support D0 stepping CPUs.
    4. Fixed some items that FAN EQ cant adjust.
    5. Updated SATA ROM to v4.31.
    6. Fixed an issue that pressing the TAB key to cancel OSB logo would into a SATA setup menu.
    7. Fixed an issue where after setting CPU frequencies, 1 MHz would be missing.
    8. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    9. BIOS compile date: 10/12/2004
    BIOS: kv8p16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron (generacja Athlon 64)
    2. aktualizacja oprogramowania µGuru Utility do wersji uKV8_018.BIN
    3. modyfikacja funkcji "LDT Bus Frequency" (częstotliwość szyny LDT) od FSB x5, x4, x3, x2 do x1; usunięcie opcji "Auto"
    4. dodanie zakresu obsługiwanych częstotliwości FSB aż do 400 MHz i poprawienie stabilności przy pracy FSB z częstotliwością powyżej 300 MHz
    5. usunięcie opcji zasilania HyperTransport napięciem 1,4 V
    6. uzupełnienie zestwu możliwości wyboru funkcji "AGP Ratio" (podzielnik AGP) wartością "Fixed (74 MHz)" (ustalona/zablokowana na 74 MHz)
    7. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu po wybraniu w opcji "LDT & PCI Bus Control" (kontrola szyny LDT i PCI) wartości "16bit"
    8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.07.29
    BIOS: kv8p15.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Support CPU multiplier adjustable (for KV8 Pro v1.1 only).
    2. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, and 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th…. windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    3. Fixed the issue that system may shutdown when CPU FAN disconnected even if CPU FAN SPEED monitoring disabled.
    4. Synchronize with Hardware monitor value, if Voltage value changed.
    5. When S3 resume CPU Clock back to pervious mode.
    6. Increase CPU FSB to 336MHz.
    7. Set the low limit value of CPU Voltage warning.
    8. Preset AGP RATIO DEFAULT to FIXED. (for KV8 Pro v1.1 only)
    9. Fixed the issue that CPU multiplier unable to load default.
    10. BIOS compile date: 06/16/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 754>KV8-MAX3

    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Corrected BIOS version.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: kv825.exe   
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: kv824.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Dodanie opcji "Delay Transaction" (opóźnienie) z domyślną wartością "Disable" (wyłączone).
    2. Poprawienie kompatybilności z układami Sempron 2600+/2800+ (Paris).
    3. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/01/2005.
    BIOS: kv823.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Updated VIA SATA RAID BIOS to v4.3.1.
    2. Added AMD Sempron CPU support.
    3. Fixed an issue where the system always enters VIA SATA BIOS when users press TAB to skip the full screen logo.
    4. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    5. BIOS compile date: 10/22/2004
    BIOS: kv822.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron (generacja Athlon 64)
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.29
    BIOS: kv821.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. skalibrowanie temperatury CPU
    2. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu rolki myszy PS/2 w przypadku wystąpienia jednej z następujących okoliczności:
      1. jednoczesne korzystanie z myszy PS/2 i niektórych klawiatur USB
      2. rolka myszy PS/2 działa poprawnie po każdym parzystym uruchomieniu systemu Windows (po restarcie) ale nie działa przy pozostałych
      3. w przypadku, gdy w systemie korzysta się jednocześnie z myszy i klawiatury PS/2 lub myszy i klawiatury USB problem nie występuje
    3. dodanie funkcji obsługiwanego przez AWDFLASH v8.32 skrótu klawiszowego "Alt+F2"
    4. usunięcie usterki wyświetlania w sekcji "System Configuration" (konfiguracja systemu) adresu MAC wbudowanego kontrolera LAN mimo wyłączenia opcji "Onboard Network Controller" (wbudowany kontroler sieci)
    5. dodanie obsługi CPU 3700+
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.05.10
    BIOS: kv820.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. W celu dokonania aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty KV8-MAX3 prosimy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH v8.24F
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u ze wsparciem dla modelu KV8
    3. usunięto pozycję "AGP Ratio" (podzielnik AGP)
    4. aktualizacja pełnoekranowego logo dla KV8-MAX3 i KV8
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.04
    BIOS: kv819.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update KV8-MAX3 BIOS.
    2. Changed the default year to 2004.
    3. Enhanced compatibility between CG stepping CPU and Cool 'n' Quiet function.
    4. Fixed an issue where USB-ZIP will be detected as a harddisk.
    5. Enhanced compatibility with Adaptec 29160 SCSI card.
    6. Updated CPU support.
    7. Fixed an issue where the system will show 119 degrees under certain circumstances.
    8. Fixed an issue where the IRQ status will still be occupied even if the USB controller is disabled in the BIOS.
    9. BIOS compile date: 03/01/2004.
    BIOS: kv818.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/01/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the KV8-MAX3 BIOS.
    2. Added "Command Rate" option for AMD Athlon CG version and later.
    3. Fixed an issue where system cannot boot from SCSI CD-ROM when the onboard SI3114 RAID controller is enabled.
    4. Added CPU fan fail alarm option.
    5. Added onboard SI3114 RAID controller ROM control option. Users can disable the ROM of the SI3114 RAID controller in order to gain more memory space for SCSI controller or other PCI devices. Although boot up from SI3114 controller and RAID function is disabled by doing so, users still can control up to 4 SATA devices under the OS.
    6. Fixed an issue where Windows fails to install when there are 4 Hitachi IC35L120AVV207-0 hard disks installed on the SI3114 RAID controller.
    7. BIOS compile date: 01/05/2004
    BIOS: kv817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update KV8-MAX3 BIOS.
    2. Added CG stepping CPU support.
    3. Updated onboard Silicon Image SATA controller BIOS to version 5.0.24.
    4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    5. BIOS compile date: 11/27/2003.
    BIOS: kv816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KV8-MAX3 BIOS.
    2. Fixed un-expected warning beeps in certain circumstances:
      1. Change the Vcore low limit in ABIT EQ.
      2. Restart Windows
    3. Get into BIOS setup page and then exit.
    4. Synchronized the CPU Fan Fail Shutdown function with ABIT EQ.
    5. Reserved IRQ 12/14/15/9 for Mouse/IDEchannel0/IDEchannel1/ACPI in the "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    6. Fixed the problem where the system will go into STR mode automatically if
      1. The system is woken up from STR by "BIOS RTC Alarm Wake Up".
      2. The system stays idle for several minutes.
    7. Fixed the problem where the AGP and DDR voltage will be incorrect if
      1. User loaded "Setup Default".
      2. Save and Exit without entering the SoftMenu first.
    8. Fixed the problem where the "Memory Hole" function is not functioning.
    9. Set the default DDR voltage to 2.6V if the memory is operating at DDR400.
    10. Synchronized the Fan EQ function with ABIT EQ.
    11. Fixed the incorrect CPU voltage shown in the DMI data.
    12. Disabled the Winbond W83627HF sensor unit to prevent incorrect CPU voltage information shown in some third party software.
    13. Changed the AGP mode item to Auto/4X/2X/1X if AGP 2.0 card is installed and to Auto/4X/8X if AGP 3.0 card is installed.
    14. BIOS compile date: 11/07/2003.
    BIOS: kv815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KV8-MAX3 BIOS.
    2. First release.
    3. BIOS compile date: 10/09/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KW7

    BIOS: kw715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Fixed some temperature readings.
    2. Fixed the issue that system may show the message "CPU is unworkable or has been changed" sometimes.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 07/07/2005
    BIOS: kw714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Uaktualnienie ROM-u wbudowanego kontrolera RAID do wersji 4.60.
    2. Usunięcie problemu polegającego na braku możliwości uruchomienia systemu Windows w przypadku wystąpienia następujących okoliczności:
      • System operacyjny jest zainstalowany na dysku SATA, a w skład konfiguracji wchodziły zarówno dyski twarde SATA, jak i PATA.
      • Dysk PATA został po zainstalowaniu systemu operacyjnego odłączony.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/21.
    BIOS: kw713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Dodanie obsługi nowych CPU.
    2. Usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania adresu MAC przez BIOS.
    3. Poprawiona identyfikacja CPU Thorton 2600+ w BIOS-ie.
    4. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    5. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 21/01/2005.
    BIOS: kw711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004

    Motherboard>Socket A>KW7-G

    BIOS: kw7g13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Dodana obsługa nowych procesorów.
    2. Kalibracja częstotliwości pracy CPU.
    3. Usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytu adresu MAC przez BIOS.
    4. Usunięcie powtórzeń łańcucha tekstowego "An Energy Star Ally".
    5. Przeniesienie funkcji "POWER ON Function" ("Włączanie zasilania") do sekcji "Power Management Feature" ("Zarządzanie zasilaniem").
    6. Zmiana domyślnego roku zegara RTC na 2005.
    7. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/21/2005
    BIOS: kw7g11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/29/2004

    Motherboard>Socket A>KX7-333
    BIOS: kx7cn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:cn
    1. Change the SSID of KX7-333/KX7-333R to 7411h/7412h.
    2. Fix the issue that the system will hang at post code C3 after clear CMOS when using Samsung DDR K4H560838D module.
    3. Fix the issue that the BIOS SSID will be changed after resume from ACPI S3 state.
    4. Change the default year after clear CMOS to 2003.
    5. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    6. Change the wording "DDR SDRAM at DIMM" to "DDR at DIMM" in order to match the wording on the PCB.
    7. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB). The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip is not detected.
    8. BIOS compile date: 08/29/2003.
    BIOS: kx7b6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B6
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 8/22/2002.
    BIOS: kx79k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9K
    1. Support new 0.13micron process AthlonXP CPU-Throughbred.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/05/2002
    BIOS: kx77m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7M
    1. First Release.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/22/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>KX7-333R
    BIOS: kx7cn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:cn
    1. Change the SSID of KX7-333/KX7-333R to 7411h/7412h.
    2. Fix the issue that the system will hang at post code C3 after clear CMOS when using Samsung DDR K4H560838D module.
    3. Fix the issue that the BIOS SSID will be changed after resume from ACPI S3 state.
    4. Change the default year after clear CMOS to 2003.
    5. Add AMD Duron 1400(133)/1600(133)/1800(133) support.
    6. Change the wording "DDR SDRAM at DIMM" to "DDR at DIMM" in order to match the wording on the PCB.
    7. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB). The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non-RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip is not detected.
    8. BIOS compile date: 08/29/2003.
    BIOS: kx7b6.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: B6
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. Please be noted that Athlon XP 2400+ and 2600+ CPU need AMD certified heatsink; otherwise, the system will be quite unstable or even fail to boot up. Please check AMD recommended CPU cooler in following URL.,,30_288_1274_3734^4348^4356,00.html
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.32. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 8/22/2002.
    BIOS: kx79k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9K
    1. Support new 0.13micron process AthlonXP CPU-Throughbred.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/05/2002
    BIOS: kx77m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7M
    1. First Release.
    2. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31. The RAID function is for KX7-333R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/22/2002.


    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych CPU.
    2. Poprawiono pracę AudioEQ.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/09/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. CPU frequency now detect correctly when Prescott 3.4G, 3.6G, 3.8G installed.
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 12/27/2005
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Presler CPU.
    2. Add IRQ selectable items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 11/28/2005
    BIOS: lg8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Devices installed on IDE2 Master/slave will be shown correctly now on the post screen.
    2. Update HD audio convert table for new version of audio driver interface (Please update HD audio driver to r1.22 or later)
    3. Update CPU micro code.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Shut down by CPU temperature now works as intended.
    2. Shut down by CPU fan fail now works as intended.
    3. USB enable/disable function now works as intended.
    4. Intel Pentium 840 processor now shows correct OSB logo and frequency.
    5. .tRAS will be shown correctly now.
    6. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    7. EIST function now works as intended.
    8. Enhance compatibility with certain SATA harddisk.
    9. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/06/2005


    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych CPU.
    2. Poprawiono pracę AudioEQ.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/09/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. CPU frequency now detect correctly when Prescott 3.4G, 3.6G, 3.8G installed.
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 12/27/2005
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Presler CPU.
    2. Add IRQ selectable items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 11/28/2005
    BIOS: lg8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Devices installed on IDE2 Master/slave will be shown correctly now on the post screen.
    2. Update HD audio convert table for new version of audio driver interface (Please update HD audio driver to r1.22 or later)
    3. Update CPU micro code.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Shut down by CPU temperature now works as intended.
    2. Shut down by CPU fan fail now works as intended.
    3. USB enable/disable function now works as intended.
    4. Intel Pentium 840 processor now shows correct OSB logo and frequency.
    5. .tRAS will be shown correctly now.
    6. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    7. EIST function now works as intended.
    8. Enhance compatibility with certain SATA harddisk.
    9. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/06/2005


    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych CPU.
    2. Poprawiono pracę AudioEQ.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/09/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. CPU frequency now detect correctly when Prescott 3.4G, 3.6G, 3.8G installed.
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 12/27/2005
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Presler CPU.
    2. Add IRQ selectable items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 11/28/2005
    BIOS: lg8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Devices installed on IDE2 Master/slave will be shown correctly now on the post screen.
    2. Update HD audio convert table for new version of audio driver interface (Please update HD audio driver to r1.22 or later)
    3. Update CPU micro code.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Shut down by CPU temperature now works as intended.
    2. Shut down by CPU fan fail now works as intended.
    3. USB enable/disable function now works as intended.
    4. Intel Pentium 840 processor now shows correct OSB logo and frequency.
    5. .tRAS will be shown correctly now.
    6. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    7. EIST function now works as intended.
    8. Enhance compatibility with certain SATA harddisk.
    9. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005


    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych CPU.
    2. Poprawiono pracę AudioEQ.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/09/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. CPU frequency now detect correctly when Prescott 3.4G, 3.6G, 3.8G installed.
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 12/27/2005
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Presler CPU.
    2. Add IRQ selectable items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 11/28/2005
    BIOS: lg8012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Devices installed on IDE2 Master/slave will be shown correctly now on the post screen.
    2. Update HD audio convert table for new version of audio driver interface (Please update HD audio driver to r1.22 or later)
    3. Update CPU micro code.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 08/22/2005
    BIOS: lg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Shut down by CPU temperature now works as intended.
    2. Shut down by CPU fan fail now works as intended.
    3. USB enable/disable function now works as intended.
    4. Intel Pentium 840 processor now shows correct OSB logo and frequency.
    5. .tRAS will be shown correctly now.
    6. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    7. EIST function now works as intended.
    8. Enhance compatibility with certain SATA harddisk.
    9. BIOS compiled date: 07/22/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 939>NF-95

    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. The SATA devices are now displayed correctly on the POST screen.
    2. Add support the FlashMenu software.
    3. The CPU "A64 3200+, ADA3200AA4BP" now works as intended without problems.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 08/30/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Die "Clear CMOS" Funktion arbeitet nun korrekt.
    2. BIOS erstellt am: 05/09/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza rewizja.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/03/2006

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7

    This BIOS upgrade is for NF7 V1.x only.
    For NF7 V2.0, please click here.
    For your motherboard's version number, please click here .

    BIOS: nf728.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:28
    1. Hid "CPU Disconnect function" default to AUTO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/10/2004
    BIOS: nf727.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
    BIOS: nf726.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Revised wording of "OnChip VGA ROM file" Item.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: nf725.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu rolki myszy PS/2 w przypadku wystąpienia jednej z następujących okoliczności:
      • jednoczesne korzystanie z myszy PS/2 i niektórych klawiatur USB
      • rolka myszy PS/2 działa poprawnie po każdym parzystym uruchomieniu systemu Windows (po restarcie) ale nie działa przy pozostałych
      • w przypadku, gdy w systemie korzysta się jednocześnie z myszy i klawiatury PS/2 lub myszy i klawiatury USB problem nie występuje
    3. dodanie obsługi AWDFLASH.EXE w wersji 8.32
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.04.22
    BIOS: nf724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. aktualizacja BIOS-u kontrolera SATA do wersji 4.2.47 (tylko dla modelu NF7-S)
    3. dodanie funkcji rozszerzającej kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0 dostępnej w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals/OnChip PCI Device/USB 2.0 Device Compatible" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne/wbudowane urządzenia PCI/kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0)
    4. dodanie mechanizmu automatycznego wyłączania systemu jeśli na złączu grzebieniowym CCMOS (czyszczenie pamięci CMOS) założono zworkę na pinach 2-3; powinna ona domyślnie zwierać piny 1-2 (zwarcie pinów 2-3 i uruchomienie płyty głównej prowadzi do zwiększenia napięcia rdzenia CPU - dodany mechanizm ma na celu zapobieżenie ewentualnym uszkodzeniom procesora)
    5. usunięcie usterki niezdolności do uruchomienia się systemu DOS 6.22 z dysku SATA w przypadku, gdy nie podłączono myszy PS/2
    6. dodanie opcji "SATA ROM: Enabled/Disabled" (ROM SATA: włączony/wyłączony) w celu zwiększenia kompatybilności z kontrolerami SCSI
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.18
    BIOS: nf723.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu nie startowania procesorów Duron 1,2 G i 1,3 G po uaktualnieniu BIOS-u do wersji 2.2
    3. dodanie obsługi programu narzędziowego NVIDIA System Utility; prosimy o zwrócenie uwagi na to, że obsługiwane są tylko podstawowe funkcje; prosimy o pobranie pliku nvsuoem.ini i zainstalowanie programu NVIDIA System Utility z tym właśnie plikiem INI (należy go umieścić w katalogu, w którym znajduje się program instalacyjny NVIDIA System Utility)
    4. zwiększenie kompatybilności odnośnie niektórych dysków twardych WD
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.11.28
    BIOS: nf722.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Add Duron FSB266 1400MHz/1600MHz/1800MHz CPU support. This BIOS does not support old Duron 1.2G and 1.3G. Users using these two CPU, please do not upgrade to this version.
    3. Fixed when using NF7-M, the BIOS will have checksum error at certain circumstances.
    4. Improve NF7-M DRAM compatibility when using on-board VGA function.
    5. Remove "An Energy Star Ally" string at boot up.
    6. BIOS compile date: 10/13/2003.
    BIOS: nf721.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Updated BPL to v3.09 according to NVidia's recommendation.
    2. Fixed the problem that system hangs up with POST code 01 while resuming from STR mode with user defined DRAM timings. With default SPD setting, no problem at all and doesn't need this update.
    3. Fixed the problem that system hangs up at POST code FF with over clocking setting- change the multiplier factor from CPU default to 19.
    4. Fixed the problem that Barton 2500+ CPU is occasionally detected as Barton 3200+. If 400 FSB CPU is installed, users need to select correct CPU type in SoftMenuIII by themselves.
    5. BIOS Compile date: 7/24/2003.
    BIOS: nf720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as "Support via BIOS".
    3. Fixed the intermittent sirens when getting into Windows 2000 or XP with both "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail" and "CPU Shutdown Temperature " enabled in PC Health Status.
    4. Calibrated the readings of "CPU Over Temp. Protect" option in SoftMenu™ III.
    5. Fixed the problem that SATA BIOS string is wrongfully connected with PCI add on card BIOS.
    6. Fixed system freeze problem in S-ATA BIOS initial while using display card on PCI slot.
    7. Fixed the problem if FAN speeded too slow, system would hang at BIOS screen or at watching the status in PC health Status screen.
    8. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003.
    BIOS: nf719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu wyświetlania zbyt wysokiej temperatury CPU
    3. zwiększenie zakresu FSB procesora do poziomu 300 MHz w przypadku korzystania w SoftMenu z trybu "user define mode" (tryb definiowany przez użytkownika)
    4. usunięcie problemu zniekształcania przechowywanych danych przez dodanie opcji "EXT-P2P's Discard Time" (limit czasu reakcji) w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne); domyślna, rekomendowana przez firmę NVIDIA wartość tego parametru wynosi "30 us" - w przypadku, gdy problemy nie ustępują należy zmienić tę wartość na "1 us"
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.13
    BIOS: nf718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana wartości identyfikatorów SSID na "1C01" (NF7-M) i "1C02" (NF7)
    3. zmiana domyślnej wartości funkcji "Floppy A" (pierwszy napęd dysków wymiennych) w ustawieniach awaryjnych "Fail Safe" na "1.44M, 3.5in."
    4. dodanie funkcji autodetekcji trybu "Dual Channel DDR" (praca w trybie dwukanałowym); aby umożliwić pracę w tym trybie moduły pamięci powinny zostać zainstalowane w gniazdach DIMM-3 i DIMM-2
    5. usunięcie usterki przejawiającej się w niestabilności działania w systemie Windows 2000 po zainstalowaniu karty rozszerzającej w złączu PCI-4
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.04.10
    BIOS: nf717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana mechanizmu ochrony zapisu podczas programowania pamięci Flash ROM
    3. obsługa procesorów z rdzeniem Thorton, Thoroughbred i Barton 2600+
    4. ustawienie wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DRAM na "Auto"
    5. dodanie funkcji "CPU Disconnect Function" (odłączenie CPU), która umożliwia chipsetowi sterowanie aktywnością opcji wyłączania C1
    6. wartość częstotliwości CPU 1917 MHz zmieniona na 1916 MHz
    7. uaktualnienie zawartości obszaru danych DMI Pool identyfikatorem "Socket A"
    8. ustalenie standardowej wartości opcji "Memory Timing" (taktowanie pamięci) na "Optimal" (optymalna)
    9. usunięcie problemu z detekcją urządzeń USB w Windows Me przy budzeniu ze stanów oszczędzania energii S3 i S4, co powodowało do zakłócenia działania szyny USB
    10. usunięcie problemu polegającego na niezdolności do wyświetlania prędkości obrotowej wentylatora w sekcji "PC Hearth Status" (diagnostyka PC) w przypadku używania wentylatorów wolnoobrotowych
    11. dodanie opcji "IDE Bus Master" (samodzielne sterowanie transferami danych w trakcie komunikacji z urządzeniami IDE) w celu poprawienia prędkości działania programu GHOST; ustalenie standardowej wartości na "disabled" (wyłączone)
    12. usunięcie problemu ze zwalnianiem linii IRQ 14 i 15 po wyłączeniu wbudowanego kontrolera IDE; wcześniej mimo wyłączenia kontrolera nie zwalniał on zasobów i pojawiał się na liście statusowej PCI jako "IDE Controller IRQ" z komentarzem "NA"
    13. dodanie w płycie NF7-M opcji "AGP aperture size" (obszar pamięci mapowanej dla potrzeb AGP) w przypadku korzystania z modułu graficznego wbudowanego w chipset
    14. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.03.27
    BIOS: nf716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. uaktualnienie BIOS-u modułu graficznego do wersji 4.1F.00.07.13 (tylko w przypadku NF7-M)
    3. usunięcie problemu z przydzielaniem obszaru dzielonej pamięci na płycie NF7-M w przypadku, gdy w złączu AGP zainstalowano kartę graficzną
    4. usunięcie problemu w budowaniu rejestru konfiguracji DMI Pool w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej zainstalowano procesor z CPUID=064X
    5. usunięcie problemu z uruchamianiem przy korzystaniu z modułów pamięci Corsair TwinX-3200LL i CMX256A-3200LL
    6. modyfikacja sposobu odczytu częstotliwości DDR w trakcie procedury POST
    7. uaktualnienie BIOS-u wbudowanego kontrolera Serial ATA do wersji 4.2.12 (tylko w przypadku NF7-S); należy przy tym uaktualnić sterownik do wersji
    8. wyłączenie działania przycisku "Power" (zasilanie) w trakcie aktualizowania BIOS-u w celu uniknięcia w tym czasie możliwości przypadkowego wyłączenia komputera i uszkodzenia danych w pamięci Flash
    9. usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania wartości napięcia zasilającego procesor - wartość raportowana w części "PC Health" była za niska. Użytkownicy korzystający z programu
    10. narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    11. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania opcji "Battery Voltage" (wartość napięcia z baterii) do postaci "3.3V Dual Voltage". Użytkownicy korzystający z programu narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    12. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.02.27
    BIOS: nf715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u obsługująca płyty NF7/NF7-S i NF7-M w wersji 1.2
    3. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy CPU w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą po tym, jak wystąpił błąd sumy kontrolnej lub wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    4. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy pamięci w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą (zamiast DDR 266/333) jeśli wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy CPU jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    5. usunięci IRQ9 z listy dostępnych zasobów IRQ (zajęty przez kontroler ACPI)
    6. w przypadku płyty NF7-M z wbudowanym modułem graficznym usunięto wyświetlany komunikat "Engineering..." wyświetlany w trakcie inicjowania ROM-u
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.01.22
    BIOS: nf713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. uzupełnienie tabeli obsługiwanych CPU o modele z szyną FSB 333 MHz
    3. usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania temperatury procesora. W przypadku BIOS-ów w wersji 1.0, 1.1 i 1.2 raportowana wartość była za wysoka. Wersja 1.3 usuwa ten problem
    4. aczkolwiek użytkownicy korzystający z programu narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V13.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
      zmiana domyślnego roku na 2003
    5. uaktualnienie BIOS-u kontrolera Serial ATA SiliconImage Sil3112A do wersji 4.2.00
    6. dodanie nowej funkcji - "Shutdown when CPU FAN fail" (zamknięcie systemu w przypadku awarii wentylatora na procesorze)
    7. modyfikacja działania funkcji "CPU shutdown temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której system zostanie zamknięty) i "CPU warning temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowany będzie sygnał ostrzegający)
    8. usunięcie usterki w działaniu objawiającej się w niezdolności do zamknięcia się systemu Windows XP w przypadku, gdy wartość opcji "USB support" (obsługa USB) ustawiona była na "By BIOS" (za pomocą BIOS-u)
    9. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD z rdzeniem Barton i szyną FSB 333 MHz
    10. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.01.07
    BIOS: nf712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 12
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23D is included in this BIOS package.
    2. First release.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/29/2002

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7 V2.0

    This BIOS upgrade is for NF7 V2.0 only.
    For NF7 V1.x, please click here.
    For your motherboard's version number, please click here .

    BIOS: nf7d27.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. Updated SATA ROM V4.2.5.0.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/22/2004
    BIOS: nf7d26.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Supports AMD Sempron CPUs.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/19/2004
    BIOS: nf7d25.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Supports new version of Super IO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/06/2004
    BIOS: nf7d24.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later flash utility to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th…. windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    3. Supports AWDFLASH.EXE V8.32.
    4. BIOS compile date: 04/22/2004
    BIOS: nf7d23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update the NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, which leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Updated SATA BIOS to v4.2.47 (FOR NF7-SV2.0 ONLY).
    3. Enhanced USB 2.0 device compatibility, "Integrated Peripherals / OnChip PCI Device / USB 2.0 Device Compatible / Disabled -> Enabled".
    4. Added Auto-Shutdown function when CCMOS jumper on pins 2-3. The correct CCMOS jumper should be on pins 1-2; in case it is placed on 2-3, the CPU core voltage will be abnormally high, and the system will shut down automatically to protect the CPU from damage.
    5. Fixed an issue where SATA HDD boot up would fail without a PS/2 mouse installed.
    6. Hid "SATA ROM BIOS" function on NF7V2.0.
    7. Changed the default year to 2004.
    8. BIOS compile date: 03/24/2004.
    BIOS: nf7d22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja dla NF7-V; w przypadku NF7 i NF7-S nie zmieniono nic
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.12.24
    BIOS: nf7d21.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 v2.0 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. dodanie monitorowania prędkości wentylatora w nVidia System Utility
    3. aktualizacja BIOS-u SATA do wersji 4.2.43
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.12.01
    BIOS: nf7d19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. dodanie obsługi procesora Duron (FSB 266 MHz)
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d20.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later flash utility to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer-to-peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed an issue where the Duron 1.2GHz and 1.3GHz will not boot using BIOS version 19.
    3. Added nVidia System Utility support. Please download the nvsuoem.ini file and install nVidia System Utility with this ini file (put the ini file in the directory where the setup file for nVidia System Utility is located).
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain WD hard disks.
    5. BIOS compile date: 10/09/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed the problem that system hangs up with POST code 01 while resuming from STR mode with user defined DRAM timings. With default SPD setting, no problem at all and doesn't need this update.
    2. Fixed the problem that system hangs up at POST code FF with over clocking setting- change the multiplier factor from CPU default to 19.
    3. Fixed the problem that Barton 2500+ CPU is occasionally detected as Barton 3200+. If 400 FSB CPU is installed, users need to select correct CPU type in SoftMenuIII by themselves.
    4. BIOS Compile date: 7/24/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as "Support via BIOS".
    3. Fixed the intermittent sirens when getting into Windows 2000 or XP with both "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail" and "CPU Shutdown Temperature "enabled in PC Health Status.3. Calibrated readings of "CPU Over Temp. Protect" option in SoftMenu™ III.
    4. Fixed the problem that SATA BIOS string is wrongfully connected with PCI add on card BIOS.
    5. Calibrated the CPU temperature again.
    6. Revised DDR400 DRAM timing according to NVidia's recommendation.
    7. Updated BPL to v3.02 according to NVidia's recommendation.
    8. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. W przypadku płyty NF7 v2.0 prosimy o dokonanie aktualizacji BIOS-u do wersji 1.6 w przypadku, gdy podczas korzystania z wersji 1.4 lub wcześniejszej system sporadycznie zawiesza się w trakcie procedury POST na etapie wyświetlania listy urządzeń PCI. Aktualizację BIOS-u należy przeprowadzić w następujący sposób:
      • sformatować dyskietkę na innym komputerze z zainstalowanym systemem Windows
      • skopiować na nią pliki AWDFLASH.EXE i NF7D_16.BIN
      • uruchomić komputer z płytą NF7 v2.0, umieścić dyskietkę w napędzie A i trzymać wciśnięte klawisze ALT+F2 w celu dokonania automatycznej aktualizacji BIOS-u
    2. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
      • usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w trakcie inicjowania BIOS-u Serial ATA w przypadku korzystania z karty graficznej PCI
      • usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w BIOS-ie lub podczas korzystania z sekcji "PC Health Status" w przypadku, gdy prędkość obracania się wentylatora jest zbyt niska
      • data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie usterki zbyt wysokiej temperatury CPUzmiana największej wartości CPU FSB do 300 MHz w przypadku korzystania z funkcji "user define mode" (tryb definiowania przez użytkownika) w SoftMenu
    3. usunięcie problemu utraty danych w konfiguracji SATA RAID-0 przez dodanie opcji "EXT-P2P's Discard Time" (czas do usunięcia EXT-P2P) w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals"; przyjęto
    4. standardową, rekomendowaną przez firmę NVIDIA wartość "30 us"; jeśli nie eliminuje to problemu proszę wypróbować wartość "1 ms"
    5. zmiana parametrów pracy pamięci DDR400 na wartości rekomendowane przez firmę NVIDIA
    6. aktualizacja BPL do rekomendowanej przez NVIDIA wersji 3.01
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowej identyfikacji CPU z rdzeniem "Thorton" 2600+ (166x12,5) w SoftMenu III
    3. usunięcie problemu zawieszania się procedury POST z kodem EFh, występującego w przypadku korzystania z pewnego konkretnego modułu pamięci
    4. usunięcie problemu niewyświetlania typu pamięci DDR xxx (xxx = 200, 266, 333 lub 400) w przypadku zastosowania procesora z FSB 400 MHz bez korzystania z trybu "User Define"
    5. przydzielenie parametrowi "CPU FSB/DRAM Freq" (podzielnik częstotliwości procesora/pamięci) domyślnej wartości "Auto"
    6. dodanie funkcji "CPU Disconnect" (odłączenie CPU) do sterowania wyłączeniem C1; chipset nie obsługuje wyłączania w trybie C2 dlatego funkcja to została wyłączona
    7. przypisanie obszarowi danych DMI wartości "Socket A, Product Name: NF7-S/NF7 (NVIDIA-nForce2), Version: 2X"
    8. uaktualnienie częstotliwości CPU 1917 MHz do wartości 1916 MHz
    9. uaktualnienie tabeli SIP w celu uniknięcia problemów zawieszania się systemu podczas korzystania z CPU z FSB 400 MHz i pamięci DDR333; uaktualnienie tabeli SIP procesorów z szyną FSB 266 MHz
    10. przydzielenie parametrowi "Memory Timings" (taktowanie pamięci) domyślnej wartości "Optimal" (optymalne)
    11. uaktualnienie BPL do 2.94
    12. usunięcie problemu niewyświetlania prędkości działania wentylatora w sekcji "PC Health Status" w przypadku korzystania z niskoobrotowych wentylatorów
    13. dodanie funkcji "IDE Bus Master" (samodzielne sterowanie transferami danych w trakcie komunikacji z urządzeniami IDE) w celu usprawnienia działania programu Ghost, ustalenie domyślnej wartości na "Disabled" (wyłączone)
    14. usunięcie problemu niezdolności systemu do detekcji urządzeń USB w Windows Me przy budzeniu ze stanów oszczędzania energii S3 lub S4 (oryginalnie prowadziło to do niezdolności do nawiązywania komunikacji przez USB)
    15. udoskonalenie możliwości podkręcania procesorów z szyną FSB 333 MHz
    16. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.03.27

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-M

    BIOS: nf728.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:28
    1. Hid "CPU Disconnect function" default to AUTO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/10/2004
    BIOS: nf727.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
    BIOS: nf726.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Revised wording of "OnChip VGA ROM file" Item.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: nf725.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu rolki myszy PS/2 w przypadku wystąpienia jednej z następujących okoliczności:
      • jednoczesne korzystanie z myszy PS/2 i niektórych klawiatur USB
      • rolka myszy PS/2 działa poprawnie po każdym parzystym uruchomieniu systemu Windows (po restarcie) ale nie działa przy pozostałych
      • w przypadku, gdy w systemie korzysta się jednocześnie z myszy i klawiatury PS/2 lub myszy i klawiatury USB problem nie występuje
    3. dodanie obsługi AWDFLASH.EXE w wersji 8.32
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.04.22
    BIOS: nf724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. aktualizacja BIOS-u kontrolera SATA do wersji 4.2.47 (tylko dla modelu NF7-S)
    3. dodanie funkcji rozszerzającej kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0 dostępnej w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals/OnChip PCI Device/USB 2.0 Device Compatible" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne/wbudowane urządzenia PCI/kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0)
    4. dodanie mechanizmu automatycznego wyłączania systemu jeśli na złączu grzebieniowym CCMOS (czyszczenie pamięci CMOS) założono zworkę na pinach 2-3; powinna ona domyślnie zwierać piny 1-2 (zwarcie pinów 2-3 i uruchomienie płyty głównej prowadzi do zwiększenia napięcia rdzenia CPU - dodany mechanizm ma na celu zapobieżenie ewentualnym uszkodzeniom procesora)
    5. usunięcie usterki niezdolności do uruchomienia się systemu DOS 6.22 z dysku SATA w przypadku, gdy nie podłączono myszy PS/2
    6. dodanie opcji "SATA ROM: Enabled/Disabled" (ROM SATA: włączony/wyłączony) w celu zwiększenia kompatybilności z kontrolerami SCSI
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.18
    BIOS: nf723.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu nie startowania procesorów Duron 1,2 G i 1,3 G po uaktualnieniu BIOS-u do wersji 2.2
    3. dodanie obsługi programu narzędziowego NVIDIA System Utility; prosimy o zwrócenie uwagi na to, że obsługiwane są tylko podstawowe funkcje; prosimy o pobranie pliku nvsuoem.ini i zainstalowanie programu NVIDIA System Utility z tym właśnie plikiem INI (należy go umieścić w katalogu, w którym znajduje się program instalacyjny NVIDIA System Utility)
    4. zwiększenie kompatybilności odnośnie niektórych dysków twardych WD
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.11.28
    BIOS: nf722.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Add Duron FSB266 1400MHz/1600MHz/1800MHz CPU support. This BIOS does not support old Duron 1.2G and 1.3G. Users using these two CPU, please do not upgrade to this version.
    3. Fixed when using NF7-M, the BIOS will have checksum error at certain circumstances.
    4. Improve NF7-M DRAM compatibility when using on-board VGA function.
    5. Remove "An Energy Star Ally" string at boot up.
    6. BIOS compile date: 10/13/2003.
    BIOS: nf721.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Updated BPL to v3.09 according to NVidia's recommendation.
    2. Fixed the problem that system hangs up with POST code 01 while resuming from STR mode with user defined DRAM timings. With default SPD setting, no problem at all and doesn't need this update.
    3. Fixed the problem that system hangs up at POST code FF with over clocking setting- change the multiplier factor from CPU default to 19.
    4. Fixed the problem that Barton 2500+ CPU is occasionally detected as Barton 3200+. If 400 FSB CPU is installed, users need to select correct CPU type in SoftMenuIII by themselves.
    5. BIOS Compile date: 7/24/2003.
    BIOS: nf720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as "Support via BIOS".
    3. Fixed the intermittent sirens when getting into Windows 2000 or XP with both "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail" and "CPU Shutdown Temperature " enabled in PC Health Status.
    4. Calibrated the readings of "CPU Over Temp. Protect" option in SoftMenu™ III.
    5. Fixed the problem that SATA BIOS string is wrongfully connected with PCI add on card BIOS.
    6. Fixed system freeze problem in S-ATA BIOS initial while using display card on PCI slot.
    7. Fixed the problem if FAN speeded too slow, system would hang at BIOS screen or at watching the status in PC health Status screen.
    8. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003.
    BIOS: nf719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu wyświetlania zbyt wysokiej temperatury CPU
    3. zwiększenie zakresu FSB procesora do poziomu 300 MHz w przypadku korzystania w SoftMenu z trybu "user define mode" (tryb definiowany przez użytkownika)
    4. usunięcie problemu zniekształcania przechowywanych danych przez dodanie opcji "EXT-P2P's Discard Time" (limit czasu reakcji) w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne); domyślna, rekomendowana przez firmę NVIDIA wartość tego parametru wynosi "30 us" - w przypadku, gdy problemy nie ustępują należy zmienić tę wartość na "1 us"
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.13
    BIOS: nf718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana wartości identyfikatorów SSID na "1C01" (NF7-M) i "1C02" (NF7)
    3. zmiana domyślnej wartości funkcji "Floppy A" (pierwszy napęd dysków wymiennych) w ustawieniach awaryjnych "Fail Safe" na "1.44M, 3.5in."
    4. dodanie funkcji autodetekcji trybu "Dual Channel DDR" (praca w trybie dwukanałowym); aby umożliwić pracę w tym trybie moduły pamięci powinny zostać zainstalowane w gniazdach DIMM-3 i DIMM-2
    5. usunięcie usterki przejawiającej się w niestabilności działania w systemie Windows 2000 po zainstalowaniu karty rozszerzającej w złączu PCI-4
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.04.10
    BIOS: nf717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana mechanizmu ochrony zapisu podczas programowania pamięci Flash ROM
    3. obsługa procesorów z rdzeniem Thorton, Thoroughbred i Barton 2600+
    4. ustawienie wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DRAM na "Auto"
    5. dodanie funkcji "CPU Disconnect Function" (odłączenie CPU), która umożliwia chipsetowi sterowanie aktywnością opcji wyłączania C1
    6. wartość częstotliwości CPU 1917 MHz zmieniona na 1916 MHz
    7. uaktualnienie zawartości obszaru danych DMI Pool identyfikatorem "Socket A"
    8. ustalenie standardowej wartości opcji "Memory Timing" (taktowanie pamięci) na "Optimal" (optymalna)
    9. usunięcie problemu z detekcją urządzeń USB w Windows Me przy budzeniu ze stanów oszczędzania energii S3 i S4, co powodowało do zakłócenia działania szyny USB
    10. usunięcie problemu polegającego na niezdolności do wyświetlania prędkości obrotowej wentylatora w sekcji "PC Hearth Status" (diagnostyka PC) w przypadku używania wentylatorów wolnoobrotowych
    11. dodanie opcji "IDE Bus Master" (samodzielne sterowanie transferami danych w trakcie komunikacji z urządzeniami IDE) w celu poprawienia prędkości działania programu GHOST; ustalenie standardowej wartości na "disabled" (wyłączone)
    12. usunięcie problemu ze zwalnianiem linii IRQ 14 i 15 po wyłączeniu wbudowanego kontrolera IDE; wcześniej mimo wyłączenia kontrolera nie zwalniał on zasobów i pojawiał się na liście statusowej PCI jako "IDE Controller IRQ" z komentarzem "NA"
    13. dodanie w płycie NF7-M opcji "AGP aperture size" (obszar pamięci mapowanej dla potrzeb AGP) w przypadku korzystania z modułu graficznego wbudowanego w chipset
    14. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.03.27
    BIOS: nf716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. uaktualnienie BIOS-u modułu graficznego do wersji 4.1F.00.07.13 (tylko w przypadku NF7-M)
    3. usunięcie problemu z przydzielaniem obszaru dzielonej pamięci na płycie NF7-M w przypadku, gdy w złączu AGP zainstalowano kartę graficzną
    4. usunięcie problemu w budowaniu rejestru konfiguracji DMI Pool w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej zainstalowano procesor z CPUID=064X
    5. usunięcie problemu z uruchamianiem przy korzystaniu z modułów pamięci Corsair TwinX-3200LL i CMX256A-3200LL
    6. modyfikacja sposobu odczytu częstotliwości DDR w trakcie procedury POST
    7. uaktualnienie BIOS-u wbudowanego kontrolera Serial ATA do wersji 4.2.12 (tylko w przypadku NF7-S); należy przy tym uaktualnić sterownik do wersji
    8. wyłączenie działania przycisku "Power" (zasilanie) w trakcie aktualizowania BIOS-u w celu uniknięcia w tym czasie możliwości przypadkowego wyłączenia komputera i uszkodzenia danych w pamięci Flash
    9. usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania wartości napięcia zasilającego procesor - wartość raportowana w części "PC Health" była za niska. Użytkownicy korzystający z programu
    10. narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    11. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania opcji "Battery Voltage" (wartość napięcia z baterii) do postaci "3.3V Dual Voltage". Użytkownicy korzystający z programu narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    12. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.02.27
    BIOS: nf715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u obsługująca płyty NF7/NF7-S i NF7-M w wersji 1.2
    3. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy CPU w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą po tym, jak wystąpił błąd sumy kontrolnej lub wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    4. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy pamięci w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą (zamiast DDR 266/333) jeśli wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy CPU jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    5. usunięci IRQ9 z listy dostępnych zasobów IRQ (zajęty przez kontroler ACPI)
    6. w przypadku płyty NF7-M z wbudowanym modułem graficznym usunięto wyświetlany komunikat "Engineering..." wyświetlany w trakcie inicjowania ROM-u
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.01.22

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-S

    This BIOS upgrade is for NF7-S V1.x only.
    For NF7-S V2.0, please click here.
    For your motherboard's version number, please click here .

    BIOS: nf728.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:28
    1. Hid "CPU Disconnect function" default to AUTO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/10/2004
    BIOS: nf727.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.20
    BIOS: nf726.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Revised wording of "OnChip VGA ROM file" Item.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: nf725.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie usterki polegającej na nieprawidłowym działaniu rolki myszy PS/2 w przypadku wystąpienia jednej z następujących okoliczności:
      • jednoczesne korzystanie z myszy PS/2 i niektórych klawiatur USB
      • rolka myszy PS/2 działa poprawnie po każdym parzystym uruchomieniu systemu Windows (po restarcie) ale nie działa przy pozostałych
      • w przypadku, gdy w systemie korzysta się jednocześnie z myszy i klawiatury PS/2 lub myszy i klawiatury USB problem nie występuje
    3. dodanie obsługi AWDFLASH.EXE w wersji 8.32
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.04.22
    BIOS: nf724.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. aktualizacja BIOS-u kontrolera SATA do wersji 4.2.47 (tylko dla modelu NF7-S)
    3. dodanie funkcji rozszerzającej kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0 dostępnej w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals/OnChip PCI Device/USB 2.0 Device Compatible" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne/wbudowane urządzenia PCI/kompatybilność z urządzeniami USB 2.0)
    4. dodanie mechanizmu automatycznego wyłączania systemu jeśli na złączu grzebieniowym CCMOS (czyszczenie pamięci CMOS) założono zworkę na pinach 2-3; powinna ona domyślnie zwierać piny 1-2 (zwarcie pinów 2-3 i uruchomienie płyty głównej prowadzi do zwiększenia napięcia rdzenia CPU - dodany mechanizm ma na celu zapobieżenie ewentualnym uszkodzeniom procesora)
    5. usunięcie usterki niezdolności do uruchomienia się systemu DOS 6.22 z dysku SATA w przypadku, gdy nie podłączono myszy PS/2
    6. dodanie opcji "SATA ROM: Enabled/Disabled" (ROM SATA: włączony/wyłączony) w celu zwiększenia kompatybilności z kontrolerami SCSI
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.03.18
    BIOS: nf723.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu nie startowania procesorów Duron 1,2 G i 1,3 G po uaktualnieniu BIOS-u do wersji 2.2
    3. dodanie obsługi programu narzędziowego NVIDIA System Utility; prosimy o zwrócenie uwagi na to, że obsługiwane są tylko podstawowe funkcje; prosimy o pobranie pliku nvsuoem.ini i zainstalowanie programu NVIDIA System Utility z tym właśnie plikiem INI (należy go umieścić w katalogu, w którym znajduje się program instalacyjny NVIDIA System Utility)
    4. zwiększenie kompatybilności odnośnie niektórych dysków twardych WD
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.11.28
    BIOS: nf722.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Add Duron FSB266 1400MHz/1600MHz/1800MHz CPU support. This BIOS does not support old Duron 1.2G and 1.3G. Users using these two CPU, please do not upgrade to this version.
    3. Fixed when using NF7-M, the BIOS will have checksum error at certain circumstances.
    4. Improve NF7-M DRAM compatibility when using on-board VGA function.
    5. Remove "An Energy Star Ally" string at boot up.
    6. BIOS compile date: 10/13/2003.
    BIOS: nf721.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Updated BPL to v3.09 according to NVidia's recommendation.
    2. Fixed the problem that system hangs up with POST code 01 while resuming from STR mode with user defined DRAM timings. With default SPD setting, no problem at all and doesn't need this update.
    3. Fixed the problem that system hangs up at POST code FF with over clocking setting- change the multiplier factor from CPU default to 19.
    4. Fixed the problem that Barton 2500+ CPU is occasionally detected as Barton 3200+. If 400 FSB CPU is installed, users need to select correct CPU type in SoftMenuIII by themselves.
    5. BIOS Compile date: 7/24/2003.
    BIOS: nf720.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as "Support via BIOS".
    3. Fixed the intermittent sirens when getting into Windows 2000 or XP with both "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail" and "CPU Shutdown Temperature " enabled in PC Health Status.
    4. Calibrated the readings of "CPU Over Temp. Protect" option in SoftMenu™ III.
    5. Fixed the problem that SATA BIOS string is wrongfully connected with PCI add on card BIOS.
    6. Fixed system freeze problem in S-ATA BIOS initial while using display card on PCI slot.
    7. Fixed the problem if FAN speeded too slow, system would hang at BIOS screen or at watching the status in PC health Status screen.
    8. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003.
    BIOS: nf719.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu wyświetlania zbyt wysokiej temperatury CPU
    3. zwiększenie zakresu FSB procesora do poziomu 300 MHz w przypadku korzystania w SoftMenu z trybu "user define mode" (tryb definiowany przez użytkownika)
    4. usunięcie problemu zniekształcania przechowywanych danych przez dodanie opcji "EXT-P2P's Discard Time" (limit czasu reakcji) w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals" (zintegrowane urządzenia peryferyjne); domyślna, rekomendowana przez firmę NVIDIA wartość tego parametru wynosi "30 us" - w przypadku, gdy problemy nie ustępują należy zmienić tę wartość na "1 us"
    5. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.13
    BIOS: nf718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana wartości identyfikatorów SSID na "1C01" (NF7-M) i "1C02" (NF7)
    3. zmiana domyślnej wartości funkcji "Floppy A" (pierwszy napęd dysków wymiennych) w ustawieniach awaryjnych "Fail Safe" na "1.44M, 3.5in."
    4. dodanie funkcji autodetekcji trybu "Dual Channel DDR" (praca w trybie dwukanałowym); aby umożliwić pracę w tym trybie moduły pamięci powinny zostać zainstalowane w gniazdach DIMM-3 i DIMM-2
    5. usunięcie usterki przejawiającej się w niestabilności działania w systemie Windows 2000 po zainstalowaniu karty rozszerzającej w złączu PCI-4
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.04.10
    BIOS: nf717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana mechanizmu ochrony zapisu podczas programowania pamięci Flash ROM
    3. obsługa procesorów z rdzeniem Thorton, Thoroughbred i Barton 2600+
    4. ustawienie wartości podzielnika częstotliwości DRAM na "Auto"
    5. dodanie funkcji "CPU Disconnect Function" (odłączenie CPU), która umożliwia chipsetowi sterowanie aktywnością opcji wyłączania C1
    6. wartość częstotliwości CPU 1917 MHz zmieniona na 1916 MHz
    7. uaktualnienie zawartości obszaru danych DMI Pool identyfikatorem "Socket A"
    8. ustalenie standardowej wartości opcji "Memory Timing" (taktowanie pamięci) na "Optimal" (optymalna)
    9. usunięcie problemu z detekcją urządzeń USB w Windows Me przy budzeniu ze stanów oszczędzania energii S3 i S4, co powodowało do zakłócenia działania szyny USB
    10. usunięcie problemu polegającego na niezdolności do wyświetlania prędkości obrotowej wentylatora w sekcji "PC Hearth Status" (diagnostyka PC) w przypadku używania wentylatorów wolnoobrotowych
    11. dodanie opcji "IDE Bus Master" (samodzielne sterowanie transferami danych w trakcie komunikacji z urządzeniami IDE) w celu poprawienia prędkości działania programu GHOST; ustalenie standardowej wartości na "disabled" (wyłączone)
    12. usunięcie problemu ze zwalnianiem linii IRQ 14 i 15 po wyłączeniu wbudowanego kontrolera IDE; wcześniej mimo wyłączenia kontrolera nie zwalniał on zasobów i pojawiał się na liście statusowej PCI jako "IDE Controller IRQ" z komentarzem "NA"
    13. dodanie w płycie NF7-M opcji "AGP aperture size" (obszar pamięci mapowanej dla potrzeb AGP) w przypadku korzystania z modułu graficznego wbudowanego w chipset
    14. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.03.27
    BIOS: nf716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. uaktualnienie BIOS-u modułu graficznego do wersji 4.1F.00.07.13 (tylko w przypadku NF7-M)
    3. usunięcie problemu z przydzielaniem obszaru dzielonej pamięci na płycie NF7-M w przypadku, gdy w złączu AGP zainstalowano kartę graficzną
    4. usunięcie problemu w budowaniu rejestru konfiguracji DMI Pool w przypadku, gdy na płycie głównej zainstalowano procesor z CPUID=064X
    5. usunięcie problemu z uruchamianiem przy korzystaniu z modułów pamięci Corsair TwinX-3200LL i CMX256A-3200LL
    6. modyfikacja sposobu odczytu częstotliwości DDR w trakcie procedury POST
    7. uaktualnienie BIOS-u wbudowanego kontrolera Serial ATA do wersji 4.2.12 (tylko w przypadku NF7-S); należy przy tym uaktualnić sterownik do wersji
    8. wyłączenie działania przycisku "Power" (zasilanie) w trakcie aktualizowania BIOS-u w celu uniknięcia w tym czasie możliwości przypadkowego wyłączenia komputera i uszkodzenia danych w pamięci Flash
    9. usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania wartości napięcia zasilającego procesor - wartość raportowana w części "PC Health" była za niska. Użytkownicy korzystający z programu
    10. narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    11. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania opcji "Battery Voltage" (wartość napięcia z baterii) do postaci "3.3V Dual Voltage". Użytkownicy korzystający z programu narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V16.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
    12. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.02.27
    BIOS: nf715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u obsługująca płyty NF7/NF7-S i NF7-M w wersji 1.2
    3. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy CPU w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą po tym, jak wystąpił błąd sumy kontrolnej lub wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    4. modyfikacja sposobu wyświetlania częstotliwości pracy pamięci w trakcie procedury POST na rzeczywistą (zamiast DDR 266/333) jeśli wybrano sposób określania prędkości pracy CPU jako "User Define" (definiowana przez użytkownika)
    5. usunięci IRQ9 z listy dostępnych zasobów IRQ (zajęty przez kontroler ACPI)
    6. w przypadku płyty NF7-M z wbudowanym modułem graficznym usunięto wyświetlany komunikat "Engineering..." wyświetlany w trakcie inicjowania ROM-u
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.01.22
    BIOS: nf713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku stosowania nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi poprawne funkcjonowanie komputera w sieci "peer to peer" w przypadku połączeń nawiązywanych z użyciem wbudowanego kontrolera FireWire (IEEE1394). Właściwa wersja programu aktualizującego dołączona jest do niniejszej wersji BIOS-u.
    2. uzupełnienie tabeli obsługiwanych CPU o modele z szyną FSB 333 MHz
    3. usunięcie usterki nieprawidłowego odczytywania temperatury procesora. W przypadku BIOS-ów w wersji 1.0, 1.1 i 1.2 raportowana wartość była za wysoka. Wersja 1.3 usuwa ten problem
    4. aczkolwiek użytkownicy korzystający z programu narzędziowego Hardware Monitoring muszą uaktualnić jego wersję do tej ("HWM_NF7V13.EXE"), którą dołączono do niniejszego BIOS-u.
      zmiana domyślnego roku na 2003
    5. uaktualnienie BIOS-u kontrolera Serial ATA SiliconImage Sil3112A do wersji 4.2.00
    6. dodanie nowej funkcji - "Shutdown when CPU FAN fail" (zamknięcie systemu w przypadku awarii wentylatora na procesorze)
    7. modyfikacja działania funkcji "CPU shutdown temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której system zostanie zamknięty) i "CPU warning temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowany będzie sygnał ostrzegający)
    8. usunięcie usterki w działaniu objawiającej się w niezdolności do zamknięcia się systemu Windows XP w przypadku, gdy wartość opcji "USB support" (obsługa USB) ustawiona była na "By BIOS" (za pomocą BIOS-u)
    9. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD z rdzeniem Barton i szyną FSB 333 MHz
    10. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.01.07
    BIOS: nf712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:  12

    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23D is included in this BIOS package.

    2. Fixes the booting failure issue (02h) caused by special operation.
      A.   Discharging CMOS data --> power on --> pushing "F1" key to
      B.   Discharging CMOS data --> power on --> pushing "Del" key to
             enter BIOS setup --> Exit without saving
      C.   Discharging CMOS data --> power on --> pushing "Del" key to
             enter BIOS setup --> power off --> power on

    3. Fixes the booting failure issue (8Dh) when below conditions exist simultaneously.
      - HDD attached to IDE-1
      - HDD attached to S-ATA-2
      - CDROM attached to IDE-2
      - First boot --> S-ATA

    4. Revises DMI Pool data.

    5. BIOS Compile Date: 11/29/2002.

    BIOS: nf711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 11
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE 1394 peer-to-peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23D is included with this BIOS package.
    2. The default of "Enhance PCI Performance" option set up to disabled.
    3. Init Display Fist item revised to AGP.
    4. Update Sil BIOS to 4.1.36C.
    5. Update BPL ROM file to 2.72.
    6. USB can't assign IRQ when cards are installed on PCI
      Slot2 / Slot 3.
    7. Fixes issue where Keyboard98 is selected, the Keyboard Wake Up key can't wake up the system.
    8. Fixes system resume failed, and hanged at 01h issue after S0->S3->S0->S3->S0.
    9. MAC Address fills into UUID. Fill in from the first till the sixth byte, if the seventh to sixteenth are not filled in with certain numbers, fill "00" or reserve the original.
    10. BIOS compile Date: 11/14/2002.
    BIOS: nf710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 11/04/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-S V2.0

    This BIOS upgrade is for NF7-S V2.0 only.
    For NF7-S V1.x, please click here.
    For your motherboard's version number, please click here .

    BIOS: nf7d27.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. Updated SATA ROM V4.2.5.0.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/22/2004
    BIOS: nf7d26.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Supports AMD Sempron CPUs.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/19/2004
    BIOS: nf7d25.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Supports new version of Super IO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/06/2004
    BIOS: nf7d24.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:24
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later flash utility to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, 5th.... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th…. windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    3. Supports AWDFLASH.EXE V8.32.
    4. BIOS compile date: 04/22/2004
    BIOS: nf7d23.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:23
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update the NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, which leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Updated SATA BIOS to v4.2.47 (FOR NF7-SV2.0 ONLY).
    3. Enhanced USB 2.0 device compatibility, "Integrated Peripherals / OnChip PCI Device / USB 2.0 Device Compatible / Disabled -> Enabled".
    4. Added Auto-Shutdown function when CCMOS jumper on pins 2-3. The correct CCMOS jumper should be on pins 1-2; in case it is placed on 2-3, the CPU core voltage will be abnormally high, and the system will shut down automatically to protect the CPU from damage.
    5. Fixed an issue where SATA HDD boot up would fail without a PS/2 mouse installed.
    6. Hid "SATA ROM BIOS" function on NF7V2.0.
    7. Changed the default year to 2004.
    8. BIOS compile date: 03/24/2004.
    BIOS: nf7d22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja dla NF7-V; w przypadku NF7 i NF7-S nie zmieniono nic
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.12.24
    BIOS: nf7d21.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:21
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 v2.0 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. dodanie monitorowania prędkości wentylatora w nVidia System Utility
    3. aktualizacja BIOS-u SATA do wersji 4.2.43
    4. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.12.01
    BIOS: nf7d19.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. dodanie obsługi procesora Duron (FSB 266 MHz)
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d20.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:20
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH 8.23D or later flash utility to update NF7 series BIOS. With an incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, leading to IEEE1394 peer-to-peer function failure. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed an issue where the Duron 1.2GHz and 1.3GHz will not boot using BIOS version 19.
    3. Added nVidia System Utility support. Please download the nvsuoem.ini file and install nVidia System Utility with this ini file (put the ini file in the directory where the setup file for nVidia System Utility is located).
    4. Enhanced compatibility with certain WD hard disks.
    5. BIOS compile date: 10/09/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d18.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed the problem that system hangs up with POST code 01 while resuming from STR mode with user defined DRAM timings. With default SPD setting, no problem at all and doesn't need this update.
    2. Fixed the problem that system hangs up at POST code FF with over clocking setting- change the multiplier factor from CPU default to 19.
    3. Fixed the problem that Barton 2500+ CPU is occasionally detected as Barton 3200+. If 400 FSB CPU is installed, users need to select correct CPU type in SoftMenuIII by themselves.
    4. BIOS Compile date: 7/24/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d17.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Please use AWDFLASH 8.23D or later to update NF7 series BIOS. With incorrect AWDFLASH version, the GUID will be erased, and leads to IEEE1394 peer to peer function failed. AWDFLASH 8.23K is included in this BIOS package.
    2. Fixed the exclamation point under Motherboard Resources of Device manager in Windows XP when use USB keyboard/mouse and set as "Support via BIOS".
    3. Fixed the intermittent sirens when getting into Windows 2000 or XP with both "Shutdown when CPUFAN Fail" and "CPU Shutdown Temperature "enabled in PC Health Status.3. Calibrated readings of "CPU Over Temp. Protect" option in SoftMenu™ III.
    4. Fixed the problem that SATA BIOS string is wrongfully connected with PCI add on card BIOS.
    5. Calibrated the CPU temperature again.
    6. Revised DDR400 DRAM timing according to NVidia's recommendation.
    7. Updated BPL to v3.02 according to NVidia's recommendation.
    8. BIOS Compile Date: 7/2/2003.
    BIOS: nf7d16.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. W przypadku płyty NF7 v2.0 prosimy o dokonanie aktualizacji BIOS-u do wersji 1.6 w przypadku, gdy podczas korzystania z wersji 1.4 lub wcześniejszej system sporadycznie zawiesza się w trakcie procedury POST na etapie wyświetlania listy urządzeń PCI. Aktualizację BIOS-u należy przeprowadzić w następujący sposób:
      • sformatować dyskietkę na innym komputerze z zainstalowanym systemem Windows
      • skopiować na nią pliki AWDFLASH.EXE i NF7D_16.BIN
      • uruchomić komputer z płytą NF7 v2.0, umieścić dyskietkę w napędzie A i trzymać wciśnięte klawisze ALT+F2 w celu dokonania automatycznej aktualizacji BIOS-u
    2. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
      • usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w trakcie inicjowania BIOS-u Serial ATA w przypadku korzystania z karty graficznej PCI
      • usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w BIOS-ie lub podczas korzystania z sekcji "PC Health Status" w przypadku, gdy prędkość obracania się wentylatora jest zbyt niska
      • data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie usterki zbyt wysokiej temperatury CPUzmiana największej wartości CPU FSB do 300 MHz w przypadku korzystania z funkcji "user define mode" (tryb definiowania przez użytkownika) w SoftMenu
    3. usunięcie problemu utraty danych w konfiguracji SATA RAID-0 przez dodanie opcji "EXT-P2P's Discard Time" (czas do usunięcia EXT-P2P) w sekcji "Integrated Peripherals"; przyjęto
    4. standardową, rekomendowaną przez firmę NVIDIA wartość "30 us"; jeśli nie eliminuje to problemu proszę wypróbować wartość "1 ms"
    5. zmiana parametrów pracy pamięci DDR400 na wartości rekomendowane przez firmę NVIDIA
    6. aktualizacja BPL do rekomendowanej przez NVIDIA wersji 3.01
    7. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.05.14
    BIOS: nf7d12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. zmiana wartości identyfikatora SSID w NF7 na "1C02"
    3. zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Floppy A" (stacja dyskietek A) na "1.44M, 3.5in." po załadowaniu domyślnych "bezpiecznych" (fail-safe) ustawień
    4. modyfikacja wartości PR dla procesorów 3000+ i 3200+ z rdzeniem Barton i szyną FSB 400 MHz
    5. po aktualizacji BIOS-u do wersji 12 niemożliwy jest powrót do edycji 11 i 10
    6. dodanie funkcji automatycznej detekcji pracy w trybie dwukanałowym ("Dual Channel DDR"); moduły pamięci muszą zostać zainstalowane w gniazdach DIMM-2 i DIMM-3
    7. usunięcie problemu niestabilności po zainstalowaniu karty rozszerzającej w slocie PCI-4 i podczas pracy w środowisku Windows 2000
    8. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.04.10
    BIOS: nf7d11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH w wersji 8.32D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. usunięcie problemu nieprawidłowej identyfikacji CPU z rdzeniem "Thorton" 2600+ (166x12,5) w SoftMenu III
    3. usunięcie problemu zawieszania się procedury POST z kodem EFh, występującego w przypadku korzystania z pewnego konkretnego modułu pamięci
    4. usunięcie problemu niewyświetlania typu pamięci DDR xxx (xxx = 200, 266, 333 lub 400) w przypadku zastosowania procesora z FSB 400 MHz bez korzystania z trybu "User Define"
    5. przydzielenie parametrowi "CPU FSB/DRAM Freq" (podzielnik częstotliwości procesora/pamięci) domyślnej wartości "Auto"
    6. dodanie funkcji "CPU Disconnect" (odłączenie CPU) do sterowania wyłączeniem C1; chipset nie obsługuje wyłączania w trybie C2 dlatego funkcja to została wyłączona
    7. przypisanie obszarowi danych DMI wartości "Socket A, Product Name: NF7-S/NF7 (NVIDIA-nForce2), Version: 2X"
    8. uaktualnienie częstotliwości CPU 1917 MHz do wartości 1916 MHz
    9. uaktualnienie tabeli SIP w celu uniknięcia problemów zawieszania się systemu podczas korzystania z CPU z FSB 400 MHz i pamięci DDR333; uaktualnienie tabeli SIP procesorów z szyną FSB 266 MHz
    10. przydzielenie parametrowi "Memory Timings" (taktowanie pamięci) domyślnej wartości "Optimal" (optymalne)
    11. uaktualnienie BPL do 2.94
    12. usunięcie problemu niewyświetlania prędkości działania wentylatora w sekcji "PC Health Status" w przypadku korzystania z niskoobrotowych wentylatorów
    13. dodanie funkcji "IDE Bus Master" (samodzielne sterowanie transferami danych w trakcie komunikacji z urządzeniami IDE) w celu usprawnienia działania programu Ghost, ustalenie domyślnej wartości na "Disabled" (wyłączone)
    14. usunięcie problemu niezdolności systemu do detekcji urządzeń USB w Windows Me przy budzeniu ze stanów oszczędzania energii S3 lub S4 (oryginalnie prowadziło to do niezdolności do nawiązywania komunikacji przez USB)
    15. udoskonalenie możliwości podkręcania procesorów z szyną FSB 333 MHz
    16. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.03.27

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-S2

    BIOS: nf7215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Enhance CPU compatibility.
    2. Add new DRAM timing items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/07/2005
    BIOS: nf7214.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Added new CPU support.
    2. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    3. BIOS compile date:11/26/2004
    BIOS: nf7213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Updated NVRAID ROM to v4.59.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Calibrated CPU frequency.
    4. Modified "Power-On By Alarm" item wording.
    5. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    6. Supports onboard LAN chip IC+ IP100A/IP1000A.
    7. BIOS compile date:10/06/2004
    BIOS: nf7212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron
    2. aktualizacja ROM-u NVRAID do wersji 4.52
    3. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Warning Temperature" (temperatura przy której wygenerowane zostanie ostrzeżenie) oraz "Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura w przypadku osiągnięcia której nastąpi wyłączenie systemu)
    4. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji umożliwiającej uruchamianie (bootowanie) system z instalacyjnej płyty CD z systemami Windows 98/Me
    5. dodanie opcji umożliwiającej sterowanie wydajnością interfejsu USB 2.0
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.06
    BIOS: nf7211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. poprawienie stabilności transferów podczas pracy w DOS-ie
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.25
    BIOS: nf7210.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.04

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-S2G

    BIOS: nf7215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Enhance CPU compatibility.
    2. Add new DRAM timing items.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/07/2005
    BIOS: nf7214.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Added new CPU support.
    2. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    3. BIOS compile date:11/26/2004
    BIOS: nf7213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Updated NVRAID ROM to v4.59.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. Calibrated CPU frequency.
    4. Modified "Power-On By Alarm" item wording.
    5. Enhanced memory compatibility.
    6. Supports onboard LAN chip IC+ IP100A/IP1000A.
    7. BIOS compile date:10/06/2004
    BIOS: nf7212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. dodanie obsługi procesorów AMD Sempron
    2. aktualizacja ROM-u NVRAID do wersji 4.52
    3. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Warning Temperature" (temperatura przy której wygenerowane zostanie ostrzeżenie) oraz "Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura w przypadku osiągnięcia której nastąpi wyłączenie systemu)
    4. usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji umożliwiającej uruchamianie (bootowanie) system z instalacyjnej płyty CD z systemami Windows 98/Me
    5. dodanie opcji umożliwiającej sterowanie wydajnością interfejsu USB 2.0
    6. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.08.06
    BIOS: nf7211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. poprawienie stabilności transferów podczas pracy w DOS-ie
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.25
    BIOS: nf7210.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. pierwsza edycja BIOS-u
    2. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2004.06.04

    Motherboard>Socket A>NF7-V

    BIOS: nf7d27.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:27
    1. Updated SATA ROM V4.2.5.0.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/22/2004
    BIOS: nf7d26.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:26
    1. Supports AMD Sempron CPUs.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/19/2004
    BIOS: nf7d25.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:25
    1. Supports new version of Super IO.
    2. BIOS compile date: 07/06/2004
    BIOS: nf7d22.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:22
    1. Aby dokonać aktualizacji BIOS-u płyty z serii NF7 należy korzystać z programu AWDFLASH 8.23D lub późniejszej. W przypadku użycia nieprawidłowej wersji nastąpi wykasowanie wartości identyfikatora GUID, co uniemożliwi w efekcie tworzenie połączeń sieciowych "peer-to-peer" za pomocą wbudowanego kontrolera IEEE1394. Odpowiednią wersję programu AWDFLASH (8.32K) dołączono do niniejszej edycji BIOS-u.
    2. pierwsza edycja dla NF7-V; w przypadku NF7 i NF7-S nie zmieniono nic
    3. data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2003.12.24

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NF8

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 09/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodano obsługę procesorów rewizji E6
    2. Obsługa nowego LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
    BIOS: nf817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Correct the core voltage reading of Sempron 2600+ and 2800+.
    2. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/14/2005
    BIOS: nf816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new item "LAN Boot ROM".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
    BIOS: nf815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Włączenie wyświetlania listy urządzeń PCI w przypadku uaktywnienia opcji wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 23/02/2005.
    BIOS: nf814.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Cool 'n Quiet".
    2. Rekalibracja temperatury CPU.
    3. Dodanie opcji wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo.
    4. Dodanie funkcji sterowania zasilaniem HyperTransportu.
    5. Dodanie obsługi procesora Sempron 3300+.
    6. Usunięcie komunikatu "An Energy Star Ally" z ekranu raportu z procedury POST.
    7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    8. Dodanie obsługi napędów dyskietek w formacie "Floppy 3".
    9. Przydzielenie UUID domyślnej wartości 00000000 w przypadkum gdy wbudowany w chipset kontroler LAN został wyłączony.
    10. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 21/02/2005.
    BIOS: nf813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Dodana obsługa NF8 Pro/NF8-V Pro
    2. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku włączenia w BIOS-ie obsługi myszy USB.
    3. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku wyłączenia opcji "Thermal Throttling" (regulowanie częstotliwości pracy CPU stosownie do jego temperatury).
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/01/2005.
    BIOS: nf812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/12/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Added NF8-V support.
    2. Enhanced AGP compatibility.
    3. Calibrated CPU frequency when above 255MHz.
    4. Added "LDT Frequency" function with "AUTO" as default.
    5. BIOS compile date: 12/07/2004
    BIOS: nf811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 11/23/2004
    BIOS: nf810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 11/11/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NF8 Pro

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 09/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodano obsługę procesorów rewizji E6
    2. Obsługa nowego LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
    BIOS: nf817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Correct the core voltage reading of Sempron 2600+ and 2800+.
    2. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/14/2005
    BIOS: nf816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new item "LAN Boot ROM".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
    BIOS: nf815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Show PCI device list when full screen logo is enabled.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 02/23/2005
    BIOS: nf814.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Cool 'n Quiet".
    2. Rekalibracja temperatury CPU.
    3. Dodanie opcji wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo.
    4. Dodanie funkcji sterowania zasilaniem HyperTransportu.
    5. Dodanie obsługi procesora Sempron 3300+.
    6. Usunięcie komunikatu "An Energy Star Ally" z ekranu raportu z procedury POST.
    7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    8. Dodanie obsługi napędów dyskietek w formacie "Floppy 3".
    9. Przydzielenie UUID domyślnej wartości 00000000 w przypadkum gdy wbudowany w chipset kontroler LAN został wyłączony.
    10. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 21/02/2005.
    BIOS: nf813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Supports NF8 Pro / NF8-V Pro.
    2. Prevented system hangs when USB Mouse is Enabled.
    3. Prevented system hangs when Thermal Throttling is Disabled.
    4. BIOS compile date: 01/04/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NF8-V

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 09/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodano obsługę procesorów rewizji E6
    2. Obsługa nowego LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
    BIOS: nf817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Correct the core voltage reading of Sempron 2600+ and 2800+.
    2. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/14/2005
    BIOS: nf816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new item "LAN Boot ROM".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
    BIOS: nf815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Włączenie wyświetlania listy urządzeń PCI w przypadku uaktywnienia opcji wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 23/02/2005.
    BIOS: nf814.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięcie usterki w działaniu funkcji "Cool 'n Quiet".
    2. Rekalibracja temperatury CPU.
    3. Dodanie opcji wyświetlania pełnoekranowego logo.
    4. Dodanie funkcji sterowania zasilaniem HyperTransportu.
    5. Dodanie obsługi procesora Sempron 3300+.
    6. Usunięcie komunikatu "An Energy Star Ally" z ekranu raportu z procedury POST.
    7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    8. Dodanie obsługi napędów dyskietek w formacie "Floppy 3".
    9. Przydzielenie UUID domyślnej wartości 00000000 w przypadkum gdy wbudowany w chipset kontroler LAN został wyłączony.
    10. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 21/02/2005.
    BIOS: nf813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Dodana obsługa NF8 Pro/NF8-V Pro
    2. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku włączenia w BIOS-ie obsługi myszy USB.
    3. Usunięcie problemu zawieszania się systemu w przypadku wyłączenia opcji "Thermal Throttling" (regulowanie częstotliwości pracy CPU stosownie do jego temperatury).
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/01/2005.
    BIOS: nf812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/12/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Added NF8-V support.
    2. Enhanced AGP compatibility.
    3. Calibrated CPU frequency when above 255MHz.
    4. Added "LDT Frequency" function with "AUTO" as default.
    5. BIOS compile date: 12/07/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NF8-V Pro

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 09/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodano obsługę procesorów rewizji E6
    2. Obsługa nowego LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
    BIOS: nf817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Correct the core voltage reading of Sempron 2600+ and 2800+.
    2. Add Sempron Rev.E6 CPU support.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 06/14/2005
    BIOS: nf816.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Add AMD Rev. E CPU support.
    2. Add new item "LAN Boot ROM".
    3. BIOS compiled date: 04/20/2005
    BIOS: nf815.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Show PCI device list when full screen logo is enabled.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 02/23/2005
    BIOS: nf814.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Cool 'n Quiet now function as intended
    2. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    3. Support Full screed logo.
    4. Add HyperTransport voltage control.
    5. Support Sempron 3300+.
    6. Remove "An Energy Star Ally" string on post screen.
    7. Change the default RTC year to 2005.
    8. Add Floppy 3 mode support.
    9. Show UUID as 00000000 when onchip LAN is disabled.
    10. BIOS compiled date: 02/21/2005
    BIOS: nf813.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Supports NF8 Pro / NF8-V Pro.
    2. Prevented system hangs when USB Mouse is Enabled.
    3. Prevented system hangs when Thermal Throttling is Disabled.
    4. BIOS compile date: 01/04/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NF8-V2

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 09/11/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/04/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Dodano obsługę procesorów rewizji E6
    2. Obsługa nowego LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 04/25/2006
    BIOS: nf817.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/14/2005

    Motherboard>LGA775>NI8 SLI

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Cedar Mill CPU
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 01/09/2006
    BIOS: ni812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. System now can install 64-bit Windows with nVIDIA RAID driver disk of version 1.03.
    2. Support CPU temperature control value for FanEQ.
    3. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 269MHz when a CPU with 533 MHZ FSB is used.
    4. Memory clock will be shown correctly now.
    5. Removed the function "Resume by Ring".
    6. BIOS compiled date: 08/24/2005
    BIOS: ni811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Fixed the issue that system may show an error message when there is no PS/2 mouse and keyboard connected.
    2. .tRAS will be shown correctly now.
    3. Fixed the issue that SATA harddisk may not be detected by SiliconImage 3132 when it is set to IDE mode.
    4. Fixed the issue that system may not be able to resume from S3 mode if SiliconImage 3132 is set to RAID mode.
    5. Pentium-D now shows correct OSB logo.
    6. Add new item "EIST Function".
    7. BIOS compiled date: 08/03/2005
    BIOS: ni810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release..
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/16/2005

    Motherboard>LGA775>NI8-SLI GR

    Bios Issue Date:2006/01/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Support Cedar Mill CPU
    2. The POST screen now show correctly when ATI X1300 VGA card installed.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 01/09/2006
    BIOS: ni812.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. System now can install 64-bit Windows with nVIDIA RAID driver disk of version 1.03.
    2. Support CPU temperature control value for FanEQ.
    3. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 269MHz when a CPU with 533 MHZ FSB is used.
    4. Memory clock will be shown correctly now.
    5. Removed the function "Resume by Ring".
    6. BIOS compiled date: 08/24/2005
    BIOS: ni811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/03/2005

    Motherboard>Socket A>NV7-133R
    BIOS: nv7dw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:dw
    1. Add Duron 1400/1600/1800MHz support.
    2. Add Thorton support.
    3. Revise DMI pool information.
    4. Change the BIOS of HPT 372 to version 2.34 for 48-bit LBA support (HDD size larger then 137GB).
    5. BIOS compile date: 10/14/2003.
    BIOS: nv7c3.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: C3
    1. The performance of DDR 266 and above memory module improved after cleared CMOS data.
    2. Support Athlon XP 2400+, 2600+ CPU. The function "CAS latency Override" setup to "Auto", post hang F8h.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 9/30/2002.
    BIOS: nv7bd.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+. 2600+ CPU.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL002T Flash ROM.
    3. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31.
    4. BIOS compile Date: 09/11/2002.
    BIOS: nv78m.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8M
    1. Fix POST procedure freezing up for several minutes without monitor display (POST code 2Bh) when plug Matrox G550, G450 AGP card onto the system.
    2. Fix certain CD-R/W device can not Enable UDMA mode under Win XP.
    3. Add "CPU Operating Speed" function in SoftMenu III.
    4. HPT 372 BIOS Version 2.31.
    5. BIOS compile date: 6/05/2002.
    BIOS: nv784.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 84

    1. Fix CPU temperature reveals 10 scales higher than general degree.
    2. Support Athlon AMD XP 2100+ CPU.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    !!! WARNING !!!

    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size).Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.

    BIOS: nv77h.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID : 7H

    1. First release.
    2. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    !!! WARNING !!!

    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size).Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.

    Motherboard>Socket A>NV7m
    BIOS: nv7mbe.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Support Athlon XP 2400+. 2600+ CPU.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL002T Flash ROM.
    3. BIOS compile Date: 09/11/2002.
    BIOS: nv7maa.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Pass the verification of WHQL.
    2. BIOS compile date: 7/09/2002.

    !!! WARNING !!!
    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size). Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.

    BIOS: nv7m97.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 97
    1. Supports Athlon XP 2100+, 2200+ CPU.
    2. Fix CD- RW can't enable DMA mode under OS.
    3. Fix long time to POST while using Matrox G450 or G550.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 5/15/2002
    !!! WARNING !!!
    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size). Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.
    BIOS: nv7m79.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 79
    1. Fix system can't be booted up from PS/2 mouse after turned off it in Windows ME even you enable Power on function on Mouse Left/Mouse Right in Integrated Peripherals of BIOS menu.
    2. Fix randomly AC97 Codec function failed after reboot up computer.
    3. Default RTC setup to 2002 after clear CMOS.
    !!! WARNING !!!
    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size). Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.
    BIOS: nv7m6q.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID : 6Q
    1. First release.
    !!! WARNING !!!
    NV7-133R and NV7m BIOS need special AWDFLASH version 8.14 (35,294 bytes in file size). Updating BIOS via wrongful AWDFLASH version will cause incorrect data and some times fail to boot up.

    Motherboard>Socket 754>NV8

    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodano wsparcie dla nowych CPU
    2. Obsługa nowej pamięci LPC Flash, SST-49LF040B
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/08/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Ekran POST wyświetla prawidłowe informacje po zainstalowaniu karty VGA ATI X1300 VGA.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 12/27/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. +12Volt jest poprawnie wyświetlany.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 11/28/2005
    BIOS: nv811.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/09/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Update nVIDIA RAID BIOS to V5.5
    2. Fixed the issue that the external clock cannot be set higher than 250MHz.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 09/21/2005
    BIOS: nv810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/07/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 07/01/2005

    Motherboard>Socket 370>SA6
    BIOS: sah6p7x.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7X

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6p6s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6S

    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6pyv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility
    BIOS: sah6pwj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT RAID BIOS version 1.03b1(for SA6R only).

    Motherboard>Socket 370>SA6R V1.0
    BIOS: sah67u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7U

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah66r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6R

    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6yw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix last version BIOS(YS) in Win NT 4.0 caused system can't detect SCSI Card issue. (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Support Flash Menu utility.
    BIOS: sah6vw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: sah6vj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First Release.

    Motherboard>SA6R V1.1
    BIOS: sah6p7x.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7X

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6p6s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6S
    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6pyv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: sah6pwj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT RAID BIOS version 1.03b1(for SA6R only).

    BIOS: sah67u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7U

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah66r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6R

    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6yw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix last version BIOS(YS) in Win NT 4.0 caused system can't detect SCSI Card issue. (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Support Flash Menu utility.
    BIOS: sah6vw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: sah6vj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First Release.

    BIOS: sah6p7x.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7X

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6p6s.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6S
    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6pyv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: sah6pwj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT RAID BIOS version 1.03b1(for SA6R only).

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SA7
    BIOS: sa72dh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release for SA7 V1.2 board.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 2/27/2003.
    BIOS: sa7bm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes CPU ID, uCode ID and Cache size not showing for Intel Celeron 2G CPU.
    2. Provides multiplier up to 30x in SoftMenu.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/12/2002
    BIOS: sa7ak.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC PITSTOP).
    2. Change motherboard DMI information message from typ1 to type2.
    3. Change SVID to 147BH. AC97 codec uses sub-vender ID 1039H (SiS), and sub-system ID C003H (For Audio driver).
    4. BIOS compile date: 8/02/2002.
    BIOS: sa79t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9T
    1. Update DMI information.
    2. BIOS compile date: 6/18/2002.
    BIOS: sa79a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 9A
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 6/06/2002

    Server>Server Boards>SC-1P

    BIOS: sc1p13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add RAID 5 item.
      This BIOS will rebuild your system. Please backup your system/file before updating the BIOS, or rebuild your system after the BIOS is updated.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004
    BIOS: sc1p12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Removed PIRQ Help info if the USB Controller is disabled.
    3. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip as NONE in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    4. Fixed an "AC Power Loss " function failure issue.
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. BIOS compile date: 08/23/2004
    BIOS: sc1p11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/01/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SD7-533
    BIOS: sd7aeg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:eg
    1. Update CPU Micro Code.
    2. Revise CPU Warning Temperature upper limit to 85℃.
    3. Revise CPU Shutdown Temperature upper limit to 90℃.
    4. BIOS compile date: 10/14/2003.
    BIOS: sd7acu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the incompatibility issue where ATI Radeon 9700Pro fails to boot up with a certain power supply unit -TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700Pro will fails to boot and the reset button needs to be pushed in order to show the bootup screen.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 11/15/2002.
    BIOS: sd7aa7.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:A7
    1. Modify the DMI data to fix on line diagnostic tool issue (PC PITSTOP).
    2. Fix WOL issue that Broadcom Lan card can not be waken up after into suspend mode.
    3. Support Celeron 2.0G CPU.
    4. Fill in new CPU micro code (0F27).
    5. Provide multiplier higher than 25x in SoftMenu.
    6. BIOS compile Date: 9/23/2002.
    BIOS: sd7a8f.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/06/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8F
    1. Support P4 Celeron CPU, and Pentium 4 2.4G(100) CPU.
    2. Fix Windows 2000 can't resume from S1 mode by PS/2 mouse or Keyboard.
    3. BIOS compile date: 6/03/2002
    BIOS: sd7a7r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7R

    1. Change the setting of Vcore default value.

    BIOS: sd7a6x.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6X

    1. Fix STD faile under Windows98 SE.
    2. Support large harddisk up to 137GB and above.
    3. Fix DirectDraw error while executing Winbench 99 with nVidia GF3 Ti-200 / Ti-500.
    BIOS: sd7a5j.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5J

    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>SE6
    BIOS: se67y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7Y

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    BIOS: se656.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 56

    1. Support up to Celeron 1GHz(100), Coppermine 1.53G(133) CPUs.
    2. Revise the bootup screen displayed error of DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices in System Configuration.
    BIOS: se6vk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes Floppy and Game Port test failures.
    2. Resolves STR instability.
    3. Updates the integrated VGA's BIOS.
    BIOS: se6tq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release for SE6 2.0.
    2. Fixes the sluggish issue on USB2 port with a USB mouse.
    3. Fixes system hang up issue with a USB keyboard.
    4. Fixes system hange up issue under DOS after press the print screen button.
    5. Fixes the unworkable issue with 677(133) Mhz.
    6. Supports the VIA Cyrix III Samuel CPU.
    7. Supports the maximum CPU core voltage up to 1.9V.
    8. Released Date: 10/05/2000.
    BIOS: se6sw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/07/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes SCSI HDD detection problem when booting from SCSI CD-ROM and executing FDISK.
    2. Supports 512MB memory modules.
    3. Sets the In-Order Queue Depth default to 4, increasi
    BIOS: se6sk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/06/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>SE6 V2.1
    BIOS: se6p7v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7V

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    BIOS: se6pwl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    BIOS: se6p7v.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7V

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    BIOS: se6pwl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SG-71
    BIOS: sg71dt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/03/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Regularly update AWARD BIOS code.
    2. BIOS Compilation Date: 3/28/2003.
    BIOS: sg71ch.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes issue where Shut Down Temperature fails under OS.
    2. Revises DMI DATA.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/26/2002.
    BIOS: sg71au.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. 1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile Date: 9/27/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SG-72

    BIOS: sg7215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Add beeping sound after a successful boot.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/06/2005
    BIOS: sg7214.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Nadanie wartości UUID z użyciem adresu MAC.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/02/15.
    BIOS: sg7213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/06/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Update Prescott CPU Micro Code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 06/18/2004
    BIOS: sg7211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/05/2004.


    Bios Issue Date:2006/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Update VBIOS to V2.28 which supports the resolution "1440 x 900".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/06/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Urządzenia SATA prawidłowo opisane na ekranie POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/16/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Poprawiono pracę systemu po przywróceniu pracy w trybie S3.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/25/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Ergänzt die Funktion "CPU fan control"
    2. BIOS erstellt am: 05/19/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Funkcja "C1E" pracuje zgodnie z zamierzeniami.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/26/2005
    BIOS: sg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Add beeping sound after a successful boot.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/06/2005
    BIOS: sg8010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza edycja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/04.


    Bios Issue Date:2006/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Update VBIOS to V2.28 which supports the resolution "1440 x 900".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/06/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Urządzenia SATA prawidłowo opisane na ekranie POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/16/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Pierwsza rewizja BIOS-u
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/25/2006


    Bios Issue Date:2006/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Update VBIOS to V2.28 which supports the resolution "1440 x 900".
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/06/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Urządzenia SATA prawidłowo opisane na ekranie POST.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 08/16/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Poprawiono pracę systemu po przywróceniu pracy w trybie S3.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/25/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/05/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Ergänzt die Funktion "CPU fan control"
    2. BIOS erstellt am: 05/19/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Funkcja "C1E" pracuje zgodnie z zamierzeniami.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 10/26/2005
    BIOS: sg8011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Add beeping sound after a successful boot.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/06/2005
    BIOS: sg8010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Pierwsza edycja BIOS-u.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/03/04.

    BIOS: sg71ch.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes issue where Shut Down Temperature fails under OS.
    2. Revises DMI DATA.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 11/26/2002.

    Motherboard>Slot 1>SH6
    BIOS: sah67u.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7U

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah66r.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6R

    1. Support PIII / Celeron CPUs up to1.1G(100). (Please mention: This board does not support Tualatin core PIII / Celeron processors.)
    2. Add BIOS Part Number and BIOS ID options in BIOS Setup screen.
    3. Fix DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices display issue in System Configuration.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS version:2.0.1024. The RAID function is for SA6R only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: sah6yw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix last version BIOS(YS) in Win NT 4.0 caused system can't detect SCSI Card issue. (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Support Flash Menu utility.
    3. HPT BIOS:1.03b1.
    BIOS: sah6vw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix system can't detect SCSI Hard Disc using AHA-2940/AHA-29160N (BIOS: v2.57.2)SCSI Card issue, while installing Win NT 4.0 on SCSI harddrive from SCSI CD-ROM). (NOTE: It contained all SCSI Interface device without IDE devices onboard).
    2. Fix system can not detect new devices with new CNR card.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: sah6vj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First Release.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1N
    BIOS: si1n10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Updated CPU Micro Code (Added CPUID=0F29h, 0F25H. Update CPUID=0F27H, 0F24H).
    2. Fixed the problem that test program "Check It" gets different date from CMOS setting after RTC failed.
    3. Added new option "CPU Fan Fail Alarm: ON/OFF".
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 6/30/2003.
    BIOS: si1n9c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/4/2002.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1N42
    BIOS: sns4215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Changed CPU FanEQ active temperature to 60C / 140F.
    2. Modified Shutdown Temperature item.
    3. Modified CPU Warning Temperature item.
    4. Modified PRB function default to "Enabled".
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Calibrated fan speed display.
    7. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004
    BIOS: sns4213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed an issue where an unexpected warning beep occurs from S3 resume if a Prescott CPU is installed.
    2. Fixed the "Case Open Option" item that couldn't store from "Cleared" to "Enabled".
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/26/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1Na
    BIOS: si1nabg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/12/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/2/2002.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1Ns
    BIOS: si1ns11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Fixed the problem that system fails to boot up after loads Fail-safe defaults.
    2. Updated VGA BIOS to BDG_2975.DAT.
    3. Updated CPU Micro Code (Added CPUID=0F29h, 0F25H. Update CPUID=0F27H, 0F24H).
    4. Fixed the problem that test program "Check It" gets different date from CMOS setting after RTC failed.
    5. Changed the default setting of "CPU Clock Ratio" to "CPU Ratio maximum" after "Load Optimized Defaults".
    6. BIOS Compile date: 8/13/2003.
    BIOS: si1ns10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 12/23/2002.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1Ns40

    BIOS: sns4215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Changed CPU FanEQ active temperature to 60C / 140F.
    2. Modified Shutdown Temperature item.
    3. Modified CPU Warning Temperature item.
    4. Modified PRB function default to "Enabled".
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Calibrated fan speed display.
    7. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004
    BIOS: sns4213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed an issue where an unexpected warning beep occurs from S3 resume if a Prescott CPU is installed.
    2. Fixed the "Case Open Option" item that couldn't store from "Cleared" to "Enabled".
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/26/2004
    BIOS: sns4212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Supports SI-1N42 v1.0.
    2. Supports INTEL Celeron-D CPUs.
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: sns4211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 05/17/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1Ns42

    BIOS: sns4215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Changed CPU FanEQ active temperature to 60C / 140F.
    2. Modified Shutdown Temperature item.
    3. Modified CPU Warning Temperature item.
    4. Modified PRB function default to "Enabled".
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Calibrated fan speed display.
    7. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004
    BIOS: sns4213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed an issue where an unexpected warning beep occurs from S3 resume if a Prescott CPU is installed.
    2. Fixed the "Case Open Option" item that couldn't store from "Cleared" to "Enabled".
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/26/2004
    BIOS: sns4212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Supports SI-1N42 v1.0.
    2. Supports INTEL Celeron-D CPUs.
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: sns4211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 05/17/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SI-1Ns60

    BIOS: sns4215.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Changed CPU FanEQ active temperature to 60C / 140F.
    2. Modified Shutdown Temperature item.
    3. Modified CPU Warning Temperature item.
    4. Modified PRB function default to "Enabled".
    5. Calibrated CPU temperature.
    6. Calibrated fan speed display.
    7. BIOS compile date: 10/20/2004
    BIOS: sns4213.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Fixed an issue where an unexpected warning beep occurs from S3 resume if a Prescott CPU is installed.
    2. Fixed the "Case Open Option" item that couldn't store from "Cleared" to "Enabled".
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/26/2004
    BIOS: sns4212.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Supports SI-1N42 v1.0.
    2. Supports INTEL Celeron-D CPUs.
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/07/2004
    BIOS: sns4211.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release
    2. BIOS compile date: 05/17/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2Ns441

    BIOS: si2ns14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięcie nieużywanych wskazań prędkości obrotowej wentylatorów w sekcji "PC Health" (diagnostyka PC).
    2. Poprawiona kompatybilność z dyskami twardymi IDE.
    3. Korekta części ustawień domyślnych.
    4. Usunięcie problemu polegającego na niezdolności do zainstalowania się sterowników dla dodatkowych urządzeń, w przypadku, gdy przydzielone IRQ jest nieprawidłowe.
    5. Poprawiona obsługa CPU z rdzeniami "Nocona" i "Irwindale".
    6. Dodanie obsługi karty rozszerzającej PCIX-3R3.
    7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    8. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    9. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/01/2005.
    BIOS: si2ns12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Preset "Active Temperature" to 60°C.
    2. When "Speed Control" is disabled, the CPU FAN will operate at full speed..
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/17/2004
    BIOS: si2ns11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Enhanced compatibility with certain SCSI cards.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/07/2004
    BIOS: si2ns10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/10/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/01/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2Ns443

    BIOS: si2ns14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Usunięcie nieużywanych wskazań prędkości obrotowej wentylatorów w sekcji "PC Health" (diagnostyka PC).
    2. Poprawiona kompatybilność z dyskami twardymi IDE.
    3. Korekta części ustawień domyślnych.
    4. Usunięcie problemu polegającego na niezdolności do zainstalowania się sterowników dla dodatkowych urządzeń, w przypadku, gdy przydzielone IRQ jest nieprawidłowe.
    5. Poprawiona obsługa CPU z rdzeniami "Nocona" i "Irwindale".
    6. Dodanie obsługi karty rozszerzającej PCIX-3R3.
    7. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    8. Aktualizacja mikrokodu CPU.
    9. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 05/01/2005.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2P
    BIOS: si2p7a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/05/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7A
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 5/21/2002

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2P+
    BIOS: si2pp12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Changes BIOS string:
      1. "Boot SCSI/IDE/RAID Card" to "Bootable Add-in Device" in BIOS Features.
      2. "-DRAM RAS# to CAS# Delay" to "RAS# to CAS# Delay" in Chipset Features.
      3. "-DRAM RAS# Pre-Charge" to "-DRAM RAS# Pre-Charge Time" in Chipset Features.
      4. "Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN" to "Power Button Function" in Power Management Features.
      5. "PWRON After PWR-Fail" to "Restore On AC Power Loss" in Power Management Features.
    2. Added "IDE HDD delay time" item.
    3. Changed the default year to 2004.
    4. Updated CPU micro code.
    5. BIOS compile date: 07/27/2004
    BIOS: si2pp11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Added new Xeon processor support which includes 1MB L3 Cache.
    2. Revised to pass two HCT items- "PME Routing Tes" and "Un-Reported I/O and Memory".
    3. Fixed system hang up problem when Raptor card installed and onboard SCSI disabled.
    4. Added CPU Micro Code for CPUID=0F25H, 0F29H.
    5. Updated CPU Micro Code for CPUID=0F12H.6. BIOS Compile date: 6/16/2003.
    BIOS: si2pp10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 1/27/2003.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2PA
    BIOS: si2pa11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Added new Xeon processor support which includes 1MB L3 Cache.
    2. Revised to pass two HCT items- "PME Routing Test" and "Un-Reported I/O and Memory".
    3. Added CPU Micro Code for CPUID=0F25H, 0F29H.
    4. Updated CPU Micro Code for CPUID=0F12H.
    5. BIOS Compile date: 6/16/2003.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2Pa
    BIOS: si2pa10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compile Date: 1/27/2003.

    Server>Server Boards>SI-2Ps

    BIOS: si2ps14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "CPU FANEQ Active" (temperatura CPU, przy której uaktywnia się funkcja FANEQ) na 65°C/140°F.
    2. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której następuje automatyczne wyłączenie systemu) na 90°C/194°F.
    3. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "CPU Warning Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowane jest ostrzeżenie) na 75°C/151°F.
    4. Zwiększenie zakresu prędkości obrotowej wentylatorów do 9999 RPM.
    5. Usunięcie usterki zawieszania się systemu w przypadku skorzystania z funkcji "IDE Detection" (rozpoznawanie urządzeń IDE).
    6. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    7. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 01/06/2005
    BIOS: si2ps13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Update CPU micro code.
    2. Support Console Redirection function.
    3. BIOS compile date: 09/30/2004
    BIOS: si2ps12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows NA string if CPU2 is not installed.
    3. Fixed CPU shutdown temperature issue on CPU1.
    4. BIOS compile date: 07/21/2004
    BIOS: si2ps11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 05/21/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SI7
    BIOS: si710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:10

    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compilation Date: 2/21/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SI7-G
    BIOS: si710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID:10

    1. First release.
    2. BIOS Compilation Date: 2/21/2003.

    Motherboard>SL30 / SL30T
    BIOS: s30t28d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/02
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8D
    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support large hard disk up to 137GB and above.
    3. Fix cd-rom failed after awaken from STR mode if user installed Intel IAA or later.
    4. BIOS compile date: 4/02/2002.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>SL6
    BIOS: sl67w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7W

    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    BIOS: sl6xz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/09/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support up to Celeron 1GHz(100), Coppermine 1.53G(133) CPUs.
    2. Revise the bootup screen displayed error of DVD/CD-RW/DVD-RW devices in System Configuration.
    BIOS: sl6sx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds Onboard VGA option for disabling Internal VGA function manually.
    2. Fixes the instability issue while installing Win 98SE with Cyrix III CPU.
    3. Fixes the malfunction of STR under WinMe while using a USB device .
    4. Supports Celeron II CPU up to 766(66)MHz.
    BIOS: sl6rz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>SR7-8X
    BIOS: sr7cm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/01/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    1. Fix the compatibility issue that ATI Radeon 9700 Pro failed to boot up with certain power supply unit - TC-350P. With this power supply, 9700 Pro will failed to boot up and need to push reset button once to show the screen.
    2. Show MAC Address of onboard LAN chip in System Configuration section.
    3. Fills MAC Address into UUID section in DMI data.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 01/22/2003.
    BIOS: sr7bq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Support Intel P4 Celeron 2.0G CPU.
    2. For ATI R300 (RADEON 9700) hangs up during 3D benchmarking or gaming issue, provide two settings to workaround.
      • POST Write Combine: Enabled
      • No Mask of SBA FE: Enabled
    3. If the 3D benchmarking still failed, try the alternative
      • POST Write Combine: Disabled
      • No Mask of SBA FE: Enabled
    4. BIOS compile Date: 09/20/2002.
    BIOS: sr7ba.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/08/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fix occasionally hangs up issue with SiS Xabre AGP 8X graphic card.
    2. Enhance the system performance.
    3. Auto detect the multiplier factor for P4 Willamette CPU.
    4. Fix occasionally boot into Windows XP slowly.
    5. BIOS compile Date: 8/26/2002.
    BIOS: sr7a8.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: A8
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 7/08/2002

    Motherboard>Socket 370>ST6
    BIOS: st69p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 9P
    1. Support Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.4GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 7/03/2002
    BIOS: st68a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 8A

    1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage from +0.125v to +0.2v for Celeron and PentiumIII 0.13 micron process processors.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st67t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7T

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: st66a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6A

    1. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    2. Support Tualatin Celeron 1.3 GHz.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: st663.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 63

    1. Support Tualation Celeron 1.2GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6zk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.03B1 for ST6-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID board and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st63w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3W

    1. Changing some wording to meet WHQL requirement, no effect on functionality.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>ST6-RAID
    BIOS: st69p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 9P
    1. Support Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.4GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 7/03/2002
    BIOS: st68a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 8A

    1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage from +0.125v to +0.2v for Celeron and PentiumIII 0.13 micron process processors.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st67t.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7T

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    3. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: st66a.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 6A

    1. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    2. Support Tualatin Celeron 1.3 GHz.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: st663.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 63

    1. Support Tualation Celeron 1.2GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st63w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3W

    1. Changing some wording to meet WHQL requirement, no effect on functionality.
    BIOS: st6zk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.03B1 for ST6-RAID. This BIOS version is also for non RAID board and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.

    BIOS: st6e9q.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 9Q
    1. Support Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.4GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 7/03/2002.
    BIOS: st6e8b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 8B

    1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage from +0.125v to +0.2v for Celeron and PentiumIII 0.13 micron process processors.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e83.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 83
    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e6b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6B
    1. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    2. Support Tualatin Celeron 1.3 GHz.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e5y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5Y

    1. Support Tualation Celeron 1.2GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e3p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/06/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 3P
    1. First release.

    BIOS: st6e9q.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/07/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 9Q
    1. Support Intel Tualatin Celeron 1.4GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS compile date: 7/03/2002.
    BIOS: st6e8b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 8B

    1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage from +0.125v to +0.2v for Celeron and PentiumIII 0.13 micron process processors.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e83.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 83
    1. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e6b.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/11/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 6B
    1. Fix the unbootable issue when installing a hard disk onto IDE-2 and set the boot sequence by following as HDD_1, HDD_0 then floppy.
    2. Support Tualatin Celeron 1.3 GHz.
    3. HPT BIOS version: 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e5y.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 5Y

    1. Support Tualation Celeron 1.2GHz CPU.
    2. HPT 370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402. The RAID function is for ST6E-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    BIOS: st6e3p.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/06/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 3P
    1. First release.

    Server>Server Boards>SU-2S

    BIOS: su2s11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Zmiana domyślnej wartości opcji "CPU Warning Temperature" (temperatura CPU, przy której generowane jest ostrzeżenie) na 70°C/151°F oraz "Shutdown Temperature" (temperatura, przy której następuje wyłączenie systemu) na 90°C/194°F.
    2. Zmiana domyślnej temperatury "CPU FAN EQ Active" (regulacja prędkości obrotowej wentylatora CPU) na 52/52/35 i poziomów zasilania wentylatora na 50%/85%/100%.
    3. Zgodność z programem narzędziowym AMD BIOS Check Utility V1.7.1.
    4. Zgodność z testem obciążeniowym AMD SST.
    5. Zmiana domyślnego roku wbudowanego zegara RTC na 2005.
    6. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 10/01/2005.
    BIOS: su2s10.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/21/2004

    Server>Server Boards>SV-1A

    BIOS: sv1a14.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/01/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Dodana obsługa nowych procesorów.
    2. Zwiększona kompatybilność z modułami pamięci RAM.
    3. Zmiana domyślnego roku zegara RTC na 2005.
    4. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 12/27/2004
    BIOS: sv1a13.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/30
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Passed AMD BIOS check Utility v1.7.1
    2. Passes AMD SST stress test.
    3. Changed default Shutdown Temperature to 90°C/194°F.
    4. Changed default CPU Warning Temperature to 75°C/151°F.
    5. Modified FAN EQ defaulted setting.
    6. BIOS compile date: 11/30/2004
    BIOS: sv1a12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 11/09/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 423>TH7

    BIOS: th7dv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:dv
    1. The default year sets up to 2003.
    2. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support hard drive larger than 136GB.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 4/14/2003
    BIOS: th736.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 36

    1. Fix STD issue under WindowsXP.
    2. Fix CPU temperature displaying fault issue.
    3. Add functions in BIOS: Shutdown when CPU fan fail; CPU shutdown temperature; ACPI Mode and MPS version control for OS.
    4. Support harddisk larger than 137GB.
    5. Fix bootup issue from NIC after execute STR mode under Win98SE.
    6. HPT370 RAID BIOS version 1.03b1.
    BIOS: th7zg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix connecting USB devices on USB port3 under Win98SE would auto reset issue.
    2. Fix failed restart in Win98SE after disabling the AC97 audio function in BIOS.
    3. Fix system incompatible issue in using Winfast 3D S800 PCI VGA Card.
    4. Fix system incompatible issue in using P4 1.7GHz CPU.
    5. Support Flash Menu.
    6. HPT BIOS: 1.03b1.
    BIOS: th7xt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First Release
    2. HPT370 BIOS BIOS version1.03B1.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    4. BIOS compile date: 03/05/2001

    BIOS: th7dv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. The default year sets up to 2003.
    2. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB. The RAID function is for TH7-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 04/14/2003
    BIOS: th7zg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix connecting USB devices on USB port3 under Win98SE would auto reset issue.
    2. Fix failed restart in Win98SE after disabling the AC97 audio function in BIOS.
    3. Fix system incompatible issue in using Winfast 3D S800 PCI VGA Card.
    4. Fix system incompatible issue in using P4 1.7GHz CPU.
    5. Support Flash Menu.
    6. HPT BIOS: 1.03b1.
    BIOS: th7xt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First Release
    2. HPT370 BIOS BIOS version1.03B1.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    4. BIOS compile date: 03/05/2001

    Motherboard>Socket 478>TH7II
    BIOS: th7heh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:eh
    1. Update CPU Micro Code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/14/2003.
    BIOS: th7hdu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. The default year sets up to 2003.
    2. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB.The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 4/11/2003
    BIOS: th7hbw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Adds CPU micro code 0f0a/12, 0f12/2c, 0f13/04, 0f27/27, 0f24/0f.
    2. Provides CPU multiplier up to 24X in SoftMenu.
    3. Default year set to 2002.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 11/07/2002.
    BIOS: th7hbf.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Support Intel P4 Celeron 2.0G CPU.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS Version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile Date: 9/13/2002.
    BIOS: th7h7c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7C
    1. Support NorthWood 2.4G(100x24) CPU.
    2. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    3. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for 0.13 micron process P4 (Northwood).
    4. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed AGP=66" option was enabled in SoftmenuIII.
    5. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    6. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    7. BIOS compile date: 4/19/2002.
    BIOS: th7h38.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 38

    1. Support NorthWood CPUs.
    2. Improve STD function under Windows XP.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: th7h4w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4W

    1. Some modification to improve the WHQL status.
    2. HPT370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: th7h37.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 37

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>TH7II-RAID

    BIOS: th7heh.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:eh
    1. Update CPU Micro Code.
    2. BIOS compile date: 10/14/2003.
    BIOS: th7hdu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/04/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. The default year sets up to 2003.
    2. Update HPT370 BIOS version v2.34 to support Hard Drive larger than 136GB.The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 4/11/2003
    BIOS: th7hbw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Adds CPU micro code 0f0a/12, 0f12/2c, 0f13/04, 0f27/27, 0f24/0f.
    2. Provides CPU multiplier up to 24X in SoftMenu.
    3. Default year set to 2002.
    4. BIOS Compile Date: 11/07/2002.
    BIOS: th7hbf.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/09/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Support Intel P4 Celeron 2.0G CPU.
    2. Support PMC Pm49FL004T 4Mb Flash ROM.
    3. HPT 37x BIOS Version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    4. BIOS compile Date: 9/13/2002.
    BIOS: th7h7c.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/04/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 7C
    1. Support NorthWood 2.4G(100x24) CPU.
    2. Support P4 Celeron CPU.
    3. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage for 0.13 micron process P4 (Northwood).
    4. Fix occasional no POST with debug code 26 issue while "Fixed AGP=66" option was enabled in SoftmenuIII.
    5. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    6. HPT 37x BIOS version 2.0.1024. The RAID function is for TH7II-RAID only. This BIOS version is also for non RAID boards and HPT BIOS will be automatically disabled while RAID controller chip not detected.
    7. BIOS compile date: 4/19/2002.
    BIOS: th7h38.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/12/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 38

    1. Support NorthWood CPUs.
    2. Improve STD function under Windows XP.
    3. HPT 370 BIOS version: 2.0.1024.
    BIOS: th7h4w.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/10/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4W

    1. Some modification to improve the WHQL status.
    2. HPT370 RAID BIOS version 1.11.0402.
    BIOS: th7h37.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 37

    1. First release.
    2. HPT370 BIOS version: 1.11.0402.

    Motherboard>Socket 939>UL8

    Bios Issue Date:2006/03/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Wsparcie dla FX-60.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 03/10/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2005/10/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Add the item "OnChip SATA ROM" enable/disable function.
    2. Recalibrate CPU temperature.
    3. Add new CPU support.
    4. BIOS compiled date: 10/26/2005
    BIOS: ul810.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/06/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/27/2005

    Motherboard>Socket A>VA-10

    The motherboard has BIOS write-protect function enabled. Please setup "BIOS protect control" to "Unprotected" in "Advanced BIOS Feature" in BIOS if you would like to update the BIOS.

    BIOS: va1119.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:19
    1. Added a boot beep sound after VGA initialization.
    2. Fixed S3 resume failure issue if using FSB 166 or above.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/16/2004
    BIOS: va1118.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Fixed an issue where low CPU FAN RPM would not be detected, causing CPU FAN failure shutdown.
    2. BIOS compile date: 08/18/2004
    BIOS: va1117.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. AMD Sempron CPU support.
    2. Fixed an issue where the CPU fan stops spinning in S1 mode.
    3. If DRAM is installed, the number of DIMM slots is shown in system summary.
    4. If OnChip LAN is disabled, LAN MAC address shows NONE in system summary.
    5. BIOS compile date: 08/05/2004
    BIOS: va1116.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the VA-10 BIOS.
    2. Added new Flash ROM support.
    3. Fixed an issue where the FSB may not be changed after it is adjusted using BIOS version 15.
    4. BIOS compile date: 12/03/2003
    BIOS: va1115.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the VA-10 BIOS.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/03/2003
    BIOS: va1112.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VA-10 BIOS.
    2. Added new function to protect AMD CPU; checking the CPU fan status during power on stage. If the fan dead (no RPM reading from CPUFAN1 header), the system will shut down itself automatically. Please make sure the CPU fan is attached to CPUFAN1 rather than AUXFAN1 header and with readable 2500~6500 RPM range.
    3. Added new support of upcoming 266 FSB Duron, L2 = 64K, CPUID = 0680H/0681H.
    4. Fixed the problem that MAC address shows 00-00-00-00-00-00 in system configurations table after resuming system from Suspend-To- Disk (S4) mode.
    5. Added two options "2.5V" and "2.55V" in "DRAM Voltage Control" setting.
    6. Revised the wording of "DDR VDDQ Voltage" to "DDR Voltage".
    7. Fixed the problem that some motherboards failed to install Windows XP with 166(333) FSB CPU installed.
    8. BIOS Compile date: 8/19/2003.

    BIOS: va1111.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VA-10 BIOS.
    2. Revised the default value of "DRAM Voltage Control" to "2.6V" .
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 715/2003.
    BIOS: va1110.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/07/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VA-10 BIOS.
    2. First Release.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 715/2003

    Motherboard>Socket A>VA-20

    BIOS: va2013.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/08/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. The function "DDR SDRAM Voltage control " now works as intended.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 08/08/2005
    BIOS: va2012.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/04/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Add beeping sound after a successful boot.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 04/04/2005
    BIOS: va2011.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2005/02/16
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Usunięcie usterki polegającej na wyświetlaniu niższego napięcia CPU niż faktycznie ustalone w BIOS-ie.
    2. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 2005/02/16.
    BIOS: va2010.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/17/2004

    Motherboard>Slot 1>VA6
    BIOS: va67l.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7L

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    BIOS: va63d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 3D

    1. Support Celeron 850(100), 900(100), PIII 1G,1.1GHz CPUs.
    2. Fix Apacer 9256M,NEC SDRAM boot up failed issue.
    3. Fix using 3 SDRAM modules, set the HOST CLOCK=100, SDRAM CLOCK=133, can
    BIOS: va6xq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. The Bios default set to Year 2001.
    2. Adds a new option (DRAM Bank interleave).
    3. Revises IDE Controller to displayIRQ14 / 15.
    4. Revises 1000B to display as 1000(133).
    5. Supp
    BIOS: va6uu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/10/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the VIA Cyrix III Samuel CPU.
    2. Supports Celeron 766(66),766(66) and PIII 1000(133)MHz CPU.
    BIOS: va6uq.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the ACPI issue under W2K.
    2. Fixes showing error on PIII CPU issue.
    3. Fixes showing error on Celeron II 633 MHz CPU issue
    BIOS: va6tn.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports the Celeron II CPUs up to 700(66)MHz,and PIII CPUs up to 933(133)MHz.
    BIOS: va6pg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/02/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Host Clock +33 DRAM compatibility added.
    2. New BIOS Version recognizing VIA693CD and CF added.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VH6
    BIOS: vh67j.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/01/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7J

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    BIOS: vh64l.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4L

    1. Support Celeron 950(100), PIII 1GHz,1.1GHz(100) CPUs.
    BIOS: vh6yy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. HDD detection on IDE channel revised to default AUTO.
    2. Supports Cyrix III Samuel II CPUs.
    3. The Processor Number Feature default revised to Disable.
    4. Supports CopperMine CPUs.
    BIOS: vh6xr.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 733,766(66)MHz,800(100)MHz CPU.
    BIOS: vh6xj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
    2. Supports Flash Menu.
    BIOS: vh6uw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports 256M VCM Memory.
    2. Prevents STD and STR failures under WinME.
    3. Prevents Wake on LAN/Ring failures.
    4. Supports Flash Menu.
    BIOS: vh6wu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMIC Flash Rom.
    BIOS: vh6tv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports VIA Cyrix III CPU.
    2. Supports to Celeron II 700MHz(66)CPU.
    BIOS: vh6sj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/06/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VH6 V1.1
    BIOS: vh6h7f.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7F

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    BIOS: vh6h4d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4D

    1. Support Celeron 950(100),PIII 1000(100), 1100(100)MHz CPUs.
    2. Fix <Onboard Sound Blaster>set to Enable and install Win 2000 failed issue.
    BIOS: vh6hzy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Coppermine CPU.
    2. Support Celeron 850(100),900(100)MHz CPUs.
    3. Adding new options in BIOS : Delay Transaction, PCI Master Read Caching and PCI Master Bus Time out
    4. Support Flash Menu.
    BIOS: vh6hyx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. Support FlashMenu utility.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VH6-II
    BIOS: vh6h7f.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7F

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    BIOS: vh6h4d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4D

    1. Support Celeron 950(100),PIII 1000(100), 1100(100)MHz CPUs.
    2. Fix <Onboard Sound Blaster>set to Enable and install Win 2000 failed issue.
    BIOS: vh6hzy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports CopperMine CPUs.
    2. Supports Celeron 850(100),950(100)MHz CPUs.
    3. Adds new options in BIOS -Delay Transaction, PCI Master Read Caching, and PCI Master Bus Time out.
    4. S
    BIOS: vh6hyx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release for VH6 1.1 and VH6-II.
    2. Support Cyrix III CPU up to 700(100)MHz.
    3. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: vh6hyl.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/21
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes STR mode failure issue.
    2. Fixes auto start up issue when executing the command "State After Power Failure Off".
    3. Fixes KingMax MPJA83s-883,PCI150,125MB RAM failure
    BIOS: Vh6hxs.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
    2. Support Flash Menu.
    BIOS: vh6hxi.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Suppost Celeron 800MHz(100) CPU.
    2. Supports FlashMenu.
    BIOS: vh6hwv.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/12/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Adds support for AMIC Flash Rom.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VH6T
    BIOS: vh6t8g.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/03/15
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID: 8G
    1. Raise the adjustable CPU Core Voltage from +0.125v to +0.2v for Celeron and Pentium III 0.13 micron process processors.
    2. BIOS Compile date: 03/15/2002.
    BIOS: vh6t7e.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7E

    1. Support Tualatin Celeron 1.3G CPU.
    2. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    3. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    BIOS: vh6t4f.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/23
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4F

    1. Support Celeron 950MHz,Tualation Celeron(L2 256) CPU.
    2. Fix set to Enable and install Win 2000 failed issue.
    BIOS: vh6t4e.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/06/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4E

    1. Support CopperMine 1.0,1.1GB CPU.
    2. Fix ATI Display Card boot issue under WinMe.
    BIOS: vh6tzz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Cyrix III 600(133),650(100), 700(100) CPUs.
    2. VIA Cyrix III CPU shows to VIA C3 CPUs.
    3. Fix suspend mode unable to wake up with special configuration issue.
    BIOS: vh6tyr.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/03
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    BIOS: vh6h7f.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 7F

    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    BIOS: vh6h4d.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/13
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4D

    1. Support Celeron 950(100),PIII 1000(100), 1100(100)MHz CPUs.
    2. Fix <Onboard Sound Blaster>set to Enable and install Win 2000 failed issue.
    BIOS: vh6hzy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Coppermine CPU.
    2. Support Celeron 850(100),900(100)MHz CPUs.
    3. Adding new options in BIOS : Delay Transaction, PCI Master Read Caching and PCI Master Bus Time out
    4. Support Flash Menu.
    BIOS: vh6hyx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/04/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.
    2. Support FlashMenu utility.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>VI7

    BIOS: vi718.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/11/18
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:18
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Added "PCI Delay Transaction" function with a default of “Disable” in "Advanced Chipset Features".
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/18/2004
    BIOS: vi717.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/05/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:17
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.32 to update VI7 BIOS.
    2. Change the default year to 2004.
    3. Update CPU Micro code.
    4. Add notification when none 80-wire cable is installed.
    5. Revised some help information.
    6. Fixed the issue that can't select SCSI boot ID with some SCSI card.
    7. Fixed an issue where the PS/2 wheel mouse does not respond under certain conditions:
      1. Using certain PS/2 wheel mice and certain USB keyboards.
      2. PS/2 wheel mouse works fine but loses response on 1st, 3rd, 5th... time restarting windows. However, it works fine on 2nd, 4th... windows restart.
      3. For "PS/2 wheel mouse + PS/2 keyboard" and "USB wheel mouse + USB keyboard ", there no problems at all.
    8. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip as NONE in System Configuration section. If "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    9. BIOS compile date: 05/17/2004
    BIOS: vi716.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/12/25
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:16
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the VI7 BIOS.
    2. Added Intel P4 Extreme Edition support.
    3. Fixed an issue where the P4 Max_power test will fail when using P4 3.06G.
    4. Revised DMI information.
    5. Fixed an issue where IRQ 14 or 15 will be assigned to devices even when IDE controller is enabled.
    6. Added DRAM SPD timing display.
    7. Fixed an issue where Intel brand name will not be shown after Clear CMOS.
    8. Fixed an issue where IDE devices cannot be set to PIO mode.
    9. Added CPU fan fail alarm option.
    10. Removed the description of "Virus Protection".
    11. Set the default setting of "Shutdown when CPU fan failsl" to "Disabled".
    12. Changed the default setting of "Set IRQ-5 assigned to" to "PCI Device".
    13. BIOS compile date: 12/25/2003
    BIOS: vi715.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:15
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VI7 BIOS.
    2. Added new option "DDR DQS & DQ Output Delay" to enhance the compatibility of DDR400 and faster memory modules. The default setting is listed below and it should fit most of memory modules; however, if there is any memory instability, users can manually adjust the setting values.
      -DQS Output Delay: 2B
      -DQ Output Delay:2C
    3. For DDR200/266/333 memory, the above settings are automatically optimized and hidden.
    4. BIOS compile date: 11/12/2003

    BIOS: vi713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/10/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VI7 BIOS.
    2. Add PIRQ 4~7 in the "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    3. Fixed the problem where Windows scheduled tasks cannot wake the system up if the RTC alarm is enabled.
    4. Fixed the problem where the system cannot boot into Windows if
      1. The OS is installed on the SATA hard disk when both the SATA and PATA hard disks are present
      2. The PATA hard disk is removed after the OS installation.
    5. Enhanced "Fan Fail Shutdown" function.
    6. Fixed wording problem in the "Time Alarm" function.
    7. Reserved IRQ9 for ACPI in the "PnP/PCI Configuration".
    8. BIOS compile date: 10/24/2003.
    BIOS: vi712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Change the value of SATA Rx5E[3:0].
    2. Auto detect if there's no devices installed on IRQ 12,14,15, then it could be assigned by the BIOS PIRQ.
    3. Add a warning message after there's some change regarding hard disk and add the option "HDD Change message" in BIOS Feature section.
    4. Remove the string "An Energy Star ally" on the BIOS post screen.
    5. Improve ACPI function.
    6. Change the wording in PC Health section from "DDR VDDQ Voltage" to "DDR VTT Voltage".
    7. Fix the issue that FAN Fail Shutdown will not function after resume from S1 or S3 state.
    8. Change the wording in System Configuration from "DDR at DIMM(s)" to "DDR at DIMM".
    9. Fix the issue that there are two CPU information in DMI data and remove COM2 information.
    10. BIOS compile date: 09/05/2003
    BIOS: vi711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update VI7 BIOS.
    2. Fixed the problem that USB ports malfunction after discharging CMOS data.
    3. Fixed the problem that system fails to boot up after loads Fail-safe defaults.
    4. Changed the option wordings of "Boot Device" from "ZIP100" to "ZIP100/250" and from "USB-ZIP" to "USB-ZIP/LS120".
    5. Changed the display location of wordings below the Intel On-Screen Branding LOGO.
    6. Added new feature to display BIOS information on BIOS setup page.
    7. BIOS Compile date: 8/14/2003.

    BIOS: vi710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/08/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. Please use flash utility AWDFLASH v8.24F to update KV7 BIOS.
    3. BIOS Compile date: 8/1/2003.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VL6
    BIOS: vl67k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2002/02/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOSID: 7K
    1. Fix ACPI error in system event viewer after resume from STR mode.
    2. Support up to 137GB HDD and above.
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 02/07/2002.
    BIOS: vl64k.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/08/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 

    BIOS ID: 4K

    1. Support Celeron 950(100),1.1GBz(100),PIII 1GHz,1.1GHz(100) CPUs.
    BIOS: vl6yz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/05/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support CopperMine CPU.
    2. Support Celeron 850(100),900(100)MHz CPU.
    3. Support Cyrix III Samuel II CPU.
    4. Change default setting of Processor Number Feature to Disabled.
    5. F
    BIOS: vl6vz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/03/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 633MHz CPU.
    BIOS: vl6up.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes " Wake up on Lan/Ring" issue.
    2. Fixes 256M(32Mx8)memory display to 128M issue.
    3. Add "Power on By PCI CARD"option.
    BIOS: vl6tw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports VIA Cyrix III CPU.
    BIOS: vl6tk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/07/20
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>VP6
    BIOS: vp6yt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fix IDE2 controllar set to Disable caused system shut down problem.
    2. ACPI IRQ occupied IRQ9 with no other devices shared to avoid system unstable issue.
    3. Fix the "PCI to ISA bridge"message pops up while resumed from STD mode.
    4. Add "PCI Latency Timer(CLK)"option.
    5. This BIOS version does not support ECC Check function.
    6. HPT 370 BIOS verson 1.03b1.
    BIOS: vp6dr.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/07/24
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. HPT370 BIOS version 2.34.
    2. BIOS compile date 7/24/2001.
    BIOS: vp6wk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support PostMan(DB-20).
    2. Fix Press F1 caused error in PIRQx USE IRQ No. Help column .
    3. Fix SCSI HDD boot up failed issue.
    4. HPT 370 BIOS verson 1.03b1.
    BIOS: vp6ur.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/11/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Slot 1>VT6X4
    BIOS: vt6x4yk.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/02/19
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support Celeron 733,766(66)MHz CPUs.
    2. Support FlashMenu utility.
    BIOS: vt6x4tg.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Improves DRAM's stability and performance.
    2. Supports the Coppermine CPUs up to 1Ghz.
    BIOS: vt6x4qw.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/03/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 478>VT7
    BIOS: vt714.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/08/27
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:14
    1. Updated CPU micro code.
    2. Shows MAC Address of onboard LAN chip as NONE in System Configuration section if "Onboard Network Controller" is disabled.
    3. Removed PIRQ Help info if USB Controller disabled.
    4. BIOS compile date: 08/27/2004
    BIOS: vt713.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/04/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Enhanced onboard LAN performance.
    2. BIOS compile date: 04/28/2004
    BIOS: vt712.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the VT7 BIOS.
    2. Fixed an issue with the "Fan Fail shutdown" function.
    3. Fixed an issue where Power ON by mouse will fail if it was previously set by password.
    4. Revised the wording of CPU/DDR/AGP/PCI in SoftMenu.
    5. Enhanced DRAM compatibility for 4GB memory installed in the system.
    6. Revised the wording of Prescott CPU frequency.
    7. BIOS compile date: 03/09/2004.
    BIOS: vt711.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/01/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update VT7 BIOS.
    2. Fixed an issue where LS120 fails when connected as slave.
    3. Fixed an issue where the system will not boot up when there are four 1G modules installed on the system.
    4. Enhanced DRAM compatibility.
    5. Changed default RTC year to 2004.
    6. BIOS compile date: 01/12/2004
    BIOS: vt710.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/11/28
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. Please use the AWDFLASH v8.24F flash utility to update the VT7 BIOS.
    2. First release.
    3. BIOS compile date: 11/28/2003

    Motherboard>Slot 1>WB6
    BIOS: wb6wx.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2001/01/10
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Support multiplier factor up to 8.0.
    BIOS: wb6qz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/08/04
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Intel PIII CPUs up to 1GHz(133).
    2. Improves Suspend Mode function.
    BIOS: wb6nr.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/11/11
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Server>Workstation Boards>WI-1P

    BIOS: wi1p12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Add RAID 5 item.
      This BIOS will rebuild your system. Please backup your system/file before updating the BIOS, or rebuild your system after the BIOS is updated.
    2. BIOS compile date: 09/22/2004
    BIOS: wi1p11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/03/01
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. First Release.
    2. BIOS compile date: 03/01/2004

    Server>Workstation Boards>WI-2P
    BIOS: wi2pb12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Supports new Super IO version.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/14/2004
    BIOS: wi2pb11.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2003/06/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Fixed the problem that systems failed to boot up if used two P4 XEON 3.06G CPU which are with 1MB L3.
    2. Updated CPU Micro code (Added CPUID=0F29h, 0F25H. Update CPUID=0F27H, 0F24H).
    3. BIOS Compile Date: 6/17/2003.

    Server>Workstation Boards>WI-2Pa
    BIOS: wi2pb12.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2004/07/14
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Supports new Super IO version.
    2. Updated CPU micro code.
    3. BIOS compile date: 07/14/2004

    Motherboard>Socket 370>WX6
    BIOS: wx6mj.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/09/17
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. First release.

    Motherboard>Socket 370>ZM6
    BIOS: zm6su.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/09/05
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes keyboard LED still on after shutting down issue.

    BIOS: zm6qu.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/05/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the incorrect memory capacity issue under Linux
    2. Fixes the ACPI issue under W2K.
    3. Improves the power on function by the mouse right/left button after shutting down the system under Win98SE
    4. Supports Celeron 533a(66) ,566(66) and 600(66)MHz CPUs.

    BIOS: zm6nm.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:2000/01/07
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Celeron 533Mhz(66Mhz FSB) CPU.
    2. Supports 40GB harddisks and above.

    BIOS: zm6mt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/08/06
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Fixes the password function.
    2. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 500 Mhz CPU.

    BIOS: zm6ks.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/07/08
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Supports Socket 370 Celeron 466 Mhz CPU.
    2. Fixes the Y2K RTC function.
    3. Improves the function of the IRQ assignment.
    4. Fixes the password function.

    BIOS: zm6jz.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/03/26
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Resolves Intergarted Peripherals setting not be saved after changed it.

    BIOS: zm6ju.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/12
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 


    1. Changes CPU default voltage.

    BIOS: zm6hy.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. First release.
    BIOS: zm6jt.exe  
    Bios Issue Date:1999/02/09
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    1. Fixes the compatibility problem with DIMM socket.

    Motherboard>Mobile Socket>iL-90MV

    Bios Issue Date:2006/09/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:13
    1. Add the item "Limit CPUID MaxVal" and Virtualization Technology"
    2. Fixed the issue that the system performance may drop off when disable the EIST function.
    3. Fixed the issue that the system may not be able to install MS Vista.
    4. Support DRAM voltage and MCH voltage adjusting function.
    5. BIOS compiled date: 09/22/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/08/29
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:12
    1. Support the function "Quick Resume Technology" enable/ disable function
    2. The function "S 3 resume" now works as instended.
    3. BIOS compiled date: 08/29/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/07/31
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:11
    1. Dodano obsługę nowych CPU.
    2. Poprawiono pracę funkcji "EIST" enable/ disable.
    3. Data kompilacji BIOS-u: 07/31/2006
    Bios Issue Date:2006/06/22
    Mirror Site: ASIA Europe US 
    BIOS ID:10
    1. First release.
    2. BIOS compiled date: 06/22/2006
    Copyright© 2006 Universal ABIT Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Reproduction and distribution in any form without permission is strictly prohibited.The abit logo is a registered trademark of abit.