Name: Kasper Rønning Jacobsen
Nickname: mYm]coReY
Age: 19
City: Brøndby
Occupation: Student
Favorite games: Final Fantasy 7, Warcraft 3, Resident Evil 2

Where did you grow up?
Brøndby, Denmark

How did you get into gaming?
I’ve played computer all my life, gaming just came along quite naturally

How would you describe your playing style?

Does hardware make a big difference with gaming?
Yes, or at least you need good enough hardware to run your game 100%.

How do you prepare for a big tournament?
Play some, rest some – try not to think of it too much.

What do you do when you are not gaming?
Hang out with friends, watch some movies… the usual stuff.

What are you looking most forward to in Shanghai?
Going to china for my first time, the food!! And of cause the tourney 

Anything else you’d like to say?
Watch out! – This isn’t just a reactor!