Name: Christopher Heil
Nickname: mTw-Tak3r
Age: 19
City: Fulda
Occupation: Student
Favorite games: WarCraft 3 : TFT

Where did you grow up?
In a small Village near Fulda.

How did you get into gaming?
I started Onlineplaying with Blizzard's StarCraft Release.

How would you describe your playing style?
Offensive playstyle.

Does hardware make a big difference with gaming?
You only need good hardware in wc3 if you have a really huge battle going on with mass spell effects (mass bloodlust for example)

How do you prepare for a big tournament?
The only way to prepare now is to play as much Custom Games as possible since u cant use the ladder anymore due to the new AMM.

What do you do when you are not gaming?
Schoolstuff or things like cinema with friends and so on.

What are you looking most forward to in Shanghai?
Im looking forward to a nice Tourney and its nice to see all the players live (again). I'm also happy to get the opportunity for a Shanghai-Flight.

Anything else you’d like to say?
I'd like to thank ABIT for this great tourney and i'd also like to thank my clan mTw for the great support.